- Joined
- Mar 2, 2012
Congratulations to all the winning teams! Can't wait to see D/W's performance. Wow, 200.19! Can they score higher than that at the Olympics, or have they reached the ceiling?!
Exactly. It's not that A/E don't have a tremendous amount of potential, but that Bollywood program was a big mistake, because Marlie's program was so ruthlessly memorable. Big tactical error.
The Shibs... I don't think it really works (it's like cognitive dissonance on ice), but it will be enough to get to them to Sochi. Dropping the Ben section for Man in the Mirror was a BIG improvement. And Alex's reaction was very sweet.
They weren't coached by either Igor or Marina j/kWhat did H/D do to not deserve going to Sochi? I need to see video.
And the shame of it is most Americans who are casual fans of the sport won't realize just how good that final flight was. Sigh. One day perhaps...
Please forgive me Shibsib fans; but that is the worst MJ program I've ever seen. Remember N/K? They did something decent, even Olson and Hubbell did this some justice last season. The choreography and music completely clash. I found watching it awkward. The Man in the Mirror part was clumsy. What did H/D do to not deserve going to Sochi? I need to see video. Did they make errors or something? And trust me I am not a Shibsib hater,but how did that score so high?