Andrei Mozalev | Page 49 | Golden Skate

Andrei Mozalev


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Andrei Mozalev: "There is fatigue after the First Channel Cup. I gave it my all there, I gave a lot of emotions".

Russian figure skater Andrei Mozalev commented on his performance in the short program at the St. Petersburg Championship (5th place).

- What do you think about your performance? How do you feel?

- I feel a little tired. I can't do everything. But my feelings, except for the jumps, were great. The audience was very supportive. Fans on the stands. I`m tired after the Channel One Cup, I did my best there. It is a little bit hard here. I gave a lot of emotions in Moscow.

- What is it like for you to play two weeks in a row?

- I have never had such a thing. I had a break of two weeks at most. It was my last junior season.

- Why did you decide to play, knowing that it would be difficult?

- It was hard, but it was also an experience. It's the championship of the city I love. That's why I'm here.

- What do you think of the fact that this is the first time a city championship is being held at a full house?

- It's cool that figure skating develops and goes forward, more spectators watch us.

- Is it still possible to fight for the victory?

- You can always fight for the victory.

- Did the absence of a coach at the rink affect you?

- No, not really. I had such an experience before. You need to be able to compete without a coach and with a coach is also an experience.

- And the presence of material incentives in the championship of the city inspires you to win?

- Of course it does. There's nothing to comment on.

- What were you feeling when you watched European Championship?

- I didn`t watch it, I only saw the results. I`ve watched the table and browsed through the printouts. I didn't leave any special impressions.

- Wasn`t it a shame that you weren`t there?

- It's a shame, actually. But, I think, that my European championships are still ahead of me. I'm not sad, I try to keep working, - said Mozalev.

Russian text here


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
My favorite fancam Channel 1 Cup SP



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Liza Khudaiberdieva (L.) interviews Andrei Mozalev (A.) behind the scenes of Ch1Cup for her wlog:

L.: Hey, Andrei, I watched your training, I think everything worked out.

A: Yes, everything worked out. I hurt my leg a little bit, at the beginning of practice on ice. Thank God now it okay.

L: It was just an awesome skating yesterday. 104 points, even a little more. Do you know if you are not knocked down badly or not knocked down at all, it just adds confidence for free skating.

A: I've already forgotten.

L: Already forgot, well done. Okay, don`t think about it.

Last season was very busy, and you are going into this season in great shape. How did you force yourself in the offseason - or didn't you?

A: I've entered a new quad and so I'm already preparing for the next Olympics. All these competitions are preparation for the Olympics.

L: That's a very correct way of thinking. Thank you!
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Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Anastasia Skoptsova (S) interviews Andrei Mozalev (M) for her vlog at the St. Petersburg Championship.

S.: This is Andrei Mozalev, he's getting some gifts.

Andrei, please tell me, if you had an imaginary championship Moscow vs. St. Petersburg, would it be interesting to take part in such a competition?

M.: I think so.

S.: who do you think would win in men's figure skating?

M.: Druzhba (Friendship) *chuckles* ("Druzhba won" is a periphrase of the expression "to play in a draw" in Russian since the Soviet Union).

S. (looks slyly at the camera): Andrei hints that he would have won.

M. laughs even more embarrassed

S.: This is the story that happened to me today. I took a toy out of a slot machine. I decide who to give it to tomorrow. It's a pink cat, a toy with a bit of a hint. What are the weirdest or most cool, memorable toys fans have thrown at you on the ice?

M.: Recently at the Channel 1 Cup I was given a big, big heart.

S.: Like this? *looks on toy in Andrei's hands, which didn`t make it into the frame. Andrei lifts the toy up and shows it to the camera*.

M.: The same one, but without hands.

S.: How big it was?

M.: Well, it was carried by four little girls.

S. looks shocked at the camera, mouth ajar. M.: *short nervous laughter*.

S.: Who did you give that toy to?

М. *shifts his eyes away, smiles and laughs embarrassedly* Someone took it from me.

S. (very sly): Girlfriend?

M.: *shifts her eyes, smiles broadly* No.

S.: We are just the most popular Youtube channel about figure skating, all fans watch us. That's why I tell them right away, who has a girlfriend and who doesn't, so that fan girls don't waste their time.

*M.'s embarrassment reaches its maximum limits, he laughs nervously and turns away, becoming semi-profile to the camera*.

S. (continues) So if you can give us some little hint...

M. *returns to the original pose, smiling, calm* Let it remain a secret.

*Looks at S. ironically squinting and clearly enjoying the situation. S. is puzzled*.

S.: Wait, wait. Let's deal with this. Should girls write to you in Direct (on Instagram) or shouldn't you waste their time?

M. (with a smile) No one forbids them to write in my Direct.

S. (a sly look at the camera): Girls, you all get it!
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Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Some photos from RusNat (FS)



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
SPb Championship, SP.



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
"Like a king". White team promo from C1K. Backstage.



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Sweet memoruies. 2019, February



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Andrei Mozalev, supporting Semenenko, suddenly found himself in the place of his fans watching his favorite's crumbling program. Yep, Andrei, imagine that our pain after each of your bad skates is as big as yours now :angry:

We are incredibly courageous people :ghug:

Kid is still so emotional and sincere, it's impossibly cute :points:
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Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
_________denial___________ anger


"Makar, is the monster gone, is everything okay? Is Zhenya okay?"

"I'm never going to watch figure skating again, it sucks. Even if they promise me ice cream."

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Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Oh my goodness, look who is as young, handsome and charismatic as Richard Gere and Gerard Depardieu in their younger days :love:

Compared to yesterday's video, it looks as Mozalev has no middle ground; he is either a distressed kitten or a young tiger ready to leap.
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