Mao Asada plans comeback | Page 19 | Golden Skate

Mao Asada plans comeback


Record Breaker
Oct 13, 2009
Sorry I am lost. Why she is practicing 1loop-3sal? What is special about this comb?


On the Ice
Mar 11, 2012
I really hope that Mao doesn't recycle her Rach 2 program. I am not fond of skaters reusing their programs, especially when they've already done them justice. I also really hope that she will start working with a choreographer not named Lori Nichol. What is the likelihood of that happening? :slink:


Mar 8, 2014
Well, I just read this article by Akiko Tamura about Mao's comeback, and I was really touched by part of it, so I thought I'd translate some...

At the press conference, Asada said something like this:

“Because I can do the triple axel, I’ve really relied on it as my strong point, but right now, I’m still bringing up the level of my jumps, so I’ve been practicing in the hopes of reaching that level. However, that’s not all. I’m 24 now, so in the skating world, I’m a veteran. I think it would be good if I could skate like an adult, if I can show people my own kind of skating.”

Hearing this comment, the first thing that popped in to my head was the late Kyoko Asada [Mao’s mother]. Previously I’ve written this several times, but within the conversations I had with Kyoko-san when she was alive, there was one thing in particular that stayed in my heart.

“Tamura-san, you know, I think figure skating is not about winning or losing.”

At some competition hall, watching the official practice from the stands, Kyoko-san said this:

“If Yuna-chan won, or my Mao won—everyone always focuses on this. But figure skating is not about that; it’s about being on the ice and showing how you live your life. Don’t you think so, Tamura-san?”


I know I’ve had very mixed feelings about Mao returning to competition, mainly because I had doubts that she’d be able to compete for gold against the current crop of skaters. I also don’t want to see the media hounding her constantly and putting enormous pressure on her to do to the triple axel and to win.

I initially became a fan of Mao way back in the 2005-06 season because of the joy she brought to the ice. You could tell that she loved to skate. But after years of struggling and being constantly scrutinized by the media, I feel like she lost that joy.

Now it sounds like she’s rediscovered her love of skating, and I hope returning to competition doesn’t make her lose it again. I sincerely hope she can hold onto that joy, and share it with us in her programs.

Maria Victoria

Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
^Thank you for your translation. I agree that it's love for figure skating that compelled Mao to come back.That love I think includes the competitive aspect as figure skating is a sport. More than anyone, Mao knows what her comeback entails. I think she feels, like Ashley, that she can be competitive vis-a-vis the wunderkinds.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Ashley can't do a 1Lo-3S combo, though? I mean, she can do an underrotated one, yeah...

Ashley just introduced her 1/2 loop 3S combo this season. And considering it's the first season she's done it, she's gotten it pretty close. The 3L+1L+3S<(x) she did at Worlds still got her 8.56 points (with BV of 9.46)... which scores more than - oh, let's say... a 3L+2A sequence (BV 7.39) or even worse, a 3T+2A(x) sequence (BV 6.51)... it would be rather daft of her to incorporate a 3T+2A sequence into her program, so nevermind that suggestion. ;)

I'd be interested to see if Mao could incorporate that combo. She tends to have a bit of issues with 3S, so I don't know if she can get the concentration needed to execute it, but we'll see.
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Record Breaker
Mar 17, 2015
“If Yuna-chan won, or my Mao won—everyone always focuses on this. But figure skating is not about that; it’s about being on the ice and showing how you live your life. Don’t you think so, Tamura-san?”

Thanks for sharing.
I agree with that so much. Mao's mother I am sure was a very thoughtful and interesting woman. I think that is why we are always so passionate about our favourite skaters. I think we get to know them a little bit through their skating and feel close to them in a way.

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
Ashley just introduced her 1/2 loop 3S combo this season. And considering it's the first season she's done it, she's gotten it pretty close. The 3L+1L+3S<(x) she did at Worlds still got her 8.56 points (with BV of 9.46)... which scores more than - oh, let's say... a 3L+2A sequence (BV 7.39) or even worse, a 3T+2A(x) sequence (BV 6.51)... although it would be rather asinine of her to incorporate a 3T+2A sequence into her program, anyways, so nevermind that suggestion. ;)

Oh boy, more of this nonsense from you?

3Lo+2A(x) sequence with +2 GOE is 8.79 points, which is already more, and it means she gets to add a 2Lo to the program, another +1.8 points, plus her solo 2A would become a 3S, which is 1 point extra as well. Ashley is giving away 3 points. Obviously you have to work on something in order for it to improve, so the hope is that her 3Lo+1Lo+3Sal will become sufficiently rotated in time, but I highly doubt it given her technique.

As for the 3T+2A sequence, that would still definitely be the best option for her if the 3Lutz+3Toe was being called correctly. Until she fixes her entry on that toeloop to not swing it around so far on the ice (probably not possible with any decent amount of consistency at this point in her career), the jump is never going to be rotated well enough, if measurements were being applied correctly. Luckily for her, the current tech panels are turning a blind eye enough of the time that it may be worth keeping. She didn't get credit for it in the LP at WTT, however.

Regardless, the 3Lo+1Lo+3Sal really is a tactical mistake. Throughout her entire career Ashley has unfortunately been giving away points because of CoP technicalities. If she wants to be on that World podium next year, she's going to need every point she can get. Giving away 3 points is not going to get her there. She has lost to Gracie now at both Worlds and WTT. Her momentum is gone for next season if she continues down the current path. She won't even be able to use the "I'm the lady of the field" line of talk anymore, with Mao coming back and Tukt continuing to mature and being regarded more highly in general.


Record Breaker
Oct 13, 2009
Well, I just read this article by Akiko Tamura about Mao's comeback, and I was really touched by part of it, so I thought I'd translate some...


I know I’ve had very mixed feelings about Mao returning to competition, mainly because I had doubts that she’d be able to compete for gold against the current crop of skaters. I also don’t want to see the media hounding her constantly and putting enormous pressure on her to do to the triple axel and to win.

I initially became a fan of Mao way back in the 2005-06 season because of the joy she brought to the ice. You could tell that she loved to skate. But after years of struggling and being constantly scrutinized by the media, I feel like she lost that joy.

Now it sounds like she’s rediscovered her love of skating, and I hope returning to competition doesn’t make her lose it again. I sincerely hope she can hold onto that joy, and share it with us in her programs.

Well, Mao is not a fool, she has been competing in seniors for 8 years and everyone put big expectatives on her even in juniors, and has gone through situations like reworking her jumps, refine footwork, spirals, spins, fall out of the podium, 2 olympics, familiar problems and probably injuries that she has not said. If she is coming back is evident she is not obligated or pressed, she thought about this each day of her break. So at this moment she knows perfectly that is difficult return to top form and win gold or even to get medal, I think she is prepared for everything, to win or to lose. But the important for her is to try. Midori came back and did not win and I don't think someone thinks less of her because of that, she is a legend anyway.

About the program Rach 2 I agree with everyone, it was too much perfect at olympics so she should to try rework an ex program (ballade, por una cabeza, caprice) or give another try to the Tango of Alfred S.
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Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Regardless, the 3Lo+1Lo+3Sal really is a tactical mistake. Throughout her entire career Ashley has unfortunately been giving away points because of CoP technicalities. If she wants to be on that World podium next year, she's going to need every point she can get. Giving away 3 points is not going to get her there. She has lost to Gracie now at both Worlds and WTT. Her momentum is gone for next season if she continues down the current path. She won't even be able to use the "I'm the lady of the field" line of talk anymore, with Mao coming back and Tukt continuing to mature and being regarded more highly in general.

Um, am I having deja vu, or did people say exactly the same thing about Wagner after placing behind Gracie at Worlds and the Olympics last year? And which one of them medalled at the GPF? Also, Gold lost to Wagner in the FS of the WTT -- in part due to Wagner attempting the 3S sequence. Like Mao, it's hard to say if Wagner attempting the 3S sequence will be beneficial, but she won't know unless she continues to include it.

Also, since when has Wagner gotten +2 GOE/8.79 across the board from ISU judges for her 3L+2A sequence? The most she's ever gotten is 8.69 at TEB. As in, she has to execute that 3L+2A sequence perfectly in order to get essentially the same points as a sequence she underrotates -- it got her 8.66 points at WTT btw with the UR. Also, Wagner wouldn't add a 2L to the program, she would at most do a +2T+2T. You're still neglecting to realise that Wagner performs elements she is comfortable with, not ones that other people think she should do.

Ironically, you say she's given away points because of CoP technicalities - and yet you've previously suggested she include two series valued at 80%. If sequences weren't an 80% value, then maybe you might have a case, but the reality is, she's executing a jumping pass where she already gets a 20% deduction -- she'd be better off doing a 2A+3T with -1's, than a 3T+2A. Also, she does UR the 3-3 and the 3-3 sequence but she needs to attempt them to show that she can still be competitive with two 3-3 combos. Replacing a 3Z+3T< (which she got 8.00 points for at Worlds) with a 3T+2A (worth 6.51 points) isn't smart -- having to perform an element perfectly (especially a 2A sequence) in order to match the points of a 3-3< isn't savvy. Certainly against a stronger field, Wagner can't afford to play it safe.

Back OT... perhaps Mao feels the same now that Liza has a 3A and Radionova (with progressively higher PCS) has 3-3 and 3-1-3 and that's why she's trying to add that sequence, even though she's never landed one in competition and even though her 3S is one of her weakest jumps. Two triple-triple combos and a 3A (or two) solidifies herself over Liza (or forces Liza to skate lights out) assuming Mao can execute that content without too many errors.
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Final Flight
Nov 20, 2011
According to this report Mao might be reusing her Rach 2 freeskate

That would be rather disappointing. I'd rather she recycle Liebestraum for the third time than try to outdo what she delivered in Sochi.

Mao already skated that program to perfection, I know japan has alot of very good choreographers, we have seen that time after time at japan nationals, I really wish Mao would try them out, and we all know that several famous choreographers have voiced how much they want to work with her, this would be the perfect time to give them a chance and see what they can create together.

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
Also, Gold lost to Wagner in the FS of the WTT -- in part due to Wagner attempting the 3S sequence.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with Wagner attempting the back-end 3S. She is losing points by doing it, plain and simple. Wagner has still never internationally hit 130 in the LP in her career, because she gives points away.

Also, since when has Wagner gotten +2GOE/8.79 from ISU judges for her 3L+2A sequence?

You really need to stop using straw man arguments. Even if she "only" gets 8.69 points for it instead of 8.79, or even if she only gets just +1 GOE across the board and 8.09 points, the program layout is STILL worth a lot more than doing an underrotated back-end 3S. The fact is that she can realistically get +2 GOE on it and pretty much always gets at least +1. It's worth more. Give it up.

Also, Wagner wouldn't add a 2L to the program, she would at most do a +2T+2T.

Wrong. She has done 2Loop in the 3-jump combo plenty of times in her career. If she actually trained it in a sensible layout then, quell surprise, it would be seen in competition. Her coaches haven't enforced her to train it seriously, but they should because it's an important element. Especially now with the "double zayak" rule, it's a big risk to plan a +2T+2T combo when you have a back-end 3Toe in your program, since accidentally doubling the 3Toe makes your 3-jump combo worth a big fat 0.

Ironically, you say she's given away points because of CoP technicalities - and yet you've previously suggested she include two series valued at 80%. If sequences weren't an 80% value, then maybe you might have a case, but the reality is, she's executing a jumping pass where she already gets a 20% deduction. Also, she does UR the 3-3 and the 3-3 sequence but she needs to attempt them to show that she can still be competitive with two 3-3 combos. Replacing a 3Z+3T< (which she got 8.00 points for at Worlds) with a 3T+2A (worth 6.51 points) isn't smart

Good lord, you either have no understanding of math and jump layouts or you are choosing to be ignorant for some strange reason. The 80% value doesn't matter, stop saying that. It's worth more points. 3LZ+3T< wouldn't solely be "replaced" with 3T+2A (and stop ignoring the +GOE she'd get for the other option). The 3T+2A would replace the regular 2A in the program and she would have a solo 3Lz. Doing 3Lz and 3T+2A is worth 12.51 base value and she could get +GOE on those consistently. 3Lz+3T< and 2A is worth 12.2 base value and the GOE will be much lower, resulting in her losing at least 2 points in comparison, but more likely around 3 points.
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Mar 5, 2014
Mao already skated that program to perfection, I know japan has alot of very good choreographers, we have seen that time after time at japan nationals, I really wish Mao would try them out, and we all know that several famous choreographers have voiced how much they want to work with her, this would be the perfect time to give them a chance and see what they can create together.

I really don't mind if Mao recycles programs if that's what make her feel comfortable because she has been working so hard on tech content, though maybe she can handle the demands of learning new choreography and working on tech content just fine. I just want her to do what makes her feel most comfortable.

If Mao is going to recycle a program I would really like to see Mao skate to Swan Lake again because the jump layout is similar to Rach 2 and because she still has not had a definitive clean performance of the program in its 8 triple form, though the one at Worlds was wonderful. I also love the acrobatic step sequence with many illusion spins and twizzles and the arcing arabesque at the end similar to Rach 2. I think the program really shows off the maturity of her expression and wide range of emotions from charming and playful like the little flourish she does by kicking one skate in front of the other. to melancholy when she waves her arms down by her side and continues in a flowing motion. The program also highlights her musicality really well especially the timing of the 3F/ 2L / 2L combination. and the incredibly captivating step sequence.

If she is going to recycle her SP, I would like her to do Chopin's Ballade because she did such an incredible performance of it in Astana last year that I can watch it over and over again. the twizzles, spirals and Russian splits in this performance are simply mesmerizing and she literally breathes the mood of the music with her every move.
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Record Breaker
Mar 27, 2014
Ashley can't do a 1Lo-3S combo, though? I mean, she can do an underrotated one, yeah...

Hmm, true I should have worded that a bit better, if Ashley can tack an almost 3S onto the end of a 1Lo with a generally weak 3S and land on her feet in her first season then it's not farfetched for Mao either if she really wants it.

Now onto this LP business, it's hard for Mao I guess when she's been around for so long to find a new choreographer and try to gel with them. She should try to get a new LP and work an old program into the SP, she did it for the 2010 Olympics by reworking her LP into an SP so it's an option. I really would not like to see Rach 2 again, I think she skated it to its potential and it was a bit broody for me? I prefer when Mao skates to something more uplifting


Record Breaker
Oct 13, 2009
I wonder why she does not go with Tatiana again? if Lori is busy may be Tat is available. Or she can rework some old programs.


Feb 28, 2012
She probably makes herself busy with her weekly radio show until the end of June.

If she recycles LP, I'd love to see Fantaisie-Impromptu again. Or Swan Lake in a black swan costume.