Alternative competition structures | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Alternative competition structures

Jul 11, 2003
Back on Topic: I think something should be done to make the Short Program more interesting than just a preview of the Main Event.

Short Program Contents

Spirals - Will they be the same in the LP?

Footwork -Although the Tempo will change, is it really different than LP?

Spins - Once you see a well executed combo spin (position, centering, revolutions, entrances and exists) will the LP be any different?

Jumps - Will the required jumps be seen again in the LP?

Scoring - Will the spirals, footwork, spins and jumps be scored significantly different in the LP?

I contend the two programs should be vastly different so as to make both of them meaningful. Unfortunately, I do not have any good suggestions.



Oct 27, 2006
I would ban certain music..

No Russian folk music
No Tosca
No Carmen
No Swan Lake
No Romeo and Juliet

I would also like to see the judge's panel be from countries different then the there are Japanese, US and Russian skaters, then the judges should be from other countries...this would eliminate judges giving higher scores for their countries skaters!


On the Ice
Dec 4, 2005
How Can We Make A System More Equitable For All Skaters & Nations?

Much discussion has been had on making elite competition more exciting for fans, through various means such as mandatory jumps in sp and lp, etc.... Since elite sport is run by the 'excitment fan factor' that television revenue demands - under CoP we have turned the sport into carbon-copy performances where everyone does similar elements to garner the maximum point value.

So - what happens to the rest of the skating world - the skaters, parents and their fans who will never make it to the international stage? Unless a skater trades citizenship for international experience, there is little hope for most skaters to ever reach such heights.

Perhaps it is time to look at divisioning skaters based on ability - not national status or age. This is done in other sports, which is how some Olympic athletes win so many medals ie speed skating.....

For example: Division 1: men doing triple axels and quads
Division 2: men doing triple axels and triples -
Division: 10: men doing double axels and some triples
Division 12: men doing single axels and doubles

Sure competitive tests are supposed to division skaters by level but let's face it - the requirements aren't a true test of a skaters ability. Some skaters will never get a double axel while others will easily get a quad.

Why bother spending time and money in a sport where, statistically 99% of skaters will eventually hit a brick wall (less than 1% of skaters get a double axel and even fewer compete nationally).

If we made the sport more inclusive, with levels for everyone - that would detract from the chosen few that compete for the $$ and glamour of gold at the top. But is that such a bad thing?

BTW: why is it almost impossible for a single female skater to make it to nationals (but not for males, dancers and pairs) than it is for synchro skaters with less ability? I know 'Junior level' synchro team members that have made it to nationals, with members who can't do a single axel or lutz jump -- and consider themselves as elite as singles level 'Junior' skaters with triples and double axels...........Anyone find that strange?
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Record Breaker
Oct 31, 2006
I've always thought it would be interesting to see figure skating take on a gymnastics "event" approach where there's not just an all-around, but also a competition for individual apparatuses. Similarly, figure skating should hold a spin competition, a footwork competition, a jumping competition, and a figures competition in addition to the normal, all around competition. I think that would be really neat to see!