2019-20 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating | Page 718 | Golden Skate

2019-20 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating

Nord Stream 2

Match Penalty
Apr 14, 2019
They use anything they can get in here against her.get used to it i would say .let me be clear if this goes on I would say the weather can be bad and she would be at fault for some people in here at least that is the feeling I get [emoji2356][emoji23]

You're wrong. I just said that this was not Orser's smart move.
You can’t understand why there is a negative to Zhenya Medvedeva in Russia.
I'm trying to explain to you that something is constantly happening behind her back.
She may not be to blame, but it hits her constantly. I don’t know, maybe such karma.


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2014
Shasha is unique and has a very different style

Some people do not like that.

She's not a pretty girly princess who skates like a ballerina

Some people don't like that either

They are welcome to their opinion

But I feel many try to push their standards of what is artistic as something every skater should have.

Figure skating would be boring if that was the case

I agree with many of your posts, but not this one.

Sasha is an absolutely amazing athlete. She is really pushing the boundaries and that’s fantastic.

But presentation scores - PCS - are not about being “artistic” or fitting a particular mold.

Someone can have an adorable personality (I think Sasha does) a ton of energy (I think Sasha does) and a ton of athleticism (I think Sasha does) while still needing to work a lot on her skating skills and performance / interpretation of her choreography/music.

I think Sasha still has a lot of work to do in those areas. But I don’t think she has to turn into a feminine pretty princess or fit into a certain mold to improve.


Nord Stream 2

Match Penalty
Apr 14, 2019
I read it in Russian and it was a little subtler. I don't know what exact words he used in English. The way they phrased it in Russian was more like: "Of course, it would be nice if she managed to be picked for the national team directly". We understand that she has to be first or second for that. Still in "she managed" it's more about her own efforts rather than some plot by "three Alexanders" which one can assume in "immediately get to the team".

Will you translate it differently? https://www.sport-express.ru/figure...oy-na-chempionat-rossii-1611544/?daysBefore=7

"Конечно, было бы хорошо, если бы ей удалось сразу отобраться в сборную, и нам не пришлось бы пытаться квалифицироваться через какой-либо другой турнир, как это было в прошлом сезоне. Хоть это и замечательно, что она получила второй шанс и воспользовалась им. Но я не думаю, что мы будем нацеливаться на какое-то конкретное место".


Record Breaker
Feb 12, 2014
I think what Brian means is that she can qualify for the World (Euros too) team through Nationals itself not by the Cup Of Russia like last season. Not that she should skip straight to Worlds just because


Jan 18, 2018
You're wrong. I just said that this was not Orser's smart move.
You can’t understand why there is a negative to Zhenya Medvedeva in Russia.
I'm trying to explain to you that something is constantly happening behind her back.
She may not be to blame, but it hits her constantly. I don’t know, maybe such karma.

It was very interesting to see Zhenya in this press conference. She addresses the fact that there has been a lot of turbulence around her.


Sorry if this interview has been posted here before.


Final Flight
Dec 5, 2018
Actually, it is apparently the eyes that are more of a concern than the knees. There were detached retinas on both sides.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Are you really trying to deny that detractors throw insults at Trusova that go well beyond "just criticism"?

"Fake champion", "Circus act", "robot", "ew" and worse are all word for word things I've seen written about her. These go further than just criticism, they come from a place of envy. Where else would it come from? Maybe some people give "just criticism", but it is ridiculous of you to claim that you know that everything said against her is just criticism, when clearly many "fans" of figure skating go beyond this. But yup, "false narrative". And yet you go complaining about the harsh things said against Evgenia, but I guess you turn blind when innapropriate insults are said about Trusova. No, of course anything said against Trusova is "just criticism". Of course. :slink:

I have not seen those comments on Goldenskate. I have not seen a citation to a specific comment outside of Goldenskate, just general "Oh they're so biased".

So when I say the old tired "Oh you're just jealous" I'm talking about posts here, and about the commentators I have heard on the NBC app.

I'm not sure what it is gained by attributing my comment as a reply to every single statement ever said about Sasha in the whole wide world here. I have no interest in importing drama from other sites or other media to Goldenskate ......:shrug:


Nov 24, 2018
You're wrong. I just said that this was not Orser's smart move.
You can’t understand why there is a negative to Zhenya Medvedeva in Russia.
I'm trying to explain to you that something is constantly happening behind her back.
She may not be to blame, but it hits her constantly. I don’t know, maybe such karma.
Well if people could think for themselves, but I think many just do not do that and I mean that by around the world not in this forum or in Russia but everywhere


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
You can’t understand why there is a negative to Zhenya Medvedeva in Russia.

You know, you‘re right, I for example can‘t understand why there would be any negativity whatsoever towards her. So far she has done her country proud with every single decision she’s made. I think any country would be proud as well to have such an amazing athlete represent them. But she is Russian and she loves her country.

The main thing for me, however, is that even if there might be some people that are negative towards her in Russia, whenever she turns up to skate there she gets standing ovations, huge cheers and half a store of plushies thrown onto the ice for her. People are literally showering her with support. This shows me that she is still very much beloved there and it makes me happy because she deserves it. Any negativity towards her is by a small but very, very vocal and loud minority of fans who dislike her for things that are in fact, completely normal and natural. It‘s a shame and I can understand that it rattled her in the beginning (actually, she gave a very insightful and honest interview about that just yesterday) but after Russian Nationals, Russian Cup Final, Test skates and Rostelecom, I‘m 100% sure that the majority of the Russian fans still love her. So, any comments about her being “yesterday‘s child“ for Russians (not you who made that) or others saying there‘s negativity towards her don‘t unnerve me anymore. On the contrary, they only make me smile amusedly and then I go back to watching the arena jump to their feet, screaming and cheering, as she finishes her programs at Rostelecom. :)


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Do not wake a sleeping bear.
Do you remember how Zhenya got to the world championship last year?
In Russia, 50% still cannot forgive her for this. At least the whole of St. Petersburg))) Despite the bronze.

To say that this could happen again was not smart.
And why do this before the Russian Championship?

Well I certainly don't blame Zhenya or Brian O for that.

It's soley on the Russian Fed and the Coach's Council and something that makes me mad when I think of it! I hope Liza proves them wrong any keeps on skating and being awesome!


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
Well I certainly don't blame Zhenya or Brian O for that.

It's soley on the Russian Fed and the Coach's Council and something that makes me mad when I think of it! I hope Liza proves them wrong any keeps on skating and being awesome!

Just had to comment here quickly to say that I really, really admire how you acted about that decision by the Russian federation. Very classy, never blaming Evgenia or Brian. I think many others would (and have done so) do just that. But you didn’t. So thanks a lot for that. :thank:

I‘m a Zhenya fan first and foremost so I was of course delighted when she was chosen for Worlds. But I can also understand why Liza fans would be angry and disappointed. I hope both ladies do well this season, though, they‘re the “old“ Russian ladies but I think they can show everyone that you can be successful even after turning 18. Liza especially has been around for ages, and while I might not be the biggest fan of her skating, it‘s still so very impressive how she keeps trying to improve and go forward. Wishing good luck to both of them. And yeah, that‘s all. :laugh:

Nord Stream 2

Match Penalty
Apr 14, 2019
You know, you‘re right, I for example can‘t understand why there would be any negativity whatsoever towards her. So far she has done her country proud with every single decision she’s made. I think any country would be proud as well to have such an amazing athlete represent them. But she is Russian and she loves her country.

The main thing for me, however, is that even if there might be some people that are negative towards her in Russia, whenever she turns up to skate there she gets standing ovations, huge cheers and half a store of plushies thrown onto the ice for her. People are literally showering her with support. This shows me that she is still very much beloved there and it makes me happy because she deserves it. Any negativity towards her is by a small but very, very vocal and loud minority of fans who dislike her for things that are in fact, completely normal and natural. It‘s a shame and I can understand that it rattled her in the beginning (actually, she gave a very insightful and honest interview about that just yesterday) but after Russian Nationals, Russian Cup Final, Test skates and Rostelecom, I‘m 100% sure that the majority of the Russian fans still love her. So, any comments about her being “yesterday‘s child“ for Russians (not you who made that) or others saying there‘s negativity towards her don‘t unnerve me anymore. On the contrary, they only make me smile amusedly and then I go back to watching the arena jump to their feet, screaming and cheering, as she finishes her programs at Rostelecom. :)

To be honest to the end, the response of fans of Zhenya is even worse.

Almost every day, articles on thick-footed, stupid hunchback A///, wicked witch and jumping robots, which will start puberty tomorrow, appear on some popular sites.


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
To be honest to the end, the response of fans of Zhenya is even worse.

Almost every day, articles on thick-footed, stupid hunchback A///, wicked witch and jumping robots, which will start puberty tomorrow, appear on some popular sites.

I‘ve said it before and I‘ll say it again: Every fanbase has some crazies that go way too far and insult others. It‘s unfortunately the way it is. If they’re hateful, I do not consider them real “fans“, though. Not of Zhenya and not of anyone. So, I don‘t think the craziness of some of these people has anything to do with Evgenia or anybody else. It‘s just how these people are and nothing will ever change that.


Moonbear power 🐻
Record Breaker
Jul 3, 2018
To be honest to the end, the response of fans of Zhenya is even worse.

Almost every day, articles on thick-footed, stupid hunchback A///, wicked witch and jumping robots, which will start puberty tomorrow, appear on some popular sites.
You clearly do not spend time on sports.ru


On the Ice
Oct 27, 2019
It’s never okay to try to justify your cruel, insulting posts towards a skater by pointing the blame at fans of the other skater. You have no real proof that any comments about others came from Medvedeva fans. There are many internet trolls, perhaps some in this current thread bashing skaters.
As for Liza Tuktamysheva- any fan that followed the sport last season saw that she had a great season, but unfortunately caught pneumonia and was very ill. She withdrew from Russian Nationals and her recovery time was a question mark. It was an unfortunate turn of events for her—and could happen to any skater. This is not the fault of Medvedeva or Orser. It’s very disturbing that some fans are even suggesting that.
The Russian federation was not certain she would be 100% at Worlds and she didn’t win Russian Cup. They made the decision. Do you now hate the federation and post cruel things about them?