2018-19 Japanese FS events & competitions (Post-nationals) | Golden Skate

2018-19 Japanese FS events & competitions (Post-nationals)


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
This thread is devoted to events and competitions post All Japan Nationals. The events/competitions to cover may include:

'第91回 日本学生氷上競技選手権大会' (Inter-college FS competitions)
'第68回全国高等学校スケート選手権大会' (Inter-high school FS competitions)
'第74回国民体育大会冬季大会 スケート競技会' (National Sports Festival of Japan)
'第39回全国中学校スケート競技会' (All Japan Junior high school FS competitions)

Details of each competitions will be added later on.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
第91回日本学生氷上競技選手権大会フィギュア競技 (Inter College JPN)

Time: Jan 4~7
Venue: Nikkō Kirifuri Ice Arena
*entry list
*official twitter

*As the information is in Japanese, and the entry list includes skaters from all levels, no translation will be provided.

Key participants to watch:
Men (by level 7):
Kazuki TOMONO 友 野 一 希 (同志社)
Shu NAKAMURA 中 村 優 (関西大学)
Taichi HONDA 本 田 太 一 (関西大学)
Sota YAMAMOTO 山 本 草 太 (中京大学) *WD-ed as of start order drawing on Jan. 4th
Shoya ICHIHASHI 市 橋 翔 哉 (関西大学) *Competing as single here

Ladies (by level 7):
Mai MIHARA 三 原 舞 依 (甲南)
Hina TAKENO 竹 野 比 奈 (福岡)
Hinano ISOBE 磯 邉 ひな乃 (中京大) *WD-ed as of start order drawing on Jan. 4th
Rin NITAYA 新田谷 凜 (中京大)
Yuka NAGAI 永 井 優 香 (早稲田)
Miyu NAKASHIO 中 塩 美 悠 (早稲田)


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I've heard Sota isn't competing here because Intercollege clashes with the Nagoya festival, but he's still on the list for Intercollege so huh? :scratch2: Maybe one of the fan blogs will shed light on this.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
I've heard Sota isn't competing here because Intercollege clashes with the Nagoya festival, but he's still on the list for Intercollege so huh? :scratch2: Maybe one of the fan blogs will shed light on this.

I've added the official twitter account in the list above: twitter account-Inter college FS, and they just updated the starting order a couple of hours ago. Yes, it looks like Sota WD-ed from the competition. As for the ladies' side, I saw Hinano ISOBE WD-ed.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Currently under competition: men's SP

Kazuki TOMONO 友 野 一 希
4S 3F3T 3A (nailed all jumps, but having some trouble with the last CCoSP)

Shu NAKAMURA 中 村 優
3A 3Lo+3T 3Lz with no major mistake

Taichi HONDA 本 田 太 一
3A 3T3T 3F

(No score reported on twitter, but will be published later by the official twitter)

Ladies' SP will start by 18:10 local time.

Mai MIHARA 三 原 舞 依 (甲南)
Hina TAKENO 竹 野 比 奈 (福岡)
Rin NITAYA 新田谷 凜 (中京大)
Yuka NAGAI 永 井 優 香 (早稲田)
Miyu NAKASHIO 中 塩 美 悠 (早稲田)


Final Flight
Feb 11, 2007
Taichi took 3Lz out this time, I wonder if it is because Raf has been fixing his lutz edge which might have left his lutz unstable lately.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Next competition:
第68回全国高等学校スケート選手権大会 (Inter-high school FS competitions)
Jan 24-27
Nagoya, Aichi


*The above info is in Japnese, no translation will be provided.
** Announcement- Koshiro Shimada WD-ed from the competition as of Jan 5 (From twitter it is reported that Koshiro may be preparing for a B-level competition internationally, so he WD-ed from Inter-high. As Koshiro is listed as the 1st alternate to men's WC team, he'll need to get the TES minimum for sr. men's for that.)


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Next competition:
第68回全国高等学校スケート選手権大会 (Inter-high school FS competitions)
Jan 24-27
Nagoya, Aichi


*The above info is in Japnese, no translation will be provided.
** Announcement- Koshiro Shimada WD-ed from the competition as of Jan 5 (From twitter it is reported that Koshiro may be preparing for a B-level competition internationally, so he WD-ed from Inter-high. As Koshiro is listed as the 1st alternate to men's WC team, he'll need to get the TES minimum for sr. men's for that.)

results page (w/ starting order)

Ladies' SP (I)- Group A

G2-#9 Nana Araki
G3-#11 Mako Yamashita
G3-#12 Rinka Watanabe
G4-#19 Yuna Shiraiwa
G6-#31 Shiika Yoshioka

Ladies's SP (II) - Group B
G2-#6 Araki Matsubara
G6-#27 Kaori Sakamoto
G6-#30 Yuna Aoki
G8-#43 Sui Takeuchi
G9-#45 Yuhana Yokoi

Men's SP
G2-#9 Sena Miyake
G4-#16 Tatsuya Tsuboi
G5-#25 Yuto Kishina
G7-#35 Mitsuki Sumoto

*since there are too many ladies' competitors, the ladies's SP are divided into two groups and will compete at different time slot (one day apart). But the top 24 from the two groups together will advance to FS.
*all skaters will follow ISU's rules for *junior* categories for program compoments
*Additional WD-ed: Riko Takino


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Ladies' SP Group B underway:

3Lz3T 2A 3F no major mistake
Total: 73.75


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
第68回全国高等学校スケート選手権大会 (Inter-high school FS competitions)
Jan 24-27
Nagoya, Aichi

SP results:

Ladies (top 6)
1. Kaori Sakamoto 73.75
2. Yuhana Yokoi 67.98
3. Mako Yamashita 62.71
4. Nana Araki 62.44
5. Sui Takeuchi 61.36
6. Yuna Aoki 59.20
(9. Yuna Shiraiwa 56.72)

SP protocol-Group A
SP protocol-Group B
FS starting order

1. Tatsuya Tsuboi 80.92
2. Mitsuki Sumoto 77.41
3. Taichiro Yamakuma 75.11
4. Lucas tsuyoshi HONDA 60.76
5. Kazuki Hasekawa 58.66
6. Yuto Kishina 58.41

SP protocol
FS starting order


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
第68回全国高等学校スケート選手権大会 (Inter-high school FS competitions)
Jan 24-27
Nagoya, Aichi

Final results: https://www.jsfresults.com/National/2018-2019/fs_j/highschool/index.htm

1. Kaori Sakamoto (Total: 213.37; FS: 139.62)
2. Yuhana Yokoi (Total: 190.82; FS: 122.84 (3))
3. Yuna Shiraiwa (Total: 185.19; FS: 128.47 (2))
4. Mako Yamashita (Total: 179.89; FS: 117.18)
5. Nana Araki (Total: 175.53; FS: 113.09)
6. Yuna Aoki (Total: 171.75; FS: 112.55)

FS protocol


On the Ice
Apr 10, 2018
Inter College recap

Kazuki Tomono(Men 2), Mai Mihara(Ladies 1), Shu Nakamura(Men 1), Taichi Honda(Men 3), Hina Takeno(Ladies 2),
Youji Nakano(Men 4), Eiji Kamata(Men 5),
Retired after this comp: Ryo Sagami(Men 11), Daichi Miyata(Men 9), Genki Suzuki(Men 12),
Winning team: Meiji Univ(Men), Kansai Univ(Ladies)

National Sports Festival recap

Shu Nakamura(Sr.Men 1), Kazuki Kushida(Sr.Men 2), Keiichiro Sasahara(Sr.Men 3),
Hina Takeno(Sr.Ladies 1), YuKa Nagai (Sr.Ladies 2), Miyabi Oba(Sr.Ladies 3), Ayaka Hosoda(Sr.Ladies 4),
Retired after this comp: Ayana Yasuhara(Sr.Ladies 12), Miyu Nakashio(Ladies 11),
Winning team: Kanagawa pref(Sr.Men), Aichi pref(Sr.Ladies)

All Japan Interhigh 2019 Ladies FS

All Japan Interhigh 2019 Men FS

All Japan Junior Interhigh Ladies FS

All Japan Junior Interhigh Men FS