Lubov Yanpolsky, Elizabet Gervits & Katarina Gervits | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Lubov Yanpolsky, Elizabet Gervits & Katarina Gervits


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Liza is due to be back in action at the Haabersti Cup in Tallinn, Estonia, today.

The Senior Ladies SP is due to start today at 15:35:00 EET (13:35:00 GMT / 16:35:00 MSK). So 7 hours from now.

Liza will be the 4th skater to start. So, fourth and final skater to go in Group 1.

The Group 1 Warm-Up is due to start at 15:35:00 EET (13:35:00 GMT / 16:35:00 MSK). So 7 hours from now.

Liza is due to start at 15:59:15 EET (13:59:15 GMT / 16:59:15 MSK). So 7h 24m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Haabersti Cup Senior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 10th out of 13 in the SP, with a score of 51.07.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread during the Warm-Up:

It's been that long since I saw Liza that I couldn't remember what her dress looks like. But, I guessed correctly which one was her.

We didn't actually see her doing much in the way of elements within camera shot. But, in the second half of the warm-up, she did two lovely jumps at the far end of the rink from the camera, and a lovely Bielmann Spin nearer the camera.

I hope everything is just as lovely come the programme.


And here is what I wrote about her programme:

I love this programme.

Beautiful Double Axel to start.

Fall on Triple Lutz.

But combination spin good. And so was Layback Spin that followed.

Combination jump good.

Possibly a stumble during the Step Sequence, but it may just be part of the choreography.

Beautiful combinatioon spin to finish with.

When doing the de-brief with her coach during the highlights, you could see she was disappointed. And when it went to full-screen, she looked like she was close to tears.

Into 3rd.

She's disappointed with her score. She's dropped her head in her hands.

But, it looked good to me, so...

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:



Liza is currently 2.24 points behind 9th position, Anastasija KONGA (LAT), and 1.13 points ahead of 11th position, Olesja LEONOVA (EST).

So, let's hope Liza has a good Free Skate!

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:

The Senior Ladies FS is due to start at 16:20:00 EET (14:20:00 GMT / 17:20:00 MSK). So 8 hours from now.

Liza will be the 4th skater to start. So, fourth and final skater to go in Group 1.

The Group 1 Warm-Up is due to start at 16:20:00 EET (14:20:00 GMT / 17:20:00 MSK). So 8 hours from now.

Liza is due to start at 16:49:00 EET (14:49:00 GMT / 17:49:00 MSK). So 8h 29m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Haabersti Cup Senior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Haabersti Cup Senior Ladies: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 7th out of 13 in the FS, with a score of 91.42. This meant that she climbed to 7th position overall, with a score of 142.49.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread during the Warm-Up:

Well, it was very easy to spot Liza today. Two of the skaters were wearing dark dresses with black tights, and the other two were wearing blue dresses with bare legs. But, I remembered that neither of Liza's dresses were a solid colour. And then she took off her jacket very early on, which confirmed it.

She seemed to have a good warm-up. Didn't spot any mistakes.


And here is what I wrote about her programme:

Beautiful combination jump to start with.

Very weird fall on the Triple Lutz. It looked like she went into it too fast, and couldn't get it landed.

Double Salchow good. And the combination spin that immediately followed it was beautiful.

Triple Loop was beautiful.

She was really going for it during the Step Sequence.

Popped her Lutz. But quickly made up for it with her sequence of jumps.

She looked visibly tired during the next combination.

But, there was no sign of fatigue when she was doing her final combination spin.

She looks disappointed and frustrated sitting waiting for her scores.

Oh boys but she is disappointed. She looks like she could cry.

She goes into the lead of both FS and overall.

It's a big lead overall, but that is because the skaters behind her have all changed positions compared to the SP. The skater directly behind her now is the one that was last in the SP.

Well, at least she has maintained her position.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:


Looking at the Protocols, there were only three elements that had issues. Obviously, the first was the second element, the Triple Lutz that she fell on. It was also downgraded. Unsurprisingly, it got -5 from all the Judges. It also got the second biggest GOE hit of the programme, at -1.05.

The next element with issues was actually the fifth element, the Triple Loop. I thought it looked beautiful, but it turns out that it was landed on the quarter. It got -2 from four Judges; and -1 from Judge 4. It also got the third biggest GOE hit of the programme, at -0.98.

The final element with issues was actually the eighth element, the Triple Flip-Double Axel done in sequence. Again, I thought it was good, but it turns out that the Axel was under-rotated. It got -3 from Judge 5; and -2 from the remaining four Judges. It also got the biggest GOE hit of the programme, at -1.06. However, because it had the highest Base Value, it remained as the highest scoring element of the programme.

As for the elements that went well, I clearly wasn't the only one that liked the opening element, the Triple Flip-Double Toe. It got 0 from Group 3; +2 from three Judges; and +3 from Judge 5. It also got the highest GOE of the programme, at +1.06. And because it had the second higehst Base Value, this made it the second highest scoring element of the programme. (But only by 0.01 points).

The best Judges marks were for the fourth element, the Change Foot Combination Spin. It got +1 from Judge 3; +2 from three Judges; and +3 from Judge 4. It also got the third highest GOE of the programme, at +0.70. And because it had the fourth highest Base Value, it remained as the fourth highest scoring element of the programme.

The third highest scoring element was the tenth element, the Double Axel-Half Loop-Double Salchow. It got -1 from Judge 2; and 0 from the remaining 4 Judges. It was also one of three elements that got neutral GOE.

Another element that got neutral GOE was the Axel that she Singled. It got -1 from Judge 2; 0 from three Judges, and +1 from Judge 5. And because it had the lowest Base Value, it remained as the lowest scoring element of the programme.

Liza finished the Free Skate 5.17 points behind 6th position, Minja PELTONEN (FIN), and 0.66 points ahead of 8th position, Anastasija KONGA (LAT). Konga was at the head of a group of 4 skaters covered by 1.72 points, stretching down to Oona OUNASVUORI (FIN) in 11th position, 4.69 points behind Liza.

Overall, Liza finished 11.23 points behind 6th position, Peltonen, and 0.05 points ahead of 8th position, Selma VÄLITALO (FIN). Liza was at the head of a group of 4 skaters covered by 0.90 points, stretching down to Ounasvuori in 10th position.

It looks like the showdown with Maria Seniuk at the Challenge Cup in a few days time is not going to happen. Mainly because Maria is no longer entered. But also because there is a question mark over whether Liza will even be there, because she and Katya are on the Entry lists for the Bellu Memorial, which is being held at the same time. The irony is that we are down to have a Gervits-Seniuk battle in the Juniors in Romania, because Anna Seniuk is entered alongside Katya.

I guess we'll find out on Friday if she is in Tilburg. And if she isn't, we'll find out on Saturday if she is in Bucharest.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Katya and Liza will be back in action today at the Bellu Memorial in Bucharest, Romania. Katya's level is being held first, so this post is for her, while the next post will be for Liza.

The Junior Ladies SP is due to start today at 10:10:00 EET (08:10:00 GMT / 11:10:00 MSK). So 2 hours from now.

Katya will be the 20th skater to start. So, fifth and final skater to go in Group 4 (and final skater to go before the second resurfacing).

The Group 4 Warm-Up is due to start at 12:02:00 EET (10:02:00 GMT / 13:02:00 MSK). So 3h 52m from now.

Katya is due to start at 12:30:30 EET (10:30:30 GMT / 13:30:30 MSK). So 4h 20m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST KATYA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
As I said, Katya and Liza will be back in action today at the Bellu Memorial in Bucharest, Romania. Katya's post has already been done, so this post is for Liza.

The Senior Ladies SP is due to start today at 16:12:00 EET (14:12:00 GMT / 17:12:00 MSK). So 8 hours from now.

Liza will be the 10th skater to start. So, second skater to go in Group 3 (and second skater to go after the resurfacing).

The Group 3 Warm-Up is due to start at 17:19:00 EET (15:19:00 GMT / 18:19:00 MSK). So 8h 7m from now.

Liza is due to start at 17:31:00 EET (15:31:00 GMT / 18:31:00 MSK). So 8h 19m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Bellu Memorial Junior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Katya finished 9th out of 24 in the SP, with a score of 38.67.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the Bellu Memorial.


Katya is currently 0.07 points behind 8th position, Chloe Desiree LEUNG (HKG), and 0.69 points ahead of 10th position, Sara TADINI (ITA). All three are part of a group of 4 skaters covered by 2.14 points, stretching down to Ana STRATULAT (ROU) in 11th position, 2.07 points behind Katya.

2.28 points ahead of Leung is a group of two Italian skaters covered by 0.46 points, stretching from Beatrice SOLDATI (ITA) in 6th position, 2.81 points ahead of Katya, to Miriam Stefania TALI (ITA) in 7th position, 2.35 points ahead of Katya. So, if Katya has a good Free Skate, she may be able to infiltrate them. But she has to be careful of the two skaters behind her.

So, lets hope she has a good Free Skate.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:

The Junior Ladies FS is due to start at 10:00:00 EET (08:00:00 GMT / 11:00:00 MSK). So 2 hours from now.

Katya will be the 16th skater to start. So, fourth and antepenultimate skater to go in Group 3 (and fourth skater to go after the resurfacing).

The Group 3 Warm-Up is due to start at 11:47:00 EET (09:47:00 GMT / 12:47:00 MSK). So 3h 47m from now.

Katya is due to start at 12:14:30 EET (10:14:30 GMT / 13:14:30 MSK). So 4h 14m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST KATYA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Bellu Memorial Senior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 6th out of 13 in the SP, with a score of 49.13.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the Bellu Memorial.


Liza is currently 0.96 points behind 5th position, Nina POVEY (GBR), and 3.13 points ahead of 7th position, Arabella SEAR-WATKINS (GBR). Liza is the bottom skater in a group of 3 skaters covered by 0.97 points, stretching up to Jade HOVINE (BEL) in 4th position.

5.49 points ahead of Hovine is Aleksandra GOLOVKINA (LTU) in 4th position, 6.46 points ahead of Liza.

Given the gaps either side of this group, it is likely to be a fight between Hovine, Povey and Liza over 4th, 5th and 6th. So, Liza has to have a good Free Skate if she wants to improve her position.

So, lets hope she does just that.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:

The Senior Ladies FS is due to start at 16:15:00 EET (14:15:00 GMT / 17:15:00 MSK). So 8 hours from now.

Liza will be the 8th skater to start. So, fourth and final skater to go in Group 2 (and final skater to go before the resurfacing).

The Group 2 Warm-Up is due to start at 16:52:50 EET (14:52:50 GMT / 17:52:50 MSK). So 8h 37m from now.

Liza is due to start at 17:22:50 EET (15:22:50 GMT / 18:22:50 MSK). So 9h 7m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Bellu Memorial Junior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Bellu Memorial Junior Ladies: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Katya finished 7th out of 24 in the FS, with a score of 74.20. This meant that she climbed to 7th position overall, with a score of 112.87.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the Bellu Memorial.


Katya finished the Free Skate 2.45 points behind 6th position, Miriam Stefania TALI (ITA), and 7.18 points ahead of 8th position, Tsvetelina PANOVA (BUL).

Overall, Katya finished 4.80 points behind 6th position, Tali, and 8.94 points ahead of 8th position, Chloe Desiree LEUNG (HKG).

Incidentally, fellow Israeli skater Anna SENIUK won both segments, and the 🥇 Gold Medal.

It was a shame about those three elements at the start of the second half of the programme. Nevertheless, Katya still managed to get a new absolute PB for the Free Skate. So, that bodes well for when she does it clean.

:cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points: :hb:

I'm not sure when we'll see Katya in action again. It is Sophia SHIFRIN that Israel is sending to Junior Worlds in a couple of days time.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Bellu Memorial Senior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Bellu Memorial Senior Ladies: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 4th out of 13 in the FS, with a score of 97.25. This meant that she climbed to 5th position overall, with a score of 146.38.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the Bellu Memorial.


Liza finished the Free Skate 5.94 points behind 3rd position, Ema DOBOSZOVÁ (SVK), and 2.69 points ahead of 5th position, Aleksandra GOLOVKINA (LTU).

Overall, Liza finished 3.77 points behind 4th position, Golovkina, and 9.67 points ahead of 6th position, Jade HOVINE (BEL).

Despite having two falls and quite a few other mistakes, Liza still managed to finish in 4th position in the Free Skate. And that was because her Free Skate programme had the highest total Base Value of the entire field. And that just shows the importance of having a strong programme.

I'm not sure when Liza will be back in action. But, she didn't get the Minimum TES for the SP, so she will not be going to Senior Worlds. Presumably Maria Seniuk will be the one that gets the call up.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Israel National Championships Junior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols
Cup Of Israel Final Junior Judies SP: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Katya finished 4th out of 8 in the Israel National Championships SP, with a score of 46.33.
Katya finished 1st out of 3 in the Cup Of Israel Final SP, with a score of 46.33.

Unfortunately, I thought this was being held next week, and only found out last night that it was actually this week. However, I watched Liza on the archived livestream before writing this post, and wrote the sort of comment that I would have written for the competition thread if I had been watching LIVE:

Hang on. Am I going mad? This isn't the same version of the "Ghostbusters" theme tune she had previously been using. This is a remix.

Lovely spin to start with. And the combination too.

Singled her Lutz.

Combination spin good. And so was the combination jump.

Oooh, Katya! Behave! You're not quite old enough for that carry on!

Everything after that went well too.

She may have changed the mix of the music she is using, but I still love this programme as much as I loved it the first time I saw it last season.

Hmmph! They're not showing us her getting her scores. Probably because she is the last to skate. Hope they don't do the same to Liza later on, as she is the last to skate in Seniors.

She goes into 4th position. But she is only 2.27 points behind 2nd position.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:



Katya is currently 1.87 points behind 3rd position, Anna IUSHCHENKOVA (HOL), and 2.96 points ahead of 5th position, Simona TKACHMAN (ACA). Sophia SHIFRIN (HOL) is 0.40 points ahead of Tkachman in 2nd position, 2.27 points ahead of Katya.

Noa EVEN (KFA) is 4.26 points further back from Tkachman in 6th position, 7.22 points behind Katya.

Katya, Simona and Noa are the three skaters competing in the Cup Of Israel Final.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:

The Junior Ladies FS is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ? hours from now.

Katya will be the 5th skater to start. So, first skater to go in Group 2.

The Group 2 Warm-Up is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ?h ?m from now.

Katya is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ?h ?m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST KATYA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Israel National Championships Senior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols
Cup Of Israel Final Senior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 2nd out of 3 in the Israel National Championships SP, with a score of 53.36.
Liza finished 1st out of 1 in the Cup Of Israel Final SP, with a score of 53.36.

Unfortunately, I thought this was being held next week, and only found out last night that it was actually this week. However, I watched Liza on the archived livestream before writing this post, and wrote the sort of comment that I would have written for the competition thread if I had been watching LIVE:

Lovely Double Axel to start with.

Hand down on the Triple Lutz. But combination spin that followed was good.

Not sure about the start of the Flying Camel Spin.

Combination jump good.

So was the Step Sequence. Although I thought she was going to kick the boards at one point!

Loved the Layback Spin at the end.

Quite a few gifts thrown onto the ice for her.

Like Katya earlier, Liza was the last to skate in her segment. But, unlike with Katya, we did get to see Liza getting her scores. Mind you, because they were showing Mark Goronitsky starting his Warm-Up, we only re-joined Liza as the scores were announced. So, we didn't get to see her her initial response.

That said, when we did join her, you couldn't tell how she felt about how she did anyway, because she had a neutral expression on her face the whole time we saw her sitting there.

She goes into 2nd position, 3.93 points behind the leader.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:



Liza is currently 3.93 points behind 1st position, Maria SENIUK (HOL), and 15.86 points ahead of 3rd position, Julia FENNEL (BSH).

As with the season as a whole, the Senior Ladies at Nationals is a story of Liza and Maria. Maria

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:

The Senior Ladies FS is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ? hours from now.

Liza will be the 2nd skater to start. So, second and middle skater to go in Group 1.

The Group 1 Warm-Up is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ? hours from now.

Liza is due to start at ??:??:?? EEST (??:??:?? GMT / ??:??:?? BST / ??:??:?? MSK). So ? h ?m from now.

But, those times may change if somebody that is due on before her withdraws.

More information in the event thread:

Hope this helps

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Israel National Championships Junior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Cup Of Israel Final Junior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Israel National Championships Junior Ladies: Results
Cup Of Israel Final Junior Ladies: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Katya finished 5th out of 8 in the Israel National Championships FS, with a score of 82.86. This meant that she climbed to 4th position overall, with a score of 129.19.
Katya finished 2nd out of 3 in the Cup Of Israel Final FS, with a score of 82.86. This meant that she remained in 1st position overall, with a score of 129.19.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread about the Warm-Up:

Ach, it's a pity that I have only seen Katya once this season so far, because I couldn't remember what her FS costume looks like. And because they were all going so fast when they were in camera shot during the Warm-Up, I couldn't work out which skater was her! :drama:

But, here she comes now to do her programme.

:cheer: ALL THE BEST KATYA!!! :cheer:


And here is what I wrote about her programme:

An "Aladdin" programme. "Arabian Nights", then "Prince Ali"

Actually, I don't think I have seen this programme before. That would explain why I couldn't pick her out in the Warm-Up.

Lovely combination to start with.

Bit shaky on the landing of the first part of the second combination jump, which sent the next part off.

But next two elements were good.

Ach, fall on the Triple Toe. But the combination spin that followed was good.

An abrupt stop and hand down on the Triple Salchow.

But, the rest of it was good after that.

Are they not going to show us her getting her scores?!

Finally! She seems absolutely delighted with her scores!

They are not quite the absolute PB's that she got the last time she was in Holon for the third round of the Cup Of Israel, but they are her second highest ever scores!

:cheer: :clap: :rock: :points: :party2: :hb:

Into 2nd in the FS, and 1st overall.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:



Katya finished the Free Skate 1.13 points behind 4th position, Simona TKACHMAN (ACA), and 10.87 points ahead of 6th position, Noa EVEN (KFA).

Overall, Katya finished 14.80 points behind 3rd position, Anna IUSHCHENKOVA (HOL), and 1.83 points ahead of 5th position, Tkachman. Even finished 16.26 points further back from Tkachman in 6th position, 18.09 points behind Katya.

Katya, Simona and Noa were the three skaters competing in the Cup Of Israel Final.

To say that both Junior Free Skate competitions were chaos would be an understatement. For once, the girls were as chaotic as the boys.

Although it would have been nice for Katya to have been the top Cup Of Israel skater in both segments, it was always unlikely to happen because the total Base Value of Simona Tkachman's FS programme was higher than Katya's. It was only close because Simona had issues with so many of her elements.

In terms of Nationals, there was nothing more Katya could have done.

:cheer: WELL DONE KATYA!!! :cheer:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Israel National Championships Senior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Cup Of Israel Final Senior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Israel National Championships Junior Ladies: Results
Cup Of Israel Final Junior Ladies: Results

No video uploaded yet 😞

Liza finished 2nd out of 3 in the Israel National Championships FS, with a score of 104.88. This meant that she remained in 2nd position overall, with a score of 158.24.
Katya finished 1st out of 1 in the Cup Of Israel Final FS, with a score of 104.88. This meant that she remained in 1st position overall, with a score of 158.24.

Here is what I wrote in the competition thread about the Warm-Up:

Yipes! The first 3 times that Liza was within camera shot, two of them were nearly collisions! :eek: She was going far too fast. And as a result, she and the other skaters barely had time to react when their trajectories were intersecting.

Thankfully, she slowed down shortly afterwards for the rest of the Warm-Up.

We lost the pictures for a while just before the 1 minute call. So I don't know what she was doing then. But, I don't think she did any elements within camera shot.

So, having not seen her yesterday, I don't know what form she is in. Apart from being fast, that is!


Here is what I wrote when she was being introduced before doing her programme:

Well, we already know that both of my "kids" have Cup Of Israel titles in their pockets already. Now to find out if Liza can put herself in a good position to add the National title to that. (I realise that a lot of things have to align for her to achieve that).

:cheer: ALL THE BEST LIZA!!! :cheer:


And here is what I wrote about her programme:

Beautiful combination jump to start with.

Just about had enough room to do the sequence of jumps.

Next jump and combination spin good. And the next jump too.

I thought Liza was going to join me during the step sequence she was so close to the camera! :laugh: (Well, it was probably just the zoom).

I didn't spot any possible issues after that. It was beautiful.

Although, Liza looked frustrated when she finished. So, it was maybe not as good as I thought.

She was smiling for the photos. But as soon as they were finished, her head was in her hands.

The coach was telling her something, and Liza was pulling some strange faces at it.

When the scores were announced, she stood up and punched the air in celebration!

This was only the third time she broke the 100 point mark in the FS.

:cheer: :clap: :rock: :party2: :points: :hb:

She goes into a massive lead in both FS and overall.

Now she has wait to see what Maria does to find out if it is enough to win both titles on offer today. (She already has the Cup Of Israel title).

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:



Liza finished the Free Skate 4.08 points behind 1st position, Maria SENIUK (HOL), and 38.76 points ahead of 3rd position, Julia FENNEL (BSH).

Overall, Liza finished 8.01 points behind 1st position, Seniuk, and 54.62 points ahead of 3rd position, Fennel.

Although Maria had 2 falls in her FS, those were her only issues. Liza may not have had any falls, but she did have issues with five elements. When her programme's total Base Value was lower than Maria's, Liza really needed to go clean if she was to have a chance of winning the FS, never mind the title.

Nevertheless, as I said at the time, this was only the third time Liza broke the 100 point mark in the FS. So, she was certainly trying.

:cheer: WELL DONE LIZA!!! :cheer:
