Alina Zagitova | Page 1031 | Golden Skate

Alina Zagitova


May 31, 2019

Say it louder for the people in the back! The ones wearing fur coats! :points:

She also never spoke out in her own defense. Not once. Not when she was being called a copy-cat for stealing someone's favorite song. Or being accused of plagiarism because of Daniil's choreography choices. Or being called an 'undeserving' Olympic Champion who won Gold by 'accident'. She remained silent, continued to work, and proved her critics wrong by winning Worlds.

When she was reported to the police (!) in her home town for driving down an empty neighborhood street at 2 miles per hour, she never said a word. Nor did any member or her family that I am aware of.

She gives all the credit to her coaches and family. Takes the blame on herself when anything goes wrong. Says the judges are always correct even when her scores are harsh. When Eteri's sister posts derogatory comments that imply she doesn't work hard enough, she supports her coaches and doesn't even hint at defending herself from any accusations or inferences.

When the great idols of Russian FS are behaving like deranged 'stans' she just stays quiet. She could have made a joke about them on Urgant. With an assist from him, and in front of an audience of her fans, it would have brought the house down and the video would have gone viral. She doesn't even address it indirectly, much less take a cheap shot. There are some very foolish people being mocked relentlessly right now who could learn from her.

Actually she gave them clever response when she was called copycat. The screenshot of youtube which showed unbelievable number of views of 'bad guy' and one word SERIOUSLY???
So clever and sarcastic. That's our girl:cool:
And when team Tutberidze's statement incited war among Russian. She simply posted pictures of her team, saying her success is not accidental, she will continue to fight WITH her team. (And the picture she took at the studio is so beautiful, she is like a host and she formally announced that she will support her team:cool:)


one and only
Record Breaker
Mar 16, 2019

Say it louder for the people in the back! The ones wearing fur coats! :points:

She also never spoke out in her own defense. Not once. Not when she was being called a copy-cat for stealing someone's favorite song. Or being accused of plagiarism because of Daniil's choreography choices. Or being called an 'undeserving' Olympic Champion who won Gold by 'accident'. She remained silent, continued to work, and proved her critics wrong by winning Worlds.

When she was reported to the police (!) in her home town for driving down an empty neighborhood street at 2 miles per hour, she never said a word. Nor did any member or her family that I am aware of.

She gives all the credit to her coaches and family. Takes the blame on herself when anything goes wrong. Says the judges are always correct even when her scores are harsh. When Eteri's sister posts derogatory comments that imply she doesn't work hard enough, she supports her coaches and doesn't even hint at defending herself from any accusations or inferences.

When the great idols of Russian FS are behaving like deranged 'stans' she just stays quiet. She could have made a joke about them on Urgant. With an assist from him, and in front of an audience of her fans, it would have brought the house down and the video would have gone viral. She doesn't even address it indirectly, much less take a cheap shot. There are some very foolish people being mocked relentlessly right now who could learn from her.

:clap: agree with every word


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2014
Actually she gave them clever response when she was called copycat. The screenshot of youtube which showed unbelievable number of views of 'bad guy' and one word SERIOUSLY???
So clever and sarcastic. That's our girl:cool:
And when team Tutberidze's statement incited war among Russian. She simply posted pictures of her team, saying her success is not accidental, she will continue to fight WITH her team. (And the picture she took at the studio is so beautiful, she is like a host and she formally announced that she will support her team:cool:)

True. She says everything she needs to say by saying very little. And saying it very subtly but directly.

I also agree that the people who failed to give her the credit she deserved after she won gold are primarily responsible for creating an extremely over-protective (at times) fan base. Which seems to be driving them crazy since her fans will not let anyone get away with slighting her.

Scott, the car thing did happen. I can't believe you missed it. Some people reacted like Alina had committed vehicular manslaughter instead of just learning to drive like we all did when we were kids- in the car with a parent on a quiet street in a neighborhood of her hometown. (To be fair, Russia has stricter rules and regulations which should be respected.)

Either her mom or dad was in the car with Alina and filmed her driving, (slowly, carefully, both hands on the wheel) and she posted it to her IG stories. She was smiling, happy and proud of herself. Cue all hell breaking loose in three different languages. Some helpful idiot notified the police. (I wish I was kidding.) Many long drawn out debates about are had on multiple forums discussing the situation from every possible angle. Finally everyone exhausts themselves and drops it. The case gets dismissed. Alina's life of crime is over.

Until she steals Bad Guy and JoJo's choreography! :drama:


May 28, 2019
She plays different roles in Russian and Japanese market.

I don't think she "plays" any roles, it's just the general atmosphere is completely different, and Alina feels and reacts accordingly.


Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2014
I agree with you. Somehow, Russian elites' impolite behavior makes Alina's fans more loyal to her and always tried their best to protect her. Her team doesn't allocate much media resource to her. But she has already received high reputation among ordinary Russian people.(Maybe we have to thank TAT and her followers:laugh:).
I actually think she should avoid to be entertaining because AS and Medvedeva are quite good at gaining attention through entertaining way. Alina should be more special and maybe a serious/rebellious fighter image is more proper:yahoo:

Who is AS?

Alina is not going to change the person she is to suit others.

People in Russia are actually writing articles about how mean and harsh Alina fans are. Lol. It is beyond ridiculous. Like other so sad this is largely just us protecting the Golden Girl who never says a bad word about anybody but constantly gets dunked on play the Russian elites etc.


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2014

I hope Masaru will resume her pair skating career in a version of Alina's Me Voy dress. Daniil would probably prefer to make a partner switch to Knopa! Or maybe Alina :) -

Alina's Olympic Ring. -


Mar 24, 2018
Have you ever seen Alina smile so much as in these photos of the Navka show rehearsals? I think she had long wanted to skate just for fun


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
What is her actual role in this fairy tale? Alina is supposed to be a 16 year old maiden, is the character supposed to be happy, sad, angry, afraid?


Mar 24, 2018
In every posters of the show there’s Alina with a worried face togheter with Navka with an evil stare. I suppose Alina will be portrait like a naive, cute, smiling girl since her role is basically being awakened by the prince to break the evil fairy curse. Before that, the only important thing she does is pricks her finger on the spindle and instantly falling into a deep sleep 😅


Mar 18, 2017
I was thinking maybe Alina could spend some time doing some dance lessons. Just saw her new post of her practicing her survivor program and I always thought her moves could have been sharper and with more energy. I would love to see Alina use this break to take her artistry to a new level.


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2014
Borrowed this -

Tiffany, Jonathan and Michelle Kwan left comments in Alina's recent post showing her training survival.

She liked some of those comments.

Michelle's was: Yesssssss


One of the all time greatest encouraging Alina! :hap93:


Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2014
Dmitry Soloviev & Bobrova supporting Alina -

The 2014 Olympic champions in team competitions, Yekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Soloviev, commented on Alina Zagitova ’s decision to suspend her sports career.

“Each athlete has his own way, this is an accomplished person and athlete, you just need to make her decision,” said Bobrova.

“In general, after the Olympics it takes a lot of energy, you are simply devastated and you don’t have enough elementary emotions for anything. She spent a high season after the Olympics one and a half seasons. She is a man, not a robot.

So much media attention to our girls ... Well, you leave them alone, after all, it is impossible to work with such pressure on such an emotional limit.

I will stand up for the protection of any athlete about whom they first say how good he is when he wins medals, and then what a bad person he is when he decided to pause. We need to support our beloved athlete in any direction, whatever it is, ” added Soloviev.


Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2014
Have you ever seen Alina smile so much as in these photos of the Navka show rehearsals? I think she had long wanted to skate just for fun

Yeah she has one at the skate for fun for a long time and I think this break will do her good. Alina may or may not come back to competition next year. I think all of us just hope she's happy and smiling. She will still be training and in great shape but she will be giving that Troublesome left knee a real rest from competition.


On the Ice
Apr 20, 2018
Some new videos about Alina:
Alina Zagitova 2019.12.19 Japanese TV Reportages 1080p 30fps

Alina Zagitova 2019.12.17 Tatiana Navka Sleeping Beaty. Legend of Two Kingdoms Ice Show 2019-2020 Reportage D 1080p 29fps
Ледовое Шоу Татьяны Навки Спящая Красавица. Легенда Двух Королевств 2019-2020 Репортаж D

Alina Zagitova 2019.12.18 Survivor Lara Croft Tomb Raider Practice 800p 30fps

Alina Zagitova 2019.12.18 Tatiana Navka Sleeping Beaty. Legend of Two Kingdoms Ice Show 2019-2020 Press Conference 1080p 30fps
Ледовое Шоу Татьяны Навки Спящая Красавица. Легенда Двух Королевств 2019-2020 Пресс-конференция


one and only
Record Breaker
Mar 16, 2019
Okay guys, we all know Japan loves Alina to bits.
So they went to Moscow and asked her again, just to make sure, is she retiring or not! (I believe they also had a whole show analyzing the state of Russian figure skating, what made Alina make this decision, what can be done, etc..)
I mean... I feel like Japanese fans of Alina are really extremely worried, so they want to know more and hear it from Alina!

Alina‘s response: «I’m not taking part ONLY at russian nationals, that’s all. I’m not going anywhere.
I am skipping russian Nationals, because I need to recover and find myself. But I’m not going anywhere»

:D I feel like retirement talk is starting to get on Alina’s nerves xD
I remember before worlds Alina said that mean comments fired her up to do well, I guess „retirement wishers“ are going to fire up Alina as well :)