Gabriella Papadakis & Guillaume Cizeron | Page 18 | Golden Skate

Gabriella Papadakis & Guillaume Cizeron


Record Breaker
Apr 14, 2014
Well, tbf, this is just some fans getting excited and raving about their faves (maybe a bit prematurely); perhaps reserve your sadness for the fanfests where posters spend half their time actively trashing other teams. :slink:


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Well, tbf, this is just some fans getting excited and raving about their faves (maybe a bit prematurely); perhaps reserve your sadness for the fanfests where posters spend half their time actively trashing other teams. :slink:

I just don't get that attitude at all. As my Mom always says, if you have to trash someone else to prop up your favorite, it doesn't say much for your favorite now does it?

Mom is :cool14:


On the Ice
Jan 19, 2005
I agree with you tinlizzie. I am sorry to have posted my opinion in the fan thread. It isn't a place to criticize the skaters who the thread is dedicated to.


Record Breaker
Apr 14, 2014
This is a "fan" thread right?:scratch2:

Yes, it is. I think most posters on the last few pages really do love them. Some are just not liking this programme.

Still I am now going to be shallow and say what many amongst us probably think: phew, Guillaume makes the ice sizzle... :eek:: Best looking guy in ice dance, IMO, and, wow, does he have healthy competition. :laugh:


On the Ice
Mar 30, 2015
For people wanted something avant-garde and modern, it's clear you're disappointed.
The FD is beautiful because they are magical and they fly on ice. Now, in comparaison to W/P, C/B i don't think PC's program is enought to win this season because it seems more simple (about technic because artistic what they do it's :love: ). We must wait EC and we will know if the judges like it or severely judge them to give them a warning, a message : be careful, you must renew.
the expectation is so big because they have so much talent that we are less lenient with them compared to others, no ?
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Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
HAHA>.. yeah... he is sizzling... waaaa.... and yup... he does have healthy competition... (POJE!!!!!!!!! just to name one)

and i concur. I like P/C.... but not this FD... and for me, it's not because of the style... I don't need them to go with a crazy innovative style... I am perfectly fine with them using the soft, lyrical, romantic approach.... makes Guillaume even more of a Prince Charming... HAHA (just noticed that it matches their initials P/C) BUT... i don't like the FD... it has no substance, no dance holds, lots of skating on two feet... etc... it is like the draft of what could be a great dance later in the season, but as we all know, this is their debut.... and it needs to grow a lot....

What will make fans freak out one way or another, is where they would end up with that FD against other teams... for me right now, it's in the 8-10 ranks in the world.... i am sure P/C uber fans would freak out about this... but if they rank higher than H/D or G/P at this point, I'd be irked... it wouldn't be right either....

Let's just hope that they gradually improve this FD and get back to their level by WC... if not, next season, let's wish them an injury-free season.

being a fan doesn't mean being blind ;)
Yes, it is. I think most posters on the last few pages really do love them. Some are just not liking this programme.

Still I am now going to be shallow and say what many amongst us probably think: phew, Guillaume makes the ice sizzle... :eek:: Best looking guy in ice dance, IMO, and, wow, does he have healthy competition. :laugh:


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
i don't expect a different style for them... however, maybe it's me, but on the video, even if they were very soft, they didn't look like they were flying... quite a bit slow compared to what we are used to...

but then, let's give them time to get back on track. I am amazed at the quality already there with such little preparation
For people wanted something avant-garde and modern, it's clear you're disappointed.
The FD is beautiful because they are magical and they fly on ice. Now, in comparaison to W/P, C/B i don't think PC's program is enought to win this season because it seems more simple (about technic because artistic what they do it's :love: ). We must wait EC and we will know if the judges like it or severely judge them to give them a warning, a message : be careful, you must renew.
the expectation is so big because they have so much talent that we are less lenient with them compared to others, no ?


Record Breaker
Oct 13, 2009
P/C are undoubtedly beautiful skaters but this FD is a letdown. I am shocked that the season after winning the World Championship, a team would have the chutzpah to follow up with a FD in such a similar vein. I even saw where Guillaume was quoted as saying he's happy they were able to find different music that suits their style. To the contrary, Champions need to demonstrate proficiency in different styles--that's known as growing and challenging yourself.

They also need to dance in hold--that's where the rubber meets the road. I was floored to see how little time was spent in dance hold--is it even legal? And the brief periods spent in hold were mostly in open, rather than closed, holds. They really need to up the ante.

P/C ubers who are handing them the European and World championships need to take a step back. Unless, P/C make major technical strides, my money is on C/L to win Euros.

Yet again, I am saddened by the many posters who show so little respect for all the other talented and hard working dance couples out there. P/C are wonderfully talented and I'm delighted to see them back, but they are not the messiah. Ice dance has been fabulous all season. Even better with them, but still great without them.

Oh no, C/L are getting overscoring, their programs are the same of always but boring.


Final Flight
Jan 18, 2014
I'll not go beyond in the debate, I just have the feeling ID season is starting now, and becoming much more interesting. Let's just see how judges receive their programs, and thank the Lord we are able to see those after what happened.

And here's their Exhibition


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
I'll not go beyond in the debate, I just have the feeling ID season is starting now, and becoming much more interesting. Let's just see how judges receive their programs, and thank the Lord we are able to see those after what happened.

And here's their Exhibition

not so much into the Lord ;) but i am also grateful that they are still skating and are still looking beautiful on the ice… let's see what the future brings on. concussions have destroyed so many careers, let's be all thankful they are ready to perform again!!!!! <3


On the Ice
Jul 4, 2015
After reading the various comments on Gabriella and Guillaume SD & FD and I would like to share with you my personal feelings.

The drama started on August 28th in Montreal when Gabriella and Guillaume felt down. Everything stopped that day as the best medical management for a concussion is rest, both mental and … physical. Two months without training on the rink…. Two months is an eternity for top athletes, especially for running European and World champions. Moreover, recovering from a concussion is a tremendous challenge. Imagine one second, you are EC & WC Ice Dance champions but, now, you have light sensitive eyes, you can’t stand listening to music and physical efforts are strictly forbidden… Thank God! How did Gabriella manage to motivate herself during all those weeks in September and October and then begin stamina training for the running season? So amazing, isn’t it? Honestly, Gabriella demonstrated how mentally strong she is and Guillaume demonstrated how committed to her he is. Both demonstrated how determined and perseverant they are. Only true champions behave like that. This being said, no one here believes it’s possible to restart skating at the top level in a few days after such concussion and a two months break. Obviously Gabriella and Guillaume had to deal with all kinds of side effects when they restarted to skate together. I guess their first challenge was to finalize step by step their SD and FD programs while being very cautious to avoid any full-blown relapse. I can imagine their frustration during all those weeks of training to prepare safely their programs while all their competitors were already fighting at the Grand-Prix events and the Grand-Prix final. Anyhow, they have to cope with this situation and that’s why I think they actually did very well in Epinal. Of course, for both SD and FD, they were quite cautious, they did not push the limits and that was the right thing to do. They still need to work and improve their programs. They are not yet at their top level and the level of other couples who trained and started competing 3 months ago. How could it be otherwise? I want here to congratulate them warmly because they succeeded to take up a tremendous personal challenge: Being back on competition so quickly after such a terrible story. Now, they have to face another major challenge: Ramping up efforts to be ready for EC in Bratislava first and then for the WC in Boston.

All of us chatting in this forum are Ice Dance lovers. It was really fantastic to see Gabriella and Guillaume back on the ice. Whoever we support, we want them to be ASAP at their top level because they are highly talented and gifted. Despite being so young, they already brought so much to Ice Dance and we all know they will bring even more to Ice Dance in the coming years.

Their contribution to Ice Dance is so amazing and unique. We all love Gabriella and Guillaume. Ice Dance needs talents, especially young talents, hence Ice Dance needs them!


Final Flight
May 21, 2014
Well, i loved it, especially the straight line lift, unbelievably gorgeous and so emotional, the way she leans on him completely confident he'll support her. They say this program is about them building their home in Quebec and on the ice. With the maturity of their skating, we forget they're still so young, younger than any of the other top teams. This program reflect well their emotional journey.


May 20, 2015
I love this FD - keep in mind that this is the first time P/C has competed this season. I think given the time off, this was a FANTASTIC job!

They probably have been extra careful is practicing some of the lifts due to Gabriella's recovery. I can't wait to see how much they will have polished things up by Europeans! :)


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
I'm so glad to see their programs and to see them back again. --I confess, I do not watch ice dancing at all but that time I saw them at WTT they just stood out! So now, I just watch them. Good Luck at Euros and Worlds!


Record Breaker
Apr 14, 2014
Interesting TSL comments on P/C at the beginning of their latest video.

I thought the comments on Guillaume being allowed the opportunity to shine were very interesting. As I just said in the comp thread, why should the guy always be wallpaper?


Feb 12, 2015
Interesting TSL comments on P/C at the beginning of their latest video.

I thought the comments on Guillaume being allowed the opportunity to shine were very interesting. As I just said in the comp thread, why should the guy always be wallpaper?
TSL annoy me too much to watch, but I won't deny them being right on Guillaume shining. That's also my opinion, and something you can see just by watching the FD once. People praise P/C, but also recognize as Guillaume being the most gifted one. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be, but as the FD is not top level yet due to the lack of preparation, we can't be too sure yet. But as they'll keep on working on their FD, they'll be able to raise it to the next level and maybe keep on allowing Guillaume to remain a shining jewel. I'd love that, and I'm sure the judges would like to see something like that and seeing it working. :yes:


Feb 20, 2014
It's nice but a bit "been there, done that" feel. They should have tried something different this season.

Yeah, TES will decide the Euros title between them and C/L. Both programmes are very different so that should be interesting.