Jason Brown | Page 960 | Golden Skate

Jason Brown

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Jason and Shae-Lynn’s Riverdance! Here’s the FOI video. I never thought I would see him skate to this again. So happy to see it!


Thank you. This was wonderful, hearing the music and seeing the more mature Jason repeat some of his steps. And then trying some of ShaeLynn's:love2:

Watching it many times before the YouTube police find it. (hope not🤞🤞🤞)


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Best of men's skating for the last quad in slomo. Lots of Nathan, but Jason's SP step from the Olympics SP and choreostep from his Olympic FS are included.

Oh the ease and flexibility! 💗💗



Final Flight
May 28, 2018
Best of men's skating for the last quad in slomo. Lots of Nathan, but Jason's SP step from the Olympics SP and choreostep from his Olympic FS are included.

Oh the ease and flexibility! 💗💗

It was mostly Nathan and Jason doing step sequences and choreo sequences and a couple of jumps and spins. None of Jason's jumps or spins were selected, but I must say, I felt that Jason's spins were a bit off last season. But it shows clearly why both Nathan and Jason are two of the best skaters in the world (and still are!) Comparing the two, Nathan skates like a modern dancer and Jason skates like a traditional ballet dancer. Seeing them side by side makes that pretty clear. The both have the speed and precision, but Jason is more flexible and graceful and Nathan is more angular and off center. Both have merit and both are equally difficult. It was an interesting choice of segments.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Jason is posting too much Ralph Lauren stuff just to be nice; I think he still has a modeling gig. :)

The only other athlete I reconginize here is Maame Biney. Anyone know the others?



Oct 8, 2015
Jason is posting too much Ralph Lauren stuff just to be nice; I think he still has a modeling gig. :)

The only other athlete I reconginize here is Maame Biney. Anyone know the others?

The additional ones I saw tagged are Aja Evans, Heimana Reynolds, Daryl Homer, and Ryan Cochran-Siegel. Wouldn't have known otherwise.


Final Flight
May 28, 2018
Jason is posting too much Ralph Lauren stuff just to be nice; I think he still has a modeling gig. :)

The only other athlete I reconginize here is Maame Biney. Anyone know the others?

Yes, this is a sponsored gig. He's clearly under some sort of contract for Ralph Lauren for diversity, inclusion and wearing cool clothes really well!
They are mostly, if not all, Olympians. The Shibs have been brand ambassadors for RL for many years now. It's a good gig and Jason models those clothes beautifully. If he was a little taller, he could walk runways. There is a bobsledder, a skateboarder etc.


Final Flight
May 28, 2018
Apparently there was a mechanical failure at the rink in Sun Valley and the show last night with Jason and Alysa was canceled. There were clips of Jason practicing earlier, but according to what I read, no show.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Yet another Jason podcast interview (I think that every grad from Highland Park HS has a podcast and Jason has appeared on each one. Many of the stories we could recite, but a few new (to me):

1. He still hasn't decided about competition, but the question is, does he have another year in him, or even a month, not four years (well we could have guessed that. ;) )

2. Interesting question about performing SL with the rise in anti-Semitism. Jason said when he is asked questions like that, he says see what I am saying in my art, not my words.

3. Great point about how supportive the HP community is: Jason says he never felt teased or stereotyped because he was a boy and a figure skater. In fact, when he was playing soccer, his entire travel soccer team and his coach came to watch and cheer him on at a skating comp.

4. At his first senior comp, he was so distracted by the warmup in the last flight that it affected his performance.

As well as old favorites like "Jordan and the Ice Show" and "Things Fall Apart in 2018".



Final Flight
May 28, 2018
Yet another Jason podcast interview (I think that every grad from Highland Park HS has a podcast and Jason has appeared on each one. Many of the stories we could recite, but a few new (to me):

1. He still hasn't decided about competition, but the question is, does he have another year in him, or even a month, not four years (well we could have guessed that. ;) )

2. Interesting question about performing SL with the rise in anti-Semitism. Jason said when he is asked questions like that, he says see what I am saying in my art, not my words.

3. Great point about how supportive the HP community is: Jason says he never felt teased or stereotyped because he was a boy and a figure skater. In fact, when he was playing soccer, his entire travel soccer team and his coach came to watch and cheer him on at a skating comp.

4. At his first senior comp, he was so distracted by the warmup in the last flight that it affected his performance.

As well as old favorites like "Jordan and the Ice Show" and "Things Fall Apart in 2018".

Thank you for posting that! It was a very good interview. The timing is interesting, because Jason is now arriving at the point where decisions will need to be made and he's clearly thinking about them. But he had his summer of yes and he'll come up with plans that work. I think competing at the Japan Open will help him solidify the decision about competing further. And once all the shows end (which maybe has actually happened, but it hadn't at the time of this interview) he'll be ready to think about what this year can look like. The interview touched on some very salient points from a perspective of Jason having pretty much accomplished all of his goals. He was more introspective now that he's not focused on making the 2022 Olympic team. It's history now and he can look back at his career a bit more dispassionately and with more clarity.

It is possible that the decision to keep Jason in HS and not skating full time did make it much harder for Jason to learn to land consistent quads, for example. Those years were the prime years to do that. And Looking at Nathan, for example, who did homeschool and skate full time and what he achieved, shows that there is no one right way, but being single minded certainly helped him. But Jason has a view of life that is full of possibilities, and having had that 4 years of high school and skating, has served him well and will continue to do so. He's open to so many different paths. He will forever be an Olympian, and that is an incredible feat!

I think that his interviewer was very good, and maybe she could make a career of doing that. It was very interesting. It's not hard to pull things out of Jason, but I thought that interview was more comprehensive and less "canned" than most Jason interviews and there was a good balance of interviewer input and the subject being interviewed. It was a conversation as well as an interview.


On the Ice
Oct 19, 2019
The additional ones I saw tagged are Aja Evans, Heimana Reynolds, Daryl Homer, and Ryan Cochran-Siegel. Wouldn't have known otherwise.
Why is it too much modeling - he’s finally making some money from the Olympic years! It’s not like he put his skates in the closet.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Why is it too much modeling - he’s finally making some money from the Olympic years! It’s not like he put his skates in the closet.

I'm confused, did someone say it was too much modeling? This is Jason's FF, I think we're all happy for him, not to mention he does a great job of it. :)


Final Flight
May 28, 2018
And he gets to spend a fun weekend in Sun Valley with his family. Tennis, Ralph Lauren, Sun Valley, Japan. It's all the stuff that Jason loves! It's great seeing him happy. 4 years ago at this time of the year, he was just starting the 4 year journey in Toronto. It's come to fruition. Now he has lots of options and he's trying them out.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Brian with the truest words about Jason: :biggrin:

We are all looking forward to Jason’s return to the Cricket Club ice. He is the soul of our rink, he is adored by all juniors, and it is simply impossible not to love him. Well, do not forget the way Jason Brown skates is a rarity today. Just to train with him on the same ice is already great luck.

(and even Brian doesn't know exactly what Jason's plans are, or he knows and isn't saying. Maybe the latter. But since the quote is English to Russian to English, nuances could be lost)

I can’t talk about his specific plans – he really didn’t announce anything. But I will say that he is returning to training next week, he will participate in the Japan Open.
