Jason Brown | Page 964 | Golden Skate

Jason Brown


Final Flight
May 28, 2018
I think I saw all of Jason's interview games and thought he did a good job. Are they posted anywhere besides on the Team USA Instagram? I wish they had told us where to find that content and any other content that I missed. I loved seeing Jason at SKAM though. And he looked like he was having fun.

I just finished watching Daniel's short program. I thought it was lovely, but I can see that it's very challenging for Daniel and he's not comfortable with it yet. He scored well and skated well, but I think he wants more mastery of it and that's why he wants to change it out. I watched on the ISU channel and I believe Mark was commenting. He said that he's excited that Daniel is stretching himself with that program and that he skated the best he'd ever skated. But it might have been to much too soon. He doesn't have Jason's flexibility, so this program will take time. Since they will be working together on the new version, I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with. But I hope to see more of Jason's choreo over time. And yes, I'd love to see one more competition before he moves completely away from it. Nationals would be perfect. I'll stay up to the wee hours if Jason is skating. I stay up for no one else.

It's going to be a weird season. With no replays on Peacock and no Jason, watching skating has become a secondary activity. Peacock is doing Figure Skating no favors at all. If you have to struggle to watch it, people just won't.


Final Flight
May 28, 2018
I was at SkAm. A huge Jason fan I know watched Daniel's SP and remarked, "That's odd. I found that program strangely moving." The fan sitting next to her pointed her to the choreo line in the program..
She said, "That explains it!"
It's a lovely program! I'm glad that he'll be working with Jason on a new version. Daniel is committed to becoming a well rounded skater and that's great for skating and Daniel!


On the Ice
Aug 14, 2015
I think that was the new version? Am I misremembering or was the first Jason-choreographed SP for Grassl some kind of upbeat club music?

Edited to add... just checked Wikipedia and this IS the second SP. The First one was "I Feel Love" sung by Sam Smith. He's now performing the original SP as his exhibition number.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
That makes sense. Daniel seems happy with the result! I wondered why he would want to change it. It will get better each time he performs it.

I can't find the quote, but Daniel said that he felt this new music worked better for an SP. I liked how this Italian article described Jaso, introducing a video of Daniel's short:

Riviviamo dunque lo short program, coreografato da un coreografo d’eccezione: l’icona del pattinaggio statunitense Jason Brown.

Let's rewatch then the short program, choregraphed by an exceptional choreographer: American icon of skating Jason Brown.


[Translation: mine]



Final Flight
May 28, 2018
It's lovely that the press is now talking about Jason's exceptional figure skating skills instead of his lack of a competition quad. I thought the short program was lovely, he scored well and with practice, it will get better. It's clearly stretching him and the judges liked it. Watching Daniel perform Jason's choreo will be one of my prime motivations for watching any skating this year. Without replays on Peacock, I'll be watching ISU channel replays when I can and I certainly won't be watching entire competitions, only select skaters.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Boyang is actually at TCC??? Wow. :eek: Jun and Jason as adorable as always. :)

The next ice show is not until January, right? So could this possibly, hopefully, maybe, mean a valedictory skate at Nats?:pray::pray::pray:


Oct 8, 2015
Wow! Color me surprised! I did not expect this but wish Jason the best as he returns to training! I'll be looking forward to his skates in January(y)That photo of the three young men at TCC was exciting and warming on its own and I'd love to see more. 😻