Random Confessions | Page 156 | Golden Skate

Random Confessions


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I am not on Instagram, and so am getting seriously fed up with the way that for the past couple of months they have only been letting you scroll down 12 rows, and then they tell you to "Log in to continue".

For years, I have made a point of not joining Instagram. Because I don't really see the point in having an account if you're not actually going to be posting photos yourself. But, now that these changes have been made, I don't want to miss out on having access to earlier photos of my favourite skaters as new ones get posted. So, I need some advice.

Now that Instagram has been owned by Facebook for a few years, there is an option to "Log in with Facebook". And I am on Facebook. So, I am curious to know what happens when you use this option.

Bearing in mind that I don't know what Instagram is like on the inside, what are the differences between what you get when you log in with Facebook and what you get when you actually have an Instagram account?

So, if you are just going to be looking at other people's photos, are there any advantages to having a proper Instagram account? Or, would this logging in with Facebook be sufficient?

Any advice would be appreciated.



Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
I am not on Instagram, and so am getting seriously fed up with the way that for the past couple of months they have only been letting you scroll down 12 rows, and then they tell you to "Log in to continue".

For years, I have made a point of not joining Instagram. Because I don't really see the point in having an account if you're not actually going to be posting photos yourself. But, now that these changes have been made, I don't want to miss out on having access to earlier photos of my favourite skaters as new ones get posted. So, I need some advice.

Now that Instagram has been owned by Facebook for a few years, there is an option to "Log in with Facebook". And I am on Facebook. So, I am curious to know what happens when you use this option.

Bearing in mind that I don't know what Instagram is like on the inside, what are the differences between what you get when you log in with Facebook and what you get when you actually have an Instagram account?

So, if you are just going to be looking at other people's photos, are there any advantages to having a proper Instagram account? Or, would this logging in with Facebook be sufficient?

Any advice would be appreciated.


I have an Instagram account that I only use for a)looking at pictures and videos and b)leaving comments on certain skaters' posts. It was created via logging in with Facebook, and so far, aside from annoying notifications telling me to follow people that my Facebook friends follow (I turned off every single notification, I swear, but they keep on popping up ugh) it's been working just fine. If all you do is look at, like, and comment on photos, then I think it'll be fine for you to use your FB account.


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
I am not on Instagram, and so am getting seriously fed up with the way that for the past couple of months they have only been letting you scroll down 12 rows, and then they tell you to "Log in to continue".

For years, I have made a point of not joining Instagram. Because I don't really see the point in having an account if you're not actually going to be posting photos yourself. But, now that these changes have been made, I don't want to miss out on having access to earlier photos of my favourite skaters as new ones get posted. So, I need some advice.

Now that Instagram has been owned by Facebook for a few years, there is an option to "Log in with Facebook". And I am on Facebook. So, I am curious to know what happens when you use this option.

Bearing in mind that I don't know what Instagram is like on the inside, what are the differences between what you get when you log in with Facebook and what you get when you actually have an Instagram account?

So, if you are just going to be looking at other people's photos, are there any advantages to having a proper Instagram account? Or, would this logging in with Facebook be sufficient?

Any advice would be appreciated.


There's absolutely no difference. The reason why you would log in with a facebook account is that it does the account creation for you so you have one less password and fields to enter in than creating a separate account. A you can use your facebook account to create accounts with a lot of different apps/websites because it's so much easier when it's just a click of a button.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I have an Instagram account that I only use for a)looking at pictures and videos and b)leaving comments on certain skaters' posts. It was created via logging in with Facebook, and so far, aside from annoying notifications telling me to follow people that my Facebook friends follow (I turned off every single notification, I swear, but they keep on popping up ugh) it's been working just fine. If all you do is look at, like, and comment on photos, then I think it'll be fine for you to use your FB account.

There's absolutely no difference. The reason why you would log in with a facebook account is that it does the account creation for you so you have one less password and fields to enter in than creating a separate account. A you can use your facebook account to create accounts with a lot of different apps/websites because it's so much easier when it's just a click of a button.

Thanks guys. That info was really helpful. :bow: :clap: :points:

So, logging in with Facebook actually creates you an account. Well, if that is the case, I may as well just create one normally. I thought logging in with Facebook was just a way to get in and have a nosey around without the bother of having an account.

I'll probably not be doing anything until the New Year, because we have a new computer arriving in the next few days. And considering I currently use Windows 7, it's going to take a while to get used to Windows 10. Especially when I have never even used Windows 10 before.

But, I wanted to ask now so that I can ponder it over for a while.




Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
Another disadvantage of not logging in to instagram is that you can't see "instagram stories" if you aren't logged in.

I don't have any social media, and I find it very annoying when I am locked out of looking at accounts, or have to repeatedly say "I don't want to log in" or to have large log-in invitations covering half the screen. Facebook is terrible; some businesses us it as their primary way of communicating with their customers/clients, and it's darned difficult to find out what's going on.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
I've just ordered Christmas cards to send out to GS folks, and then it hit me that I haven't sent an actual paper card to people since I was, like, six. It's partially because I'm a socially awkward introvert with a very small social group, but it's mostly because my handwriting is awful. It truly is, when I first started working at the English academy that I'm currently slaving away at the manager actually asked me whether I could write in a way that "looks more professional". I did try, but the manager kinda just gave up. Considering that she has really neat handwriting, she probably figured she could just do all the stuff that needs a neat hand. And so it has been so far.

When I was a little kid, grownups (including my parents) would tell me that I should work on my handwriting. And I'd retort back, saying computer word processors were invented for people like me. Now that I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm self-conscious about my handwriting and I always struggle when I have to write something down. And the worse thing is that when I try to write neatly it ends up looking like a five-year-old wrote it. Whee. :dance2:

I'm planning to spend the weekend waiting for fancams of the ranking comp and writing my cards as I wait, wish me luck on not mucking up with the cards. I'm probably going to begin every single card with "Sorry for the awful handwriting" anyway, but still.

Oh, and one more confession: this is my first time actually sending mail abroad. I'm kinda nervous.


May 19, 2018
I just realized that I grew up to look shockingly like a video game character that my backstabbing former friend from middle school hated. Now I feel like I should go to actual confession at church because of how inordinately happy this makes me. :laugh:

Aisha, good luck with the cards! I have awful handwriting too, even had occupational therapy for it, but it didn't work. So I tried just making it rounder and "girlier," which definitely did work. Now it looks very very pretty at first glance, but on closer inspection, is still total garbage. :laugh:


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
I spent most of my time during my haircut today talking to my stylist about figure skating because he’s from Michigan/a wanna be adult hockey player and has friends in the figure skating world. If he weren’t gay I swear we’d be off to Michigan to be a small town political power couple.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
Ugh I am so pissed right now, I was buying tickets for 4CC and I had gotten a pretty good seat (not really the KnC zone but close), and then the order page malfunctioned and I had to do it over again :tantrum: My current seat isn't terrible but is definitely not as good as my first, why does my credit card company hate me :dbana: :dbana:


May 19, 2018
Me: Oh, look, a popup for my antivirus software's parental control. :rolleye:

My mom: Ohhh, you'd better put that on right away. I can't be trusted on the internet.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Wakabond Forever
Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2014
A few months ago I made my adult skating friends watch the 1970's version of Ice Castles with me. It was greatly improved by wine. We spent the next month shouting things like "Triples are just show off acrobatics", "Just have a ball!", and "Do an Axel!" at each other at the rink.

Last night we watched the 2010 remake and it did not disappoint in its awfulness. My favorite part was when the main characters first program was literally just four solo double axels and three split jumps. Wine continued to help. But now we are going to be shouting "MORE DRAMA!" at each other instead.

Basically figure skating movies are the worst/best.


May 19, 2018
I elbowed myself in the ribs getting up from playing with my cat on the floor. Bruised both the elbow and the ribs. :palmf:

It's a miracle that one so uncoordinated as myself can even stand on ice, let alone skate as gracefully as people say I do. :laugh:


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
I dreamed a really weird dream about my former(?) crush, now in the land of Javi Fernandez, again. So, I was at this camp/group training/etc thing, and people had to form teams. There were already team leaders picked out, so the teams were formed by the non-leaders drawing from a box the name of their future team leader's name. Well, my former crush was one of the leaders, and I was staring at the girls who got to be in his team with envy because I wasn't one of them :palmf:

It's been over a month since I last saw him, and I was going just fine. Stupid brain chemicals, I told you I was over it :tantrum:


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I've almost forgotten what the blue sky is.

And I wish it was because it was raining.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I dreamed a really weird dream about my former(?) crush, now in the land of Javi Fernandez, again. So, I was at this camp/group training/etc thing, and people had to form teams. There were already team leaders picked out, so the teams were formed by the non-leaders drawing from a box the name of their future team leader's name. Well, my former crush was one of the leaders, and I was staring at the girls who got to be in his team with envy because I wasn't one of them :palmf:

It's been over a month since I last saw him, and I was going just fine. Stupid brain chemicals, I told you I was over it :tantrum:

Did I ever tell you how long I was hung up on the first girl I fell for? About 20 years. And I didn't even see her for the second half of that time, because she was living in a different country. But no sooner did I finally decide that I needed to move on and get over her, than she moved back home and came back into my life! :drama:

Anyway, I have a similar story to you. One of my former skating crushes changed her long-time Instagram address over a year ago, and her new address is one that I can never remember. But, after not seeing her posts for the guts of a year, a couple of weeks ago I decided to go looking for her page again, and I eventually found it and bookmarked it.

Last week, she put up a really sultry photo of herself. :love: And I have not stopped thinking about her ever since.

I thought I had well and truly moved on from that particular crush about 4 years ago. But, she has drawn me in again. :bang:

And now I am feeling really guilty, because I should be thinking about my current crush.

As you've probably worked out, this is why I wanted advice about logging into Instagram. Because I am now curious to see what else this former skating crush has put up while I couldn't find her! :biggrin:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I've almost forgotten what the blue sky is.

And I wish it was because it was raining.

Oh, I didn't realise that the fires were near you. :eek:

I hope that it is the smoke that you are talking about, and that you are far enough away to not be directly affected by the fires themselves.

Either way, stay safe.



in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Oh, I didn't realise that the fires were near you. :eek:

I hope that it is the smoke that you are talking about, and that you are far enough away to not be directly affected by the fires themselves.

Either way, stay safe.


It is the smoke. There is one fire about 30km east of us, and another one about 100km east. But they're on the perfectly wrong angle and so every time the wind swings around - every evening between 5:30-6:30, like clockwork - the city is smothered and blanketed in smoke. It's very thick. Like driving through fog.

It is not hard to be near a fire at the moment.


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
It is the smoke. There is one fire about 30km east of us, and another one about 100km east. But they're on the perfectly wrong angle and so every time the wind swings around - every evening between 5:30-6:30, like clockwork - the city is smothered and blanketed in smoke. It's very thick. Like driving through fog.

It is not hard to be near a fire at the moment.

That is terrifying. Stay safe!


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
Stay safe karne, I send my wishes for rain to fall down yonder.

Did I ever tell you how long I was hung up on the first girl I fell for? About 20 years. And I didn't even see her for the second half of that time, because she was living in a different country. But no sooner did I finally decide that I needed to move on and get over her, than she moved back home and came back into my life!

Niamh, I remember that story was one of the first conversations I had with you after I actually created an account and stopped lurking. That's how the fact you're supposed to pronounce Niamh 'neev' got stuck in my brain.

I don't really think my former-ish crush will stay with me that long, I had never got to know him outside of work and I only knew him for about 4-5 months anyway. I just have to not go to the Iberian peninsula for the following year, which isn't difficult to do. I have no idea why my subconscious decided to feature him in a dream anyway :confused: