2023 World Junior Women's Short Program | Page 46 | Golden Skate

2023 World Junior Women's Short Program


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Eurovision has enterd the chat

If selections had gone differently, we could have had a skater competing here that has actually been on the stage at Eurovision, as a backing singer for when her older sister was competing in it.

But, alas, the other promising skater from her country got the nod.



Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
I'm not sure about that. Petrokina got the same for components. She fell on the ice once, popped a butterfly. Kimmy had a perfectly clean skate in real time apart from some under rotations that often judges turn a blind eye to.

I realise Levito was at a different event with different judging, but 4 judges gave what was a worse landing +2, but all but one give Kimmy -5. It's quite a discrepancy and reflects badly on the ISU's professionalism. It only hurts the sport and people ask why bother watching.

Let's hope they can improve and develop some consistency.

All you do is behave like you are "worried" about skaters and system, while pushing one agenda all the time. It's annoying as ***. At least say clearly what you want to say instead of these fake concerns.


Jan 31, 2019
They also receive points for 3A+COMBO in Russia (see Titova's SP at Jr Nats this season or Akatieva's SP at Jr Russian Cup Final last season).
I thought they both got zero, but I am glad they didn’t. Anyway, with 19th, Gurgenidze now has no chances, but I suppose they can take crazy risks like that because she might stay in juniors for another year or something.


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2021
I thought they both got zero, but I am glad they didn’t. Anyway, with 19th, Gurgenidze now has no chances, but I suppose they can take crazy risks like that because she might stay in juniors for another year or something.
she will be in juniors this whole olympic cycle and there's no other Georgian juniors so there's really no risk in taking crazy risks for her. She still will have guaranteed 2 spots in JGP and a junior world spot next season.


Jan 31, 2019
I really liked An. To me, she is the best Chinese skater since Lu Chen (way before your time as a skating fan... like... that was in another century). I think her score might have been affected by two things : 1) not as well known by judges and skating early 2) her combo was 3t-3t. In juniors, when the mandatory jump is the loop, it does make a relevant difference compared to seniors or can swap their lutz as a solo jump (or juniors in years, like next year, where the solo jump is the lutz)

An 4.2 +4.2 + 4.9 =13.3 BV
Senior skater using same combo but with Lutz as solo jump 4.2+4.2 + 5.9 14.3 BV
Junior skater with lutz combo and mandatory loop 5.9+4.2 + 4.9 = 15

We can see here the difference in BV when the loop is mandatory 1.7 over the 3t-3t versus 3lz-3t layout
In seniors, someone with a 3t-3t but able to do a lutz will recuperate a bit of this disadvantage, and only trail by 0.7 points in BV over a skater doing 3z-3t and 3loop.

Of course, there are other layouts with the flip but I thought it would be simpler to illustrate this version which is what may have been a factor in An's score : about 2 points which would have made her much closer to the SP podium.
I am just going on visual observations. Both the Korean skater and Nakai who were placed above An didn’t have (to me) the maturity and sure skating An showed. An really stood out. That’s said, where women from Europe excelled versus Japanese was in the fluidity and composition. Karhunen, Guegenidze, Frank, Yakovleva, Polina D, Shield, the not-Petrokina Estonian woman were all delivering watchable programs. Shia, An and M.Kim imo did as well. They felt like holistic programs.

We didn’t stay for Repond’s and Petrokina’s as we were tired, but I am not a huge fan of Repond, so I probably wouldn’t have liked it 😅

Nakai’s high score for Composition and Performance was puzzling to me, because of how void of feeling and content her program is… I know she has 3A, but next to An and even Polina D let alone Guegenidze she looked like she needs to work on those parts/choreography not outscore them heh. But I guess I just don’t interpret PCSs the way the judges do or what makes ‘interesting’ program that keeps me engaged.

I am curious to see how scores will go in free.
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Jan 31, 2019
she will be in juniors this whole olympic cycle and there's no other Georgian juniors so there's really no risk in taking crazy risks for her. She still will have guaranteed 2 spots in JGP and a junior world spot next season.
that’s what I told mom, but I still felt it was unwise move if they arrived late. She looked tired as well. Heh, we are sitting right next to where the skaters prep to go on ice so we have insanely good gossip girls seats. But kudos for brazen attempt. Even with a fall it looked effing huge


Jan 31, 2019
Also, I wanted to say very, very emphatically one thing though: the competition was an absolute blast with the completion for those 24 places really fierce. A lot of performances were really fun live and despite 47 athletes it was engaging.

Shimada and Shin live are wonderful. I am holding my fingers crossed for Shimada, Shin and An podium because they are stand outs.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
now.. this is the worst cover ever....

My ears …they are bleeding.

this is actually the first time ever I mute figure skating ( i mean other than when I am actually on the phone LOL) and you know me... i dislike a lot of the music we hear... but this was driving me insane... i was so close to throw the laptop far away but then i remember that i do need my computer for work...

do this with the music please:


Although I love Stefania, I hate her SP music too. I don't like Elvis at the best of times, but even his version would have been better than this cover.

Just wait until the Free Skate. I absolutely love the music she uses for it.

Who gave this pretty young girl this funereal music and dressed her in black?

Get the noose.


I had to.

considering what everybody else is wearing: they saw a red dress and they wanted paint it black

Comeback of the day! :bow: :clap: :points:

But, just be warned, she wears a red dress in the Free Skate!

Seriously, though, I've seen her wearing black for a few different programmes over the years, and I think it suits her.

For contrast, here she is looking very summery in the thumbnail of a video she put up Monday week ago:


Lovely to see the camaraderie between Stefania and Marilena in the video.

And her coach is dressed like an undertaker!

Would you prefer him like this?



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Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
Good Morning everyone. OK, I have to say it, seeing the US Ladies finishing this low is devastating. When you go from Gold and Bronze to not having a single lady in the flight....I don't know what happened but, I certainly hope ONE of them will skate well in the free. Sadly, I think our 3rd spot is history. I'd hate to see us drop down to one if they skate the way they did in the SP. I haven't seen Claire's performance but, I have seen her throughout the season and I have always enjoyed her skating.
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Jan 31, 2019
Good Morning everyone. OK, I have to say it, seeing the US Ladies finishing this low is devastating. When you go from Gold and Bronze to not a having a single lady in the flight....I don't know what happened but, I certainly hope ONE of them will skate well in the free. Sadly, I think our 3rd spot is history. I'd hate to see drop down to one if they skate the way they did in the SP. I haven't seen Claire's performance but, I have seen her throughout the season and I have always enjoyed her skating.
I was very surprised because US women had no reason to be impacted by travel, but they all skated not only with errors but without any kind of fire, which to me is worse. All three performances were flat and among the most boring to watch. Honestly, all 3 of them qualifying when Frank with her charming skate didn’t was a bit sad. I wish Thoringren went to Juniors after problems she had in seniors. Yes, she makes mistakes too this season, but she is marvellous otherwise.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
she will be in juniors this whole olympic cycle and there's no other Georgian juniors so there's really no risk in taking crazy risks for her. She still will have guaranteed 2 spots in JGP and a junior world spot next season.
the risk could be an injury though... it was a heavy fall... if it's not stable... or as @lariko pointed out, if she has arrived late at the competition, didn't go to practices..etc... at the same time, she and her coach are the ones who really know what to do... and true about the absence of consequences on JGP or within her national team.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Good Morning everyone. OK, I have to say it, seeing the US Ladies finishing this low is devastating. When you go from Gold and Bronze to not a having a single lady in the flight....I don't know what happened but, I certainly hope ONE of them will skate well in the free. Sadly, I think our 3rd spot is history. I'd hate to see drop down to one if they skate the way they did in the SP. I haven't seen Claire's performance but, I have seen her throughout the season and I have always enjoyed her skating.
the third spot is probably gone but it would take a disaster to lose the 2nd.


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2021
the risk could be an injury though... it was a heavy fall... if it's not stable... or as @lariko pointed out, if she has arrived late at the competition, didn't go to practices..etc... at the same time, she and her coach are the ones who really know what to do... and true about the absence of consequences on JGP or within her national team.
she was landing 3A-3T in practice there tho so it looks like it works out fine in practice which why they went for it here. It would have been smarter to get more points by going safe and clean but considering how she was scored during JGP even if she had been clean she wouldn't have likely been in top 5 anyway so taking a risk makes sense in that regards. She is out of contention now but can still make top 10 easily so she could get 2 spots for next JWC not that there's any use for it.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
she was landing 3A-3T in practice there tho so it looks like it works out fine in practice which why they went for it here. It would have been smarter to get more points by going safe and clean but considering how she was scored during JGP even if she had been clean she wouldn't have likely been in top 5 anyway so taking a risk makes sense in that regards. She is out of contention now but can still make top 10 easily so she could get 2 spots for next JWC not that there's any use for it.
yes. It makes sense. Looking at protocols she may feel a bit angry seeing that with a simpler combo, she would, this time around, have placed higher... Clean jumps were rewarded.


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
the third spot is probably gone but it would take a disaster to lose the 2nd.
Looking at their scores doesn't give me too much hope. US skaters have always done well in Canada. The audience is ALWAYS friendly and they have some amazing facilities. :(
Mar 21, 2018

I havn´t watched the rest of the skates yet, but if this is correct case, that´s horrible for Anna. I would never think of her as a skater who gets step sequence 1?

I can´t even remember that there where many so low levels on step sequence in the first group of skaters, so this doesn´t seem like consistent judging either, but rather like an error. Even Oda Havgar who got 38 total points got step sequence 3, she does not always gets that but usually level 2. She even had a stumble and got negative GOE. So Anna getting a level 1 makes no sense at all!!

When that said, I know nothing about how to judge levels in step sequence, but it seems the person tweeting this knows a little.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015

I havn´t watched the rest of the skates yet, but if this is correct case, that´s horrible for Anna. I would never think of her as a skater who gets step sequence 1?

I can´t even remember that there where many so low levels on step sequence in the first group of skaters, so this doesn´t seem like consistent judging either, but rather like an error. Even Oda Havgar who got 38 total points got step sequence 3, she does not always gets that but usually level 2. She even had a stumble and got negative GOE. So Anna getting a level 1 makes no sense at all!!

When that said, I know nothing about how to judge levels in step sequence, but it seems the person tweeting this knows a little.

I am no expert... WHo is this person on twiitter? A figure skating tech specialist?? Turns may be executed poorly and thus, not counted... This is what I know as a non-expert... so I tend to believe that the TP looked at the turns carefully.

Also, let's put things clearly, Anna could have gotten 0 on her step sequence and qualified for the LP if she had landed her jumps... That's what got her out of the LP... not poor judging.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Looking at their scores doesn't give me too much hope. US skaters have always done well in Canada. The audience is ALWAYS friendly and they have some amazing facilities. :(
I m sure they will do better in the LP.. They knew they were fighting for a spot on the final flight and that it was going to be tough... so there was a lot of pressure. Now, they can skate freely. Happens all the time... I expect better LP results for all 3 of them.