2023 US Nationals: Pairs | Thoughts | Golden Skate

2023 US Nationals: Pairs | Thoughts


Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003

I am looking forward to watching Baramand Tioumentsev grow. They had a pretty good season so far on the JGP circuit.

Glad to see O'Shea is healthy and hope he continues. He's been competing for a long time!

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Alexa and Fraser won easily as expected. National inflation is alive and thriving. 146 for a flawed performance is very generous. Very very generous. Good job on the level 4 death spiral. But the lifts were good and some wonderful exits and transitions but the strength was not outstanding. Even the twist which when with Chris was huge is really good but not out of this world. I know they have some of the best throws but both landings could have been "cleaner". Still the class of the field. This is petty but I would change his top to even a black turtleneck. To me it was like a different costume meant to go with something else. The lighter color - taupe/grey is a cool toned color and did not complement well the gold of Alexa's dress. He could have worn gold or black gold and black. You can tell that his outfit would look better withsilver as it is cool toned than gold.


On the Ice
Jul 28, 2003
I enjoyed watching the US pairs (what I could see on you tube that is). Clearly Alexa and Brandon were the best but I like C/H and especially Ellie and Danny in third.

I must say though aside from Madison Chock, Alexa has great taste in her costumes, she always looks elegant and lovely.


On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
Beyond the podium I am most excited about B/T. There is so much potential and they are still so young. Plazas & Fernandez perplex me the most. How can they be so lovely in the short and so messy in the free. The new partnerships have potential and need time to grow. I really like the Mokhovs, they have some really nice choreography I read suggestions elsewhere to break them up due to growth, but honesty I don't understand why.


On the Ice
Nov 12, 2012
Alexa & Brandon are always my favorites. They were nearly perfect here, but seemed somewhat tight considering that they didn’t have any true competition.

I really like Chan and Howe, but wish they could be more consistent. Their elements are great when they complete them and I love their flow and expression.

I’m excited too about Baram & Tioumentsev, but if the ISU doesn’t make an exception for the age limit for established pairs, it isn’t going to matter.

I find Plazas & Fernandez to be very pleasant skaters and enjoy watching them. I do think they’ll need more power and attack down the road.

My favorite young team wasn’t here sadly. I love Smirnova & Siianytsia and hope we see them at full strength next season.


Jan 12, 2014
I wonder how much long McBeath and Bartholomay can compete with Nathan's injuries? I am wondering if they are giving Katie time to hone her pair skills and then maybe pair her with another partner? Brandon?


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
I wasn't as picky as others about Alexa and Brandon. It wasn't a perfect skate but it was classy and mature. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Alexa's last year since Chris is taking a Director of Skating job and they've bought a house. If they keep skating Brandon would have to move to Illinois! Was so happy to see Danny do so well. I've always liked him and it seems as if, even though she's really young, Ellie can hold her own with him. If they stay in another year I think they're going to be formidable. I do like Chan and Howe but they are inconsistent. Spencer is so fun to watch because he's such a showman. I thought Nate looked slow and kind of stodgy and Katie's skating skills aren't up to his. Wasn't too impressed with any of the junior pairs.


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
I wasn't as picky as others about Alexa and Brandon. It wasn't a perfect skate but it was classy and mature. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Alexa's last year since Chris is taking a Director of Skating job and they've bought a house. If they keep skating Brandon would have to move to Illinois! Was so happy to see Danny do so well. I've always liked him and it seems as if, even though she's really young, Ellie can hold her own with him. If they stay in another year I think they're going to be formidable. I do like Chan and Howe but they are inconsistent. Spencer is so fun to watch because he's such a showman. I thought Nate looked slow and kind of stodgy and Katie's skating skills aren't up to his. Wasn't too impressed with any of the junior pairs.
I thought Timmy and Ellie (junior pairs gold medalists) were fantastic. I continue to maintain that given he finds the right partner he’s going to be the next great US male pairs skater.

I think it’s so bizarre Chris has taken that job. From what I understand that rink doesn’t even have a pairs program and he’s seemed so happy coaching his baby pairs. Oh well, it’s not for me to understand. It’s their business.

Nate re injured his back… last week? The week before?
At this point I think Nate is only skating because Katie really, really loves it. No inside info. Just what I’m seeing.


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
I guess the question is then - if Timmy and Ellie were so fantastic why does he need to find a "great" partner to be the next great US male pairs skater? Personal preference I'm sure, but I didn't really see any junior pair that stuck out to me. But then it's a building year (I keep repeating that mantra) so am looking forward to the progress of all the pairs next year. I do hope Danny and Ellie stay in....


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
Beyond the podium I am most excited about B/T. There is so much potential and they are still so young. Plazas & Fernandez perplex me the most. How can they be so lovely in the short and so messy in the free. The new partnerships have potential and need time to grow. I really like the Mokhovs, they have some really nice choreography I read suggestions elsewhere to break them up due to growth, but honesty I don't understand why.
I see a lot of people like the Mokhovs. They are old school in their choreo and in their aesthetic. A brother/ sister team, Ivan is a lot older than Maria, so similar to Baram/ Tioutmentsev, and to the recent pairing of Korytek/ Chapman, the Mokhovs had to sit out a number of years before they could compete seniors internationally. This is their debut senior season internationally.

Maria grew during their wait and she's had to adjust her technique to accommodate her physical changes. She doesn't have the same consistency on some elements. They are pleasing to watch overall, but for me, they don't have a great deal of range aesthetically. Their programs and stylistic approach haven't expanded (coupled with performance inconsistencies), which makes them less interesting to me as a team.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
I think it’s so bizarre Chris has taken that job. From what I understand that rink doesn’t even have a pairs program and he’s seemed so happy coaching his baby pairs. Oh well, it’s not for me to understand. It’s their business.
'Bizarre'? I believe they have family in that location, so to me their decision makes sense. This is a step-up career opportunity for Chris. They may also have plans to start a family, and thus don't want to be living too far away from family and friends.

To my understanding, Chris was recruited in order to develop a pairs program at the rink. This is a wonderful challenge for Chris, and both he and Alexa seemed excited about it during a podcast interview posted awhile back with the rink's current figure skating director (a former skater whose name escapes me at the moment).


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
Nate re injured his back… last week? The week before?
At this point I think Nate is only skating because Katie really, really loves it. No inside info. Just what I’m seeing.
That's too bad for Nate continuing to have back issues. In regard to skating, I believe that Nate loves skating just as much as Katie, or he wouldn't have continued after his split with Deanna and subsequent surgery a few seasons back.

Right now, Nate's joy and desire to keep competing has become a battle with his body. Thumbs up for Nate's courage and resilience. 👍


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
medalists) were fantastic. I continue to maintain that given he finds the right partner he’s going to be the next great US male pairs skater.
I would agree with @noskates that if Timmy is so fantastic with Ellie, why does he need to find 'the right partner' to be great? I mean, it's not a given that Timmy or anyone else ever finds the perfect partner.

I don't know for sure, but it makes no sense to me that Korytek/ Chapman would be paired for one or two seasons with the intention of eventually splitting. If they aren't going to put every effort into making their partnership work, why bother?

On social media, the comments on Jordan Cowan's OIP clip of Ellie/Timmy practicing their Skyfall program, are interesting. A lot of people commented favorably and desired to see a clip of their full performance. This is proof positive of how YouTube and TikTok can effectively promote the sport. Yet the powers-that-be apparently have no clue how to actively and purposefully take advantage of these built-in social media promotional opportunities. Sigh...



All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
'Bizarre'? I believe they have family in that location, so to me their decision makes sense. This is a step-up career opportunity for Chris. They may also have plans to start a family, and thus don't want to be living too far away from family and friends.

To my understanding, Chris was recruited in order to develop a pairs program at the rink. This is a wonderful challenge for Chris, and both he and Alexa seemed excited about it during a podcast interview posted awhile back with the rink's current figure skating director (a former skater whose name escapes me at the moment).
David Santee…whew one of the people I follow on Twitter who’s very into US pairs is big mad about it. She keeps (very dismissively) calling the job a “Parks and Rec Job” and David Santee a “Parks and Rec Coach.” Excuse me ma’am…David Santee is an Olympian and World Medalist. A lot more than a “Parks and Rec Coach.”


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
I would agree with @noskates that if Timmy is so fantastic with Ellie, why does he need to find 'the right partner' to be great? I mean, it's not a given that Timmy or anyone else ever finds the perfect partner.

I don't know for sure, but it makes no sense to me that Korytek/ Chapman would be paired for one or two seasons with the intention of eventually splitting. If they aren't going to put every effort into making their partnership work, why bother?

On social media, the comments on Jordan Cowan's OIP clip of Ellie/Timmy practicing their Skyfall program, are interesting. A lot of people commented favorably and desired to see a clip of their full performance. This is proof positive of how YouTube and TikTok can effectively promote the sport. Yet the powers-that-be apparently have no clue how to actively and purposefully take advantage of these built-in social media promotional opportunities. Sigh...

It does not make any sense to me that they just compete domestically for two years waiting for her to get old enough to skate internationally, instead of getting a partner that can skate juniors (her) and seniors (him) now? Not sure there is a person on this earth I’d piddle around with domestically for 2 years and then try to make a run up to the Olympics in my first senior season with.

USFS rarely if ever responds to comments on its own social media. I hope the new hire teaches them to do things like that. They are a nonprofit and they have to have engagement before they can have interest and donations.

Although, that is OIP’s IP, yes? So their decision whether or not to post it?

I posted it back here awhile back to show people how fabulous they are!


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
That's too bad for Nate continuing to have back issues. In regard to skating, I believe that Nate loves skating just as much as Katie, or he wouldn't have continued after his split with Deanna and subsequent surgery a few seasons back.

Right now, Nate's joy and desire to keep competing has become a battle with his body. Thumbs up for Nate's courage and resilience. 👍
You must have not seen the comp where mistake after mistake was being made and the light died out of his eyes until the end where he looked like he’d literally rather be dead than there.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
BlissfulSynergy said:
That's too bad for Nate continuing to have back issues. In regard to skating, I believe that Nate loves skating just as much as Katie, or he wouldn't have continued after his split with Deanna and subsequent surgery a few seasons back.

Right now, Nate's joy and desire to keep competing has become a battle with his body. Thumbs up for Nate's courage and resilience. 👍

You must have not seen the comp where mistake after mistake was being made and the light died out of his eyes until the end where he looked like he’d literally rather be dead than there.

I don't know. I think the reaction you're describing can be compatible with having the joy and the desire to continue. The ones who care the most may sometimes be the ones who show their feelings when down -- although not always: some people are better at hiding their disappointment, and some have been trained to do so. I agree that it's become a battle with Nate's body. And it takes a lot of courage and resilience to keep on, as @BlissfulSynergy said. For his health, though, I hope he considers carefully whether it's best to retire and give to the sport as he's done for years as coach and teacher of new pairs girls.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
For me, the highlights of the pairs event were Emily Chan and Spencer Akira Howe's free skate, and their SP. I don't think all pairs need to have a romantic focus, and I don't necessarily think Emily and Spencer do, every time. But they ARE focused on giving performances that reach out and touch audiences, and connect with their music and audiences (live and video) on an emotional level. Every time they skate, one or both of them speaks of the importance of giving viewers something on a heart to heart level.

I remember something Alexa said in an interview, that one motivator for her for skating this year was to find out what being World Champions would do for their confidence level. I really hope she eventually tells us. To me, watching them, it's been a boost to their confidence and also added pressure. I wish they weren't overscored so much, but it's nothing that doesn't happen in pretty much every federation. It's a reminder that everything in figure skating is subjective, including how the technique is scored. It bothers me when there's positive GOE on throw jumps when Alexa puts a hand down; but I know that it's because their throws score so high on the other qualities of the element. It's just another thing that puts a distance between regular audiences' enjoyment of events and the results, which can be confusing or downright off-putting, and seem unfair, if not intentionally so.

I always look at my own behavior afterwards: Chan and Howe's❤️ skates were the ones I went back to view again and again. They just make me happy. :love2: :bsplit: :love2:

My quote function isn't working at the moment, but I liked the quote in the article from Chan.