Javier Fernandez | Page 177 | Golden Skate

Javier Fernandez


Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2015
Add: a news piece of yesterday's Reebok shoot https://twitter.com/24h_tve/status/885862443959828480 (I think he also reveals the FS theme quite casually in there, but please tell me I understood it right...)


He said he won't do Don Quixote, but El Hombre de La Mancha (I take it this means the 1964 musical). It will have a very Spanish flavor ;)
I didn't expect him to drop the music so casually, I thought he would, wait a bit longer. But at least he pulled us out of the suspense :biggrin: But I suppose we will have to wait until JO to see it.


Mar 28, 2006
Oh, as I thought - thank you very much once again, xibzuarz! This is exactly what tureis predicted earlier when Javi gave those hints - she will be happy!

I must say I did not like the idea then and still am not very enthusiastic about it. The play is basically about Cervantes and it features the main parts of the Don Quixote story. The music overall was not very captivating in my mind - the main theme is Dream the Impossible Dream which is kind of onesided, slow and repetitive. But it will be interesting to see what they can come up with it.



On the Ice
Mar 9, 2017
Add: a news piece of yesterday's Reebok shoot https://twitter.com/24h_tve/status/885862443959828480 (I think he also reveals the FS theme quite casually in there, but please tell me I understood it right...)


The voice-over guy spoke super-clearly, so clip was easy to understand, but also super-fast, like 20x faster than my chubby little fingers can type :laugh: Anyway, here's the translation of the quick bit from Twitter for those who are interested:

Voice-over: It's the king of figure skating, but we found him working without skates and without ice because this is another type of training, with sneakers and other accessories like a jump rope, a weights bar, and these little obstacles. Here the goal is to gain explosiveness, and the only skate we see is the skate with the Olympic rings that he has tattooed. And exactly to fight for the Olympic gold medal, he tells us the secret that he is preparing. For the first time he is going to take on the role of a very well-known character.
Javi: Not Don Quijote but the Man of La Mancha. It has a very Spanish touch. I will try to realize the dream that I've always had.
Voice-over: He tripped up at the last World Championships, but it's a lesson from which ...
Javi: To learn so that it doesn't happen again.
Voice-over: And speaking of learning, he is focusing on him.
Javi: Rafa Nadal is one of the people you can really learn from.
Voice-over: Well, in Madrid during a heat wave, we let him work so that he can become a man of La Mancha, and we hope a man of gold.


Record Breaker
Jul 27, 2003
I just looked up the music from youtube by listening a bit here and there and really believe that it will be a fantastic program for Javi to skate at the Olympics! I´m sure that David Wilson will choose best cuts of the music. And it seems a very skateable piece of music. I´m very happy to hear this info, thanks!!!


Apr 10, 2017
Can I be a bit emo? As someone who loves broadway, there is one song from the Man of La Mancha that sort of fits Javi's journey (if he does retire after the olympcs)... The title is "Impossible Dream (The Quest)".

To dream the impossible dream,
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go;
To right the unrightable wrong.
To love, pure and chaste, from afar,
To try, when your arms are too weary,
To reach the unreachable star!
This is my Quest to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,
To fight for the right
Without question or pause,
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause!
And I know, if I'll only be true
To this glorious Quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest.
And the world will be better for this,
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable stars!


On the Ice
Jan 27, 2015
Ahhhhh YES, as eppen said, I'm super happy! :biggrin::biggrin::love: I love the musical, which I saw a number or times on stage, and I can't wait to see what angle they choose to portray the character of Don Quijote. And it really is such a perfect choice for Javi's last Olympics and presumably last season. The best Spanish figure skater of all time, portraying the most iconic Spanish character of all time. I actually hope they go all the way and choose a Spanish language version of the song, which Domingo has performed a number of times for example. But either way, I'm hoping for a strong mixture of instrumental and vocal selection, in the vein of Guys and Dolls. And with Javi's lyrical side emerging recently, in large part thanks to all those performances of Danny Boy I assume, this is has the potential to become a really uplifting program.


On the Ice
Jan 27, 2015
Can I be a bit emo? As someone who loves broadway, there is one song from the Man of La Mancha that sort of fits Javi's journey (if he does retire after the olympcs)... The title is "Impossible Dream (The Quest)".

I'm sure this song and the lyrics in particular are the main reason why they chose the La Mancha musical adaptation of the Don Quijote character in the first place. And it's never been a more perfect fit than to sum up Javi's journey. :)


Mar 28, 2006
Two mixed zone interviews from Helsinki after the SP and after the FS from Swedish TV. Have not seen that many directly after the FS comments so that was interesting...



On the Ice
Mar 9, 2017
I must say I did not like the idea then and still am not very enthusiastic about it. The play is basically about Cervantes and it features the main parts of the Don Quixote story. The music overall was not very captivating in my mind - the main theme is Dream the Impossible Dream which is kind of onesided, slow and repetitive. But it will be interesting to see what they can come up with it.

I have mixed feelings about Man of La Mancha. I agree that the most famous song, The Impossible Dream, can be rather slow and repetitious. After listening to a few different versions, I noted that some arrangements are more lively and more interesting than others, even though even the best arrangement didn't exactly wow me. On the other hand, I trust David Wilson's ability to splice together the best parts from the best songs of the musical and also to come up with a brilliant choreography. What I do like about the choice is that Javi clearly feels very passionate about it. He's excited about the music and even more excited about the chance to bring to life Cervantes, the most revered author in Spanish history, and Don Quijote, the most famous character in Spanish literature. Figure skating is an art, and in art, passion is everything. If Javi feels passion for this character, then despite whatever misgivings I have about the music, I am confident that in the end the program will be superb. I can't wait to see it!


Record Breaker
Oct 12, 2015
I knew it would be Man of la Mancha once he gave those hints a while back. The Impossible Dream is a very inspirational, crowd pleasing song... the man of la mancha (linda eder's version, among others) is fantastic... very powerful music that will bring crowds to their feet. I love the music for a skating program for the olympics.


Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2015
Has this been shared already? Javi answering 31 questions while dancing his Malagueña program very random but here they go:
Javier or Javi? Javi
What do you always do when you come back to Madrid? Meet my friends and set a match of some sport
Favorite corner in Madrid? Temple of Debod
What he misses the most from Spain? The food and the Sun
What is Madrid missing to be the perfect city? (He thought about it for a while) Nothing!
City that has surprised you the most? Tokyo
A place to go on vacation? Fiji
A trip you'll never forget? Florida
Beach or mountain? Beach
Car or motorcycle? None because I don't have a license :laugh:
Favorite movie? The Last Samurai
Favorite (current) series? Game of Thrones
A musical group? Pablo Alboran (he is a solo singer but okay :biggrin: )
A book you recommend? His own book :biggrin:
Breakfast? Coffee
Do you cook? A bit, every now and then
Have you cooked Spanish omelettes in Canada? A lot, os my favorite (from what I can cook).
And you favorite dish? I don't have one, I like food in general.
Favorite drink? Water with lemon.
Sweet or sour? Depends on the moment
Favorite dessert? Cheesecake
Dark chocolate or white chocolate? Dark
A sport that's not figure skating? Soccer (of course he would say that)
Position he would fill if he played soccer? Forward
Soccer team? (Come on we know that one!) RM
Best moment in a soccer field? When I made the honorary kick at a RM match
Greatest joy that soccer has given you? When Spain won the World Cup
Routine before stepping into the ice? Listen to music, a shower and warm up
What can't miss in your luggage? Clothes (Oh Javi :laugh:)
How many times have you lost your glasses? Three
How many medals do you have? I don't even know.