2023 CS Autumn Classic Pairs Short Program | Page 13 | Golden Skate

2023 CS Autumn Classic Pairs Short Program


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
Liu and Nagy looking good on ice and off. They are senior team so I can say that without being inappropriate, just shallow. Right? :LOL:
As long as they are 18 plus you are good to go.


Skating is all sunshine and rainbows... right?!?!
Record Breaker
Dec 8, 2020
Some interesting news from RikuRyu via the wonderful media coverage of GoldenSkate:

They have had a lack of training (I'm assuming due to injury?) and they will be scrapping their SP after this event


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
Well I missed just about everything due to one person shutting down my network. Just now getting it back up.
I missed the entire thing because I couldn’t figure out the time schedule. I’m just about convinced I have a learning disability.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
Wow, let the crazy scoring and the politics begin.

I can accept at the beginning of the season the scores aren't high. But here, I think the scores were too low across-the-board. Deanna & Max were definitely the class of the field and they deserved the much higher score (which should trend even higher as the season progresses). Still, the vast discrepancy between S/D's score and the rest of the field, is too stark.

I thought Emma & Nic were very good and they skated clean. They are still a new team and new to pairs so they are still learning, but looking better every time out. Cadence & Raine were quite good too and speedy, but their overall quality element-to-element isn't as high as some teams. I expected to see Emma/ Nic receive a low 60s score for what they did, with Liu/ Nagy scoring in the same low 60s range. Cadence/ Raine, I'd have around 56. Vaipan-Law/ Digby at 55; Martins/ Bedard 53; Kovalevs 52; Gamez/Korovin, 41, because I would give them better pcs where they have improved.

Ordinarily, Miura/ Kihara are helped by the judges. Here, the judges didn't seem to know how to score them. M/K have exquisite skating skills, deep knee-bend, and good chemistry, but they don't have great style nor the best programs and music choices. Usually, top skaters start out with a higher base value, so such teams often have a margin of error. Lots of times, Russian skaters would make mistakes and still be on the podium ahead of other teams who skated clean. Are they going away from that approach this season? Or, will it fluctuate from event-to-event?? Judging by how they usually score M/K, I would have expected to see them scored 64 or 65 due to having a higher base value on their elements. But those two falls don't look good, especially with how others were scored with and without mistakes. Interesting that the judges decided not to give M/K too high a score over the rest of the field. Looks like this has given them a wake-up call and a need to explain themselves and scrap their program. 😳

I could see why Liu/ Nagy were put behind Emma/Nic, but honestly, L/N's triple twist is huge and they have great style. They are still adjusting to each other as a team, but individually they each have veteran pairs experience. L/N's twist should be rated very high, and the overall quality of their other elements should be given more credit. Chelsea does have a consistent problem with jump landings, I think because of her long legs. She needs to find a way to get her free leg around faster. In any case, L/N's style and presentation is much higher than Miura/Kihara's. But, M/K are usually better respected, but weren’t given the scores we'd expect to see here, even with mistakes. I'm all for not holding skaters up, but the scoring on tech and pcs needs to be fair across-the-board. This scoring is very debatable. But, oh well...

Unfortunately, Gamez/ Korovin totally missed their lift, but what was worse was Korovin acting so disgusted and shady toward his partner. No matter what, partners need to be supportive of each other. They're working together, so they both share responsibility for their performances. Korovin has sulked like this before, but this is the worse I've seen from him. I feel sorry for Gamez. She doesn't deserve to be treated so poorly. Apparently, they skated better in their first competition this season. But this doesn't look like a partnership that will last. Korovin's behavior doesn't leave a good impression with the judges or with viewers.
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Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Some interesting news from RikuRyu via the wonderful media coverage of GoldenSkate:

They have had a lack of training (I'm assuming due to injury?) and they will be scrapping their SP after this event
i hated the SP ... so glad to read that. Sad about the lack of training for them but they have time.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
That was a lot of panting
she says give me oxygen... she just needs some air (some breathing room)
Donnez-moi de l'oxygène
Comme tous les matins
Le soleil se lève
Entre les buildings
Vers sept heures et demie
J'ouvre ma fenêtre
Toujours le même homme qui fait son jogging
Je m'habille, je me maquille
J'avale un grand café noir
Mes lunettes, ma mallette
Accessoires obligatoires
Les miroirs du couloir
Multiplient ma silhouette
L'ascenseur me fait peur
À chaque étage, mon coeur s'arrête
Donnez-moi de l'oxygène
Dans une cour d'école
Traversant la ville
À deux cents à l'heure
On mène à l'urgence
Un homme immobile
Avec une pile à la place du coeur
À midi et demi
Encore un grand café noir
Je ne mange qu'une orange
Pour tenir le coup jusqu'au soir
Je m'étends, un instant
Les jambes à la verticale
Je respire et j'expire
Dans un mouvement machinal
Donnez-moi de l'oxygène
Dans une cours d'école
Un enfant qui houe
Avec un ballon vert
Porte tout à coup
La main à son cou
En tombant par terre, étouffé par l'air
Toute la semaine je me démène
De neuf heures jusqu'à cinq heures
Le trafic me panique
Quand je roule à la noirceur
Le parking du building
A toujours la même odeur
En rentrant dans l'appartement
J'allume mon climatiseur
Donnez-moi de l'oxygène

Give me
Give me some oxygen
Like every morning
The sun is rising
Between the buildings
Around half past seven
I open my window
Always the same man jogging
I get dressed, I put on makeup
I swallow a large black coffee
My glasses, my briefcase
Mandatory accessories
Hallway mirrors
Multiply my silhouette
The elevator scares me
On each floor my heart stops
Give me
Give me some oxygen
In a schoolyard
Crossing the city
At two hundred an hour
We lead to the emergency
A still man
With a battery in place of the heart
At half past twelve
Another big black coffee
I only eat one orange
To hold on until the evening
I lie down for a moment
Legs vertical
I breathe in and out
In a mechanical movement
Give me
Give me some oxygen
In a schoolyard
A child who hoe
With a green balloon
Door suddenly
Hand on his neck
Falling to the ground, suffocated by air
All week I struggle
From nine o'clock until five o'clock
Traffic freaks me out
When I ride in the dark
The building parking lot
Still has the same smell
When entering the apartment
I turn on my air conditioner
Give me
Give me some oxygen


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
He is an AH and I will maintain this beef until I die
that is really harsh.... As fans, we never know the full story. This discipline is so dangerous and demanding, it is best that both partners are fully committed so if Max didn't feel it anymore, it's best he left early on. Max had issues finding a suitable partner all his career... he deserves to have a shot at aspiring to the top. Look at how well he can skate with someone who is a good match for him ! It didn't work out with your country mate and it was soooo early in the partnership, it's not like he dumped her after years of being together for a younger woman ... it's actually the opposite :)
(I don't even remember who she was, she is not even listed anywhere on ISU bios or WIKI...)
If you want to still call me mamie, respect what the elderly's teachings :)