Your wish for 2008/2009 season... | Page 3 | Golden Skate

Your wish for 2008/2009 season...


Record Breaker
Mar 25, 2008
What I'd like to see, in no particular order:
1. Dube/Davison getting the triple twist and being more consistent.
2. Brian Joubert staying healthy and skating well.
3. Carolina Kostner skating clean.
4. Tomas Verner having great season.
5. Johnny Weir getting a consistent quad & for him to stay so entertaining on and off the ice.
6. No one doing Tosca, Carmen, Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, Moonlight Sonata, Nessun Dorma and techno/hip-hop versions thereof. Let's keep that one past next season (do we have a thread on what music skaters should be using? If not, we should).
7. For the ladies to start showing some originality. This year was dull beyond words.
8. The Kerrs to be in the galas at Europeans and at Worlds.
9. The flailing arms school of choreography to GO AWAY.
10. That when faced with skaters whose style we don't like, we'll still manage to focus on critizicing their skating rather than their personalities. I have no problem with criticizing their eyebrows, though :).

Friends don't let friends don't go out with those eyebrows. Kevyn Aucoin would be horrified at Aliona's eyebrows if her were alive. Yes, this is so superficial of me.
It is horribly superficial of me to jump in, but I couldn't help notice Elene Gedevanishvili had much better eyebrows this season than in the past. Maybe Aliona should go see whoever Elene went to.


Final Flight
Jan 23, 2005
  • Jeff to maintain the consistency and confidence he had at Worlds and to try as much as possible to keep the inevitable pressure and expectations from wearing him down
  • Joannie to keep attacking
  • Duhamel/Buntin not to get nervous and shaky because they'll actually have expectations on them next season
  • Brian to word his opinions in a more diplomatic manner so that his kick @ss skating can be more enjoyable
  • Johnny Weir continue from Worlds with not boring me (that was the first time I somewhat enjoyed him)
  • Daisuke to lay down 2 kick *** skates - he's the only one I actually full-on root for other than Jeff
  • Patrick Chan to kick ***
  • Emanuel to come back as diva-like as ever but with some consistency and calmness after his year off
  • Cynthia Phaneuf on the World team
  • Yu Na Kim - World Champion!
  • Nobunari Oda - strong return with no talk of the incident
  • The likely rule change giving a bonus to skaters who do all 5 triple jumps (excluding the axel)
  • Tanith Belbin - finally learn to straighten your leg, turn out your leg and point your toe


On the Ice
Apr 7, 2006
1. No injuries /debilitating illnesses for anyone.
2. Johnny Weir never loses his fabulousness, discovers the power of a sports psychologist, and wins worlds.
3. US nationals are judged fairly (as a consequence, Johnny wins).
4. Kimmie kicks ***, wins nationals and flips off all the doubters.
5. Stephane Lambiel sorts out all his "issues", and comes back better than ever.
6. Oda has a great comeback season.
7. Eman wins Canadian nationals, and medals at worlds. Surprise of the season.
8. Lysacek skates to Nutcracker wearing highlighter pink causing the USFSA stooges to stroke out.
9. Brian Joubert gets a new program and rocks the GP circuit.
10. Mira wins Canadian nationals.
And finally, there is hilarity and drama at every competition.


Final Flight
Feb 17, 2006
1. Evan and Johnny continue neck and neck with no injuries or meltdowns for either one of them, and they both end up on the podium at Worlds.
2. Tomas Verner to end his season on a high note.
3. Patrick Chan to continue moving up in the rankings and being awesome.
4. Stephen Carriere to work on his connection with the audience.
5. More Jeremy Abbott!
6. Ryan Bradley improving his speed and successfully increasing the difficulty of his programs.

1. No more cookie-cutter programs!
2. Mao learns to interact with the audience.
3. Kimmie working out all her issues and skating well.
4. Carolina Kostner either skating up to the hype or not getting the hype marks. It makes me insane how she completely loses her form before a jump, dropping her shoulders, telegraphing, staring blankly at the ice.
5. All the American youngsters making a successful transition to seniors.
6. Enough with the catch-foot position already!!!!!!
7. New and improved Alissa Czisny returns!!!

1. Inoue and Baldwin keep representing for the old folks! :laugh:
2. Dube and Davison get a 3 twist.
3. Pang/Tong overtaking the Zhangs.
4. McLaughlin/Brubaker do well.
5. Castile/Okolski stay healthy and skate up to their potential.
6. No more ugly death spirals!!!

1. Belbin and Agosto find a program that ignites their passion to skate.
2. Davis and White rise in the rankings.
3. The Kerrs get recognized for being a good team.
4. Maxim Shabalin shaves.
3. Virtue and Moir continue to skate well.