Alena Kostornaia | Page 410 | Golden Skate

Alena Kostornaia


Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019

Hi all! And you are back on my channel. Today we have the most usual video in which I answer your questions. As I promised, I will answer the 20 most interesting questions that I myself selected. I chose these questions very simply - I took them from Stories, which I specially published for you to send me messages. The authors of the 20 most creative questions, as I promised, are in for a surprise - this is my autograph. Therefore, if you see your question here, write to me about it in Direct, and I will try in some way to send you my autograph along with my photo. Naturally, it will be a beautiful photograph with a beautiful autograph. It will look like this: (A photo with Alyona's autograph appears in the upper left corner of the screen).

I still shoot my videos against a white wall because my apartment is undergoing renovations. I love renovation, I live inside the renovation for a whole year. That's great! Well, enough whining, let's get down to the questions. Right here I have an iPad where all your questions are written down. It is important to put it so that it does not fall into the frame …
So let's go!

First question:
Who is your role model?

For me, Alyona Savchenko has always been a role model. Because such a desire to win, such a motivation to train and win, such a long career... All this makes you think that this person likes figure skating so much, likes what she does so much that everything else fades into the background. Naturally, another example for me has always been Carolina Costner, because I really like the way she skates. Also, I like the way she interprets her programs. I love how she completes each of her moves completely. And her long career also makes you wonder. She is so dedicated to her work that absolutely everything else fades into the background compared to figure skating. This is really very cool, and there are very few such people, not only in sports, but in all other areas.

Next question:
How to deal with hate?

I can talk about how I do it. At first, all this really offended me very much - everything that they write on social networks. In addition, I am registered on many forums - and, of course, I read almost everything there - both bad and good. In past it hurt me very much and I thought: “No, it’s all wrong, it’s all not true, I’ll go there, I’ll swear there, I’ll arrange a mini-war in the comments” - and so on. Because I'm for the truth. But the more time passes, the more the most angry comments pass by my attention. All I can do in such cases is open such a comment, laugh at it and think: “Here, for example, I have something to do. I won't waste my time slinging mud at anyone." Here I have an occupation, I have a favorite thing, with which I try to occupy all my free and non-free time.

And if some person has time to spend it on a hate speech, then I probably feel very sorry for such a person, because he has not yet found a job that he likes.

Here's how I'm probably dealing with it. Besides, I believe that it is impossible to please absolutely everyone. Even different sweets are not to everyone's taste. I mean, there is no particular candy that absolutely everyone likes. For every person there is something that he does not like. The same applies to people, so I try not to focus on that. Any angry comment gives me the opportunity to grow mentally because I refrain from responding. In addition, I see what exactly people don’t like and I try to somehow rethink it, discuss it with my friends and relatives. And if we agree that there really was something wrong in my actions, then we correct it. If I read that everything was done correctly, that I did exactly what I should have done, then I don’t pay attention to criticism - somehow …

Third question:
What element do you associate yourself with? Earth, water, fire or air?

Probably... As far as I know, my zodiac sign is Earth. But I associate myself, probably, with Fire, because I am very quick-tempered, very irritable. And if something happens that I really don't like, I immediately explode.

Fourth question:
What was your longest flight?

My longest flight was to Vancouver. I have flown there several times. Such a journey takes at best 17 hours. It's hard, because first you need to fly, if I'm not mistaken (this was the last time), to Paris, to Charles de Gaulle airport. There is a transfer, then a flight to Toronto, and from there to Vancouver, and after all this, you still need to go by car or by bus. We usually ride the bus together. This is really a very difficult road, everyone gets tired, besides, the time zone is different - yes, it is very difficult.

Fifth question:
What qualities attract you in people and what qualities repel you?

I highly value honesty and truthfulness. And the ability to tell the truth in any situation, whatever it may be. That is, in general, this is the same quality, I just tried to make it more clear. What turns me off? I really don't like it when people portray themselves as someone they are not. This is really bad, because sometimes a person really wants to please someone. That is, he needs to get something from it. And that in itself points to something bad. Indeed, this is terrible, because I believe that you need to be yourself in any situation and remain human.

Six question:
Do you often think about your titles?

Probably, this refers to the victory at the European Championship - it was a very long time ago. I hope that I will still have the opportunity to express myself. I still believe that I have a long career ahead of me and I can take my titles to the next level. But in fact, I remember the previous titles only in those moments when they announce my performance on the show. I myself try not to brag about these achievements. People who know me already know about these titles. And who does not know - well, then they do not need it.

Seventh question:
How tall are you?

For some reason, the question of what my height and weight is always one of the top five most popular questions. I do not hide this - my height is 155 centimeters, and my weight is 43-44 kilograms. That is, the weight fluctuates within these limits depending on the situation. That is, the difference between my height and weight is 112. In general, this is standard for athletes. Some people consider a difference of 114 normal, others - 110, and I have 112. When I was a little shorter, this difference was more. But I think that I now have quite a good appearance, and my weight allows me to successfully perform the elements. That is, in general, there are no problems.

Eighth question:
What do you take with you to training?

Now I live next to the ice rink, you can get there in just three minutes. So whatever I need, I always take with me. I usually take the keys to the house, because I need to somehow lock the apartment. I don't want to be left without an apartment. I always take water with me, wet wipes, dry wipes, everything for the nose, because the snot flows and nothing can be done about it - such a sport. Well, that's all, actually.

Ninth question:
Which of your tattoos caused you the most pain?

I have five tattoos, and the most painful thing was to get a tattoo on the ribs. This tattoo is usually not visible, few people know about its very existence and the exact place in which it is located. But getting a tattoo on the ribs is really very unpleasant, because the skin is thin, and every vibration of the device is felt very strongly. It is unpleasant.

Tenth question:
Do you have a favorite athlete in rhythmic gymnastics?

I don’t have one favorite athlete, but I can single out a few girls that I really like. Of course, these are the sisters Averina. I have mad respect for them, I really like their programs, and they themselves. In addition, I really like to look at Lala Kramarenko, Anya Popova, Maria Borisova, Nastya Guzenkova. Of course, I am familiar with all of them - some better, others not so good, and there are those with whom I am friendly. We sometimes cross paths with them. They are cool girls, it is pleasant to communicate with them. I wish them good luck, success, so that everything works out for them.

Eleventh question:
Have you had emotional breakdowns during training?

Yes, breakdowns happen quite often. I am a maximalist by nature, and when something goes wrong during a workout, I react very strongly to it, I immediately explode. It starts with exclamations, such as: “Damn, what is this!”. This continues with tears, and this is a strong hysteria. And if everything is really bad, then I start hitting this part of my hand on the side of the rink. From this, the fence shudders, my arm starts to hurt, it also unpleasant for me! This happens very rarely, and it is very ugly. Yes, I have such a sin. But I try to control it as best as possible, because a person has only one nervous system and I advise everyone to take care of it.

Twelfth question:
What was your most expensive purchase this year?

The most expensive purchase this year, and in my entire life, was a car. I am very glad that now I do not have to spend money on a taxi. Indeed, I got a driver's license two years ago, but at first there was no talk of buying a car, because it is very expensive, and my parents promised to help me with this. Well, this year I decided that the right time has come, it's time, I have grown and matured enough for this. So now I drive a car and as my instructor said - beware on the roads!

Thirteenth question:
How are you with vocals?

I'm doing well with vocals, I moved to a new school, but I study with the same teacher. Recently there was a concert at the apartment and I performed Maxim's song “I'll Learn to Fly”. It turned out well overall. Since, of course, confirmation is needed, please: (a video with Alyona singing is shown). This is the most ordinary fragment of the performance, from which I did not expect anything, but on the whole it turned out very well. I'm glad I was able to sing. Well, for those who want to say that it was disgusting - please write. I'll be glad to hear from you if that makes you feel better.

Question 14:
Will you recover the triple axel?

Guys, I love you all. Throughout my solo skating career, people have asked me what is wrong with my triple axel? Because sometimes this element worked for me, and sometimes it didn’t work. But in this case, I had an operation. A very difficult operation. Not every athlete after such an operation is generally able to go on the ice. Most recently, just two weeks ago, I restored the 3 + 3 cascades. That is, it is 3F+3T, 3Lz+3T, 3Lz+3Lo, 3F+1eu+3S. At the same time, I still cannot jump a double axel - for me it really hurts a lot.

Well, in general, it’s quite difficult for me to jump, because some movements cause great discomfort. But it's getting better and better. And taking into account the fact that I was supposed to start jumping only in June or July, and I have already collected all the jumps, everything is pretty good. Maybe someday you will see my triple axel in competition.

Question 15:
Will you have new programs with Billie Eilish songs?

Of course, I really like this performer, so why not. And if she has something new and interesting - we'll try.

Question 16:
Why don't you wear glasses in everyday life? You look great with glasses.

I don't wear glasses because it's not very comfortable for me. I wear contact lenses. Points - it's something like this (shows with her hands). The glasses do not provide side vision, and I am driving a car now, and if I do not see what is happening on the sides, it will be very dangerous. That's why I'm in lenses.

Question 17:
When will you arrive in Almaty? We are waiting for you!

When they call me there for a master class, I will come with pleasure. And while I was not called there, why should I go there?

Question 18:
Are you the person you dreamed of being as a child?

If I had been asked this question five years ago, I would have answered exactly the same as now: yes, I have become such a person. But I think that I did not want to become someone once. My task was to become myself, not to pretend to be anyone and settle in life so that I liked everything. In general, I coped with this task - almost everything suits me. Let's just say I have something that most of the world's population does not have and therefore I cannot complain. So I achieved my main goals.

Question 19:
How did you pass your driver's license exams?

Another relevant question! Guys, I did what all people do - I took a course at a driving school, then I came to the traffic police and passed the exam. It didn't work for me the first time, but I still passed the exam.

And the last popular question is the decision about my transition [to pair skating]. I have already answered this topic. I just originally decided to try and learn some tricks for the show because I needed it for "Dracula". And I liked it so much that I got into it. In addition, one day I realized that doing paired elements does not hurt me now. It all depended on my leg, and that's how it turned out. Because there are a lot of moments when you can learn something new and not touch your leg. That is, if jumping gives me pain, then in single skating I have nothing else to do. And in pair skating then there are supports, todes and much more. So I started to master the basics step by step, and when it stopped being “just for fun”, I thought: “why not try to go further?”.

Well, that was my Q&A column. I don't do it often, but still. I hope you liked the video
Wow, thank you so much!
I didn't know that she was still in recovery, and I'm really happy that she's ahead of schedule (I just hope she's not doing things too fast for a best recovery). 3Lz + 3Lo, that's crazy, that's somehow what gave Alina Zagitova her Olympic Gold in Singles, and while many Men can jump it (I hope that Georgy Kunitsa can, and that they can adapt to a beautiful side-by-side combination), so very few Single have had this combination ever since! I think Alexandra Trusova jumped it sometimes? Nobody at last Worlds anyway. And in Pairs, this would be a greater advantage than in Singles, because as Singles have 7 jump passes in the Free Skating with a limited number of jumps to choose from, someone who jumps a 3Lz + 3Lo in the Free may have to jump a solo 3S instead of a solo 3Lo, with less potential GOEs due to the GOEs not applying to the value of the second jump of a combination (which I don't understand, by the way), unless they have a 3A and a 3A combination to fill two of the jump passes. In Pairs, there are fewer jump passes (only one solo jump and one combination or sequence), so there's nothing to sacrifice.
Since her wrist accidents I had no expectation of her getting back her 3A, but I really hope that she will get her gorgeous 2A back, in time. I hope she won't jump it if it hurts, though! It's not compulsory in Pairs skating.
And I'm also so happy that she's now living so near her rink! And above all, that she's happy, of course.

Alex Fedorov

Nov 12, 2021
I think Alexandra Trusova jumped it sometimes? Nobody at last Worlds anyway.
Sasha has indeed performed this combination before. For example, at Skate Canada in 2019. But later she moved on to other elements. Performing 3Lz + 3Lo just to get points does not make much sense. But if the skater has such a skill, then he will be able to insert an additional combination into a free program.


Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019
Sasha has indeed performed this combination before. For example, at Skate Canada in 2019. But later she moved on to other elements. Performing 3Lz + 3Lo just to get points does not make much sense. But if the skater has such a skill, then he will be able to insert an additional combination into a free program.
Clearly, she had so many ultra-C jumps to "choose" from in the Free Skating, that 3Lz + 3Lo would have been an advantage only in the Short Program, and this, only because Women can't jump quadruples in the Short; and eventually she focused on jumping a 3A instead of a 2A.
Among Men, Shoma Uno is short but not very keen on jump combinations, Ilia Malinin wouldn't care for anything with more than one triple if not 3A, Kévin Aymoz had a 3Lz+2Lo in 2016-2017 but never 3Lz+3Lo, it's maybe not in Jason Brown's jumping possibilities... In the end, among top skaters only tall Junhwan Cha jumped a 3Lz + 3Lo, which is understandable too as he doesn't jump quadruples in combination.
I do hope Georgy Kunitsa can jump it! In fact, in my wildest dreams I was hoping that they would be able to jump a 3F (because of Alyona Kostornaya's preferred edge) + 2A + 2T, which would have been easy to her before her injury, but even with a 3Lz instead of the 3F, this sequence has a base value of 10.5 while a 3Lz + 3Lo is 10.8, so this announcement was really great news for me. Of course, jumping this combination at practice doesn't mean she can jump it in competition, even less so in a Pairs competition.


On the Ice
Aug 24, 2016
In the end, among top skaters only tall Junhwan Cha jumped a 3Lz + 3Lo

Also Yuma Kagiyama has been jumping 3Lz+3Lo or 3F+3Lo pretty consistently the previous two seasons (he skipped the current season due to an injury though). Some of the Russian men jump +3Lo combos too, e.g. Peter Gumennik, Matvej Vetlugin and Gleb Lutfulin (who does 4S+3Lo pretty consistently, which is quite impressive).


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2011


Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019
another enlightening interview with Aliona...

I thought that this interview when she went back to Eteri Tutberidze was lighthearted, but it was not.
I don't think that it's bad when a child argues and answers back, not at all, but of course if a coach has many pupils they may not be able to manage.
I'm really happy that the Russian Federation believes in their Pairs team.


Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019
A little photo after practice?



Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019
A new interview came out today, I hope someone is going to translate it.
Anyway, Aliona looks super gorgeous! 😍

She wears braces! I hope I can watch it soon.
I have read that they had a triple twist at practice, maybe it's on the video? Anyway it's just extraordinary. Of course I don't expect it in a competition next season, it takes time!


Record Breaker
Dec 9, 2019
I'm so happy! I don't think it's too soon, I don't think they're too young, just out of their age and date of meeting. It's really something individual. There are people who get engaged very young after a few hours acquaintance and who live happily ever after, and others who need years, who are not so young, and whose marriage/relationship fails. And I too wish them all possible happiness! They look so happy right now, may this happiness always increase!