Angelina Kudryavtseva & Ilia Karankevich | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Angelina Kudryavtseva & Ilia Karankevich


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Junior World Championships Short Dance: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Angelina and Ilia finished 10th out of 30 in the SD, with a score of 61.35.

I haven't actually seen the full Short Dance segment yet. But, I did find Angelina and Ilia within the archived livestream to watch their programme.

First thing I have to say is that I didn't recognise Angelina when I found them! She has changed so much since I last saw her. She looks so mature now.

Anyway, back to the programme. Suffice to say, everything looked faultless to me... until the Twizzles at the end. Let's just say there were some synchronisation issues.

Looking at the protocols, they are saying the same. Everything was positive, be it in terms of GOE or Judges marks, until the Twizzles. The Twizzles got -0.11 in GOE, and Judges marks of two -1's; six 0's; and +1 from Judge 8.

It was interesting to see their differing reactions immediately after they finished. Ilia just burst out laughing, while Angelina actually looked angry. It was obvious that these reactions came out of frustration at everything going so well for most of the programme, and then getting spoiled at the end by the Twizzles. But they quickly turned on the smiles when they stood up to go and take their bows.

Angelina and Ilia are currently in an American partnership sandwich! They finished the SD 0.70 points behind 9th position, Jenna HAUER / Benjamin STARR, and 0.01 points ahead of 11th position, Helena CARHART / Volodymyr HOROVYI. All three partnerships are part of a larger group where 9 partnerships are covered by 6.09 points, from Celina FRADJI / Jean-Hans FOURNEAUX (FRA) in 5th position, 4.46 points ahead of Angelina and Ilia; to Elizabeth TKACHENKO / Alexei KILIAKOV (ISR) in 13th position, 1.63 points ahead of Angelina and Ilia.

In a group this large, anything can happen. And if the right things happen for Angelina and Ilia, they have the potential to move up considerably.

And I noticed something in their ISU Bio this morning. It looks like they have changed the first song of their Free Dance. :cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points:

As you all know, I never liked "It's Tricky" by Run DMC being there. It didn't fit with the other songs in the medley. I always said that the song it is based on, "Mickey" by Toni Basil, would be a better choice. Well, they haven't gone for that. Instead, they have gone for another song that I absolutely love, "Crazy In Love" by Beyoncé. Granted, it is not from the same era as the rest of the music, but who cares?! It's a song that will really get things going!

Can't wait to see how they get on with it!

:cheer: WELL DONE!!! :cheer:

The Junior Free Dance is due to start at 12:00:00 MST Saturday (19:00:00 GMT Saturday / 21:00:00 EET Saturday / 22:00:00 MSK Saturday / 00:00:00 YEKT Sunday). So 7 hours from now.

Angelina and Ilia will be the 11th partnership to start. So, first partnership in Group 3 (and first partnership to go after the resurfacing).

The Group 3 Warm-Up is due to start at 13:39:20 MST Saturday (20:39:20 GMT Saturday / 22:39:20 EET Saturday / 23:39:20 MSK Saturday / 01:39:20 YEKT Sunday). So 8h 39m from now.

Angelina and Ilia are due to start at 13:44:50 MST Saturday (20:44:50 GMT Saturday / 22:44:50 EET Saturday / 23:44:50 MSK Saturday / 01:44:50 YEKT Sunday). So 8h 39m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before them withdraws.

Here is the link for the World Feed coverage on the ISU YouTube Channel:

Here is the Time Schedule:

And here is the live scoring:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Right, now that we know what is happening, I thought I should summarise it here.

Firstly, Angelina and Ilia will be doing back-to-back Junior GP's:

30th August – 2nd September 2023JGP2: Cup Of AustriaLinz, AUT
6th – 9th September 2023JGP3: IstanbulIstanbul, TUR

In preparation for this, their ISU Bio was updated in the wee small hours of this morning to include their programmes for this season.

Short Dance:
“Like A Prayer” by Madonna
“Pray For Spanish Eyes” by Madonna
“Material Girl” by Madonna

Free Dance:
“Le Notti Di Cabiria” by Nino Rota

And, in case anybody is interested, here is what I wrote in the "2023-24 Programmes By Discipline" thread:

YES, YES, YES for Madonna!!! :cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points: :hb:

I didn't know "Pray For Spanish Eyes", but I just listened to it, and I think it will make a great middle section to the programme, in between the two hit songs.

And I am intrigued to find out what they have planned for the Nino Rota music. I haven't seen the film, but reading about it on Wikipedia, if they stick to the plot, it is going to make a dramatic programme!

I was already looking forward to seeing what they would bring us, but I'm even more excited now!


The Original Post of this thread has now been updated to reflect all this. And I hope you like the new layout for "Programmes" section.

Finally, some Instagram updates.

Three weeks ago, they both posted this album of them on the ice in Vyskov, Moravia, CZE:

Yesterday, Ilia posted a photo of himself doing off-ice training in Egna / Neumarkt, South Tyrol, ITA:

And tonight, they both posted this album of them practicing on-ice in Egna / Neumarkt, South Tyrol, ITA:

Ilia, a bit of man-to-man advice: ditch the man-bun.

Oh, how I would love to just sneak up behind him with a pair of scissors ✂️ and snip it off... :devil:



Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Short Dance:
“Like A Prayer” by Madonna
“Pray For Spanish Eyes” by Madonna
“Material Girl” by Madonna

Free Dance:
“Le Notti Di Cabiria” by Nino Rota
I'm very excited/curious to see how their programs this season by Zanni will look like. If I'm not mistaken their programs last season were from their old team?


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I'm very excited/curious to see how their programs this season by Zanni will look like. If I'm not mistaken their programs last season were from their old team?

Yep, last season's programmes were developed under their old coaching set-up in Russia, before they switched to their current set-up in Italy mid-season.



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
As I said in my earlier post over in Stefania's thread, it's 16th August again, the anniversary of when Cyprus gained it's independence from the UK in 1960. And, traditionally, I would wait until this date to make changes to the Team Cyprus Fan Fest. Things like adding profiles for new members of the team, or splitting skaters off into their own threads. However, there are no major changes to make this year.

For Angelina and Ilia, all the information about their programmes and Junior GP allocations were posted last week. Fortunately, since then, Ilia has put a new post up on Instagram. So, I'll use it as my 16th August post!

On Sunday, Ilia posted an album containing two photos of them training in Egna / Neumarkt, South Tyrol, ITA:

He's not wrong! ;)



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Bad news, I'm afraid.

Angelina and Ilia collided with another partnership during practice yesterday in Linz. And the result is that Angelina has broken 2 bones.

More information in the following post that Ilia put up in their joint Instagram account (which I didn't know they had until there now):

So, I'm afraid that their Junior GP Series campaign for this season has ended before it really started.

Wishing Angelina all the best with her recovery.

And, please, don't attempt to come back before you are properly fully fit again. We don't want you to risk doing any further damage that could set back your recovery.

Thank you to @gleungc6 for letting us know about what happened over in the competition thread.



Mar 1, 2021
really sad to hear about their injury, but i’m sure they’ll come back strong! (i just hope they take all the time they need to recover)


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
As it is now 10 minutes until the start of what should have been their second Junior GP, now would be a good time to update you on how Angelina is getting on.

Here are the Instagram posts that Angelina has posted during the past week:

Friday 1st September

Saturday 2nd September

Monday 4th September

Wednesday 6th September

In summary, she was operated on on Thursday evening, and it went smoothly. It was nice to read that she had a lot of support around her. She now has her leg in a cast, and is using crutches. Angelina had been released from hospital by Monday, and had returned to Italy by Wednesday.

All the best with your rehabilitation over the coming weeks and months!



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Apparently the third Saturday in October is International Sloth Day. So, no doubt Stefania will be celebrating with SuperSimone. But that is not the only reason that today is significant within the Cypriot team. Because today is Angelina's 18th birthday!!!

:cheer: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELINA!!! :cheer:

:cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points: :hb:

I hope you have an enjoyable day, and that the coming year is a good one for you, both on and off the ice.

And on that note, it is probably a good time to give you another round up of Angelina's posts about her recovery.

Friday 8th September
A video narrated by Angelina telling the story of what happened, and includes clips of her being worked on in hospital. It's not graphic, but I thought I should warn you anyway just in case.

Thursday 14th September
A video narrated by Angelina going through her daily routine.

Monday 9th October
Photos of Angelina in Cyprus that I suspect are pre-injury, but she tells us in the description that she is going to have surgery later in the week.

Friday 13th October
Photos of Angelina on the train, and she tells us in the description that the surgery was cancelled.

Monday 16th October
Photos of Angelina in Cyprus that I suspect are pre-injury, but she tells us in the description that she is having the surgery the following day.

Wednesday 18th October
Video about Angelina's trip to Germany for the surgery.

Friday 20th October
Photos of Angelina lying on the ground (?!), but in the description she talks about what all has happened this week.

So, it looks like Angelina's recovery is progressing well. If I am totally honest, I would prefer if they didn't try to come back for the Majors later in the season. Personally, I would like them to sit out the rest of the season to give Angelina more time to get back to full strength and then start preparations for next season.

But, at the same time, I want to see how their programmes for this season go down with the Judges and technical panels. To give us a taste of what we are missing, here are a couple of clips from training of part of each of their programmes:

Short Dance -
Free Dance -

Thank you to Daniel Linden for filming and posting the clips. :bow: :clap: :points:


Oh, and thank you to Mark Hanretty for giving Angelina and Ilia a mention during coverage of the last Junior Grand Prix.

And finally, happy birthday again to Angelina! :biggrin:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
6 months on from when Angelina broke her leg, she and Ilia are making their comeback (and season debut) tomorrow morning at the Junior World Championships.

The Junior Short Dance is due to start tomorrow at 12:00:00 CST (04:00:00 GMT / 06:00:00 EET / 07:00:00 MSK / 09:00:00 YEKT). So 7 hours from now.

Angelina and Ilia will be the 25th partnership to start. So, fourth and penultimate partnership in Group 6 (and fourth partnership after the resurfacing).

The Group 6 Warm-Up is due to start at 15:29:00 CST (07:29:00 GMT / 09:29:00 EET / 10:29:00 MSK / 12:29:00 YEKT). So 10h 29m from now.

Angelina and Ilia are due to start at 15:54:00 CST (07:54:00 GMT / 09:54:00 EET / 10:54:00 MSK / 12:54:00 YEKT). So 10h 54m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before them withdraws.

More information in the event sub-forum:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Junior World Championships Short Dance: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Angelina and Ilia finished 8th out of 31 in the Short Dance, with a score of 59.68.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread about the Warm-Up:

Right, maybe it was because I didn't know what I was looking for, but I think that when they were being focussed on was the only time we actually saw Angelina and Ilia during the Warm-Up.

They were doing Twizzles at the time, and I've seen them do better.

But, I absolutely love the costumes, and the look they are going for. (Blue and black with a bit of green seems to be the colours of a lot of my kids this season).

That said, it's going to take a while to get used to Angelina with dark hair.


Here is what I wrote ijust before they skated:

Here we go. First time we have seen my kids in action this season after Angelina broke her leg 6 months ago during practice at their first Junior GP.

Be careful, and don't push yourselves too far.



And here is what I wrote about their programme:

Some impressive armography to start with. Couldn't hear the music during it, though.

Twizzles went a lot better than they did during the Warm-Up.

Have to say, I didn't think the song in the middle, "Spanish Eyes", fitted well with "Like A Prayer" and "Material Girl". Too much of a contrast.

Is it just me, or when Angelina was throwing her arms around during "Material Girl", was each action accompanied by the noise when Mario gets a coin in the Super Mario computer game. If so, that was a really clever touch.

Into 4th. And they seem happy.

:cheer: WELL DONE ANGELINA AND ILIA!!! :cheer:



Angelina and Ilia are currently 1.54 points behind 7th position, Chloe NGUYỄN / Brendan GIANG (CAN), and 0.78 points ahead of 9th position, Gina ZEHNDER / Beda Leon SIEBER (CHE). All three partnerships are part of a larger group where 11 partnerships are covered by 5.83, stretching from Noemi Maria TALI / Noah LAFORNARA (ITA) in 4th position, 2.90 points ahead of Angelina and Ilia, to Sara KISHIMOTO / Atsuhiko TAMURA (JPN) in 14th position, 2.93 points behind Angelina and Ilia.

In a group this big, anything can happen. With where they are in the middle of the group, Angelina and Ilia could climb up considerably, but they could also drop down considerably.

Normally I would say that they need to have a good Free Skate to make sure that they go up rather than down. But, given the circumstances, I won't. Because all that matters to me is that they get through the Free Skate without anything happening that may cause a set-back to Angelina's recovery.

:cheer: WELL DONE!!! :cheer:

The Free Dance is due to start tomorrow at 12:00:00 CST (04:00:00 GMT / 06:00:00 EET / 07:00:00 MSK / 09:00:00 YEKT). So 7 hours from now.

Angelina and Ilia will be the 15th partnership to start. So, fifth and final partnership in Group 3 (and fifth partnership after the resurfacing).

The Group 3 Warm-Up is due to start at 13:39:20 CST (05:39:20 GMT / 07:39:20 EET / 08:39:20 MSK / 10:39:20 YEKT). So 8h 39m from now.

Angelina and Ilia are due to start at 14:14:10 CST (06:14:10 GMT / 08:14:10 EET / 09:14:10 MSK / 11:14:10 YEKT). So 9h 14m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before them withdraws.

More information in the event sub-forum:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Junior World Championships Free Dance: Results; Protocols
Junior World Championships Ice Dance: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Angelina and Ilia finished 14th out of 20 in the Free Dance, with a score of 81.40. This meant that they dropped to 11th position overall, with a score of 141.08.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread about the Warm-Up:

Again, like yesterday, Angelina and Ilia didn't make it into camera shot until the rink announcer introduced them. And any time they were shown, they weren't actually doing any elements. So, I have no idea how their Warm-Up went.

But, hopefully things will go well when they do their programme.


And here is what I wrote about their programme:

Nice lift to start with.

Ach, Ilia had a big stumble during the Twizzles.

But there didn't seem to be any issues that I spotted after that.

Have to be honest, I'm not sure I would have chosen that music. But I love Angelina's dress. Ilia's outfit is a bit bland in comparison, but it allows Angelina to be the belle of the ball.

I loved the way Angelina soaked up the atmosphere before they came off the ice. And then Ilia joined her.

It's been a long time, hasn't it? A full calendar year since their last competition.

They seem happy. And so they should be. It's been a long journey to get here, literally and metaphorically!

They go into 9th in the Free, and 6th overall.

It may not be the results they are used to but, given what has happened in the past 6 months, it is a great achievement.

So proud of them.

:cheer: WELL DONE ANGELINA AND ILIA!!! :cheer:



Angelina and Ilia finished the Free Dance 2.17 points behind 13th position, Ashlie SLATTER / Atl ONGAY-PEREZ (GBR), and 1.70 points ahead of 15th position, Jinny KIM / LEE Namu (KOR).

Overall, Angelina and Ilia finished 3.44 points behind 10th position, Dania MOUADEN / Théo BIGOT (FRA), and 0.21 points ahead of 12th position, Sara KISHIMOTO / Atsuhiko TAMURA (JPN). Angelina and Ilia were at the head of a group of 3 partnerships covered by 0.67 points, which was completed by Slatter / Ongay-Perez in 13th position.

Twizzles! The sworn enemy of the Ice Dancer!

Although, even with that mistake, they performed really well. Especially when you realise that the total Base Value of their programme was considerably lower than the programmes of all the partnerships around them. So, they really did punch above their weight.

Out of curiosity, I just looked at the protocols from last year's Junior Worlds, and their old Free Dance had a Base Value that was about 15 points higher. So, I am guessing that they toned down this year's programme in light of Angelina's injury. And if this what happened, I fully agree with that decision, and congratulate them for thinking about more than just results. Angelina's health and wellbeing is the most important thing.

:cheer: WELL DONE!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
On Friday, the following conversation happened in the thread for Emilea Zingas / Vadym Kolesnik:

RD music confirmed at Champs Camp to be Bee Gees medley 🤔😕

Do you know what the songs are? Because I have so many ideas spinning around in my head of Bee Gees songs that I would love to see being skated to!

This is like a dream. Emilea doing a Bee Gees programme represents the coming together of two places that mean a lot to me. 🇨🇾 🇮🇲

(Although, I have to admit, I've only been to one of them. Emilea's island, not the Bee Gees' island).


And then today, this was posted in the 2024-25 Programmes thread:

Angelina Kudryavtseva & Ilia Karankevich CYP
RD: "Knock On Wood" by Amii Stewart; "Tragedy" by Bee Gees, Moreno J Remix; "Tragedy" by Bee Gees
FD: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus soundtrack by Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna; "Reminiscence" by Florian Christl

Wow. Both of the partnerships that include skaters from Cyprus are using music from the Isle Of Man's most famous exports.

:cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points: :hb:

And to think. If things had gone differently, they could have been team-mates... :drama:

Hey, it'll be interesting if "Tragedy" also features in Emilea and Vadym's medley!

I absolutely love "Tragedy". However, I wasn't familiar with the Moreno J Remix. I just started listening to it and, I have to admit, it wasn't long before the stop button was pressed. It is not my taste at all. But, it could act as a good segue from "Knock On Wood" to the original "Tragedy"

I can't remember the exact wording of the theme for the coming season, but if the ISU are allowing later versions of songs (I think the Moreno J Remix is from 2021), I think I would have preferred to have the Steps cover from 1998 instead.

As for the Free, unfortunately there is no indication as to which song(s) they are using from the "Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus" soundtrack. And I don't have time right now to listen to the whole soundtrack (if anybody does want to, here is a playlist on YouTube).

However, I did listen to "Reminiscence", and it is absolutely beautiful. To the extent that I would love to see a programme done to this music on it's own.

In the meantime, I can't wait to see what Angelina and Ilia do with it as part of a medley.

Looking forward to seeing them in action!

EDIT (26th August 2024): The Nebelhorn Trophy entries have now been announced, and both Angelina / Ilia and Emilea / Vadym are entered! It will be so exciting to see them in the same competition!​
