2023 Skate America Practice Reports | Page 7 | Golden Skate

2023 Skate America Practice Reports


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
What did I miss? :oops: Official for what?
High $$ donors to USFS (I can tell because they were talking about the hospitality suite) were complaining about my (word I can’t say here) all over and that I could not be here because I don’t have an official handicapped ticket. So I went and got one and now they can get over themselves.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
High $$ donors to USFS (I can tell because they were talking about the hospitality suite) were complaining about my (word I can’t say here) all over and that I could not be here because I don’t have an official handicapped ticket. So I went and got one and now they can get over themselves.

Good for you. What 🤡 behavior.


Power without conscience is a savage weapon
Mar 3, 2015
Well announcer just… OMG..
Never mind🫣
High $$ donors to USFS (I can tell because they were talking about the hospitality suite) were complaining about my (word I can’t say here) all over and that I could not be here because I don’t have an official handicapped ticket. So I went and got one and now they can get over themselves.
Good. Lord. They should stuff it☺️


On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
High $$ donors to USFS (I can tell because they were talking about the hospitality suite) were complaining about my (word I can’t say here) all over and that I could not be here because I don’t have an official handicapped ticket. So I went and got one and now they can get over themselves.
Good job!


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
Within a few minuted I heard Clare Seo announced as from Japan, Isabeau announced as Isabelle and Loena announced as from Belarus. horrific.

The Loena mistake is somewhat understandable... the cheat sheet probably abbreviated her country as "Bel."

No idea about mistake with Clare.

In the era of large monitors above the ice, I don't understand why organizers don't just do a short video of the skaters themselves saying their names.

"Hi, I'm Ilia Malinin, and I'll be skating my short program to Malaguena." They could put the flag on the video somewhere.

It eliminates mispronunciation and nationality errors, and even gives the audience a clue as to the music. Filming the video should only take 10 seconds of the skater's time. They could do it at practice.


On the Ice
Nov 14, 2022


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
After digging through bags and falling out of my seat trying to find my GBR flag, I check my Amazon orders and discover I have no GBR flag. Sorry GBR athletes.
I didn't bring my GBR flag either, since I brought my flags based on the original listing of entries. We are sitting in the section near the skaters' entrance during the practices. For the actual competitions our seats are in Section 115, Row B, Seats 3 & 4. I'm wearing a black faux leather jacket. I hope to meet some other GS members this weekend.

Jackie Wong was sitting in our section during the practices. It was nice to talk to him when he wasn't tweeting practice reports.

Being a retired ESL teacher, I would love for the announcers to do their best to pronounce the skaters names as accurately as possible (I like the suggestions by several of the posters here). I was cringing when Stephen G., Loena, & Clare were introduced as being from the wrong countries, and joined in the chorus of spectators to make the corrections.

There was a short power failure during the first group of the women's practice on Friday afternoon.

Moonvine, in what section are you sitting? Hope you have all your "stuffies" ready. There is a young family sitting in our "real" seats whose little kids are having a blast tossing the stuffies on the ice after each performance. Last night they had a clear bag full of them. If they're back today & tomorrow, I imagine they'll have more to go on the ice!
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