2016 South Korea Ranking Comp, Oct 14-16 | Page 9 | Golden Skate
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2016 South Korea Ranking Comp, Oct 14-16

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#16 Ji hyun Byun 139.53 4 falls and 1 pop.. oh my.. Is there problem at her status? I donno but it seems like disaster. she has to say goodbye to 4cc ticket and maybe to national teams also. Current 10th
#17 Yun kyung Kam 163.27 She cleaned!! with 3F-3T 2A-3T and 3Lz-2T-2Lo her jumps are so good and spins are great I think;) good to see she smile. Last year`s jr national champion, a lot more to come. Current 3rd
#18 Hyun soo Lee 157.32 smile after landing two 2A-3T. Nice job! good interpretation for Time to say goodbye. Current 4th

Last group warm up started! Everyone looks like they are in quite good mood.:luv17:
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Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
group4 (last group)
#19 Na hyun Kim 180.xx :thumbsup: Clean with nice 3Lo-3Lo. Yes I love this program. :) Current 1st

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#20 Hanul Kim 156.45 She made many errors at the first half, and try to recover it at the latter half. and she did well with 3S-3T. Current 6th

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#21 So hyun An 162.60 She did well at the first half with 3Lz-3T, but struggled at latter half.. But I think her under-rotation problems seems like little better than last year.. Current 5th


Record Breaker
Feb 14, 2014
Yeahp. Sohyun is doing well with her jumps. They are less UR-apparent than last year's. I was hoping she placed 5th instead though....

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#22 Young You 182.41 she did well done except step out at 3Lz-3T. Otherwise good! But I think we should call her as little tano queen from now on. Current 1st


Record Breaker
Feb 14, 2014
I'll be honest- I hope Soyoun doesn't go clean here so she can set up goals next week.

Arghh KSU why did you have to schedule this competition so early this year!!! :curse:

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#23 So youn Park 172.11(?) she did both mess and wonderful program... nice 3Lz and 2A-3T, but then did 2Lo and 1A..:sad21: Anyway she will be chosen for 4CC. Current 4th

Hailey Shin

Sep 3, 2013
#24 Dabin Choi 171.65 Nice! 3Lz-3T and 2A-3T(seems like ur to me ..though) she cleaned. lovely arm movement. You go girl!! 5th place at all.

There will be ice resurfacing, then sr.men free skating will follow.