Max Aaron | Page 35 | Golden Skate

Max Aaron


Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2011
The theory i have heard is that they want the first place skater to have the option of using the silver/bronze steps on the way up given that they are walking on skates on carpet trying to get up on the podium. Then again, even the rather little ones seems to figure our how to get on the top step no problem. Though i agree it would be better the other way... just give them a stepping stone if needed!

Yes, and it's not like the silver or bronze finisher would be unwilling to let them use their step as a stepping stone if needed... can you even imagine that? 'No I won't step this way a few inches so you can get up there?' Unthinkable.


Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
Yes, and it's not like the silver or bronze finisher would be unwilling to let them use their step as a stepping stone if needed... can you even imagine that? 'No I won't step this way a few inches so you can get up there?' Unthinkable.

Well the way the current group of guys behaves they might be unwilling to budge till they got a hug from the winner... but that is about it.

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avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
I do suggest to other fans of the SnuggleBat that if you plan to watch this, have a British Eurosport version of it handy as a chaser to cleanse your palate of the foul taste...

An alternate point of view in response to my friend :yes: karne:

I did not and do not consider it sullying the fan thread to post the FS video with Johnny/Tara/Terry commentary.

Disclaimer: everything below is paraphrased, but I believe it is a fair representation of what was said.

Tara and Terry clearly were supportive of Max. And Terry noted that the audience was feeling Max's performance.

Johnny readily acknowledged that Max had improved his artistry, and Johnny complimented jump after jump.
But (big "but") ... Johnny did say at least twice (in one way or another) that his opinion was that Max was not a swan and that the music was the wrong choice for Max.

Tara stuck to her guns that she approved of Max's performance. Johnny stuck to his guns that he was unconvinced that Max was a swan.

Johnny's opinion re the swan did not ruin the NBC video for me. It is not as if he had nothing but criticism for Max.

And I really appreciated Tara's firm support for Max :yay:.
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in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Well the way the current group of guys behaves they might be unwilling to budge till they got a hug from the winner... but that is about it.

I can actually envisage this.. "Maaax! You can't go up there yet! I haven't finished hugging you!" *cue Jason glomping*

Johnny's opinion re the swan did not ruin the NBC video for me. It is not as if he had nothing but criticism for Max.

And I really appreciated Tara's firm support for Max :yay:.

I am afraid I must respectfully disagree with my friend :yes: golden411...I found Weir's negativity to be permeating the entire video, over the top and ridiculous, to the point where even Tara seemed shocked at the level of it. There was nothing positive that he said that did not come with a "but..." and a negative comment immediately after.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I have the giggles at the moment because I'm watching the TSL recap of Skate America and Jenny and Dave are in agreement that Max (and/or his manager if he has one) should be looking at getting him an underwear deal. They also highly approved of the way his shirts behaved on the camel spins. :eek::

I'm still a bit weird about Jenny's seeming categorising Max with the "bad boy" vibe. I mean yeah, ruffle up his hair, stick in him a leather jacket and get him to stare down the camera and you might achieve something vaguely resembling a "bad boy" vibe, but - she did make a point that it was more of reaction to Max's physical form rather than an actual statement on Max's personality. But I do agree. Underwear promo. NOWWWWWWWWWWW. :eek::

Also (slightly OT), was scrolling through instagram and found this old seems SnuggleBat has an AussieBat sidekick! ;)

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avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
I have the giggles at the moment because I'm watching the TSL recap of Skate America and Jenny and Dave are in agreement that Max (and/or his manager if he has one) should be looking at getting him an underwear deal. ...

Also (slightly OT), was scrolling through instagram and found this old seems SnuggleBat has an AussieBat sidekick! ;)

Hmmmm ... months before Skate America, a well-known skater friend of Max's had made an allusion on social media to the effect that Max is working with an underwear brand. The brand name that was mentioned is very popular for athletic apparel, including underwear. At the time, I did not know whether his friend was joking or not. But ever since, I have been wondering whether Max really might be part of a subtle product-placement marketing campaign :think:. Obviously, I do not know for sure, but it is not unthinkable to me.
All joking aside, in the absence of a full-fledged deal, I hope at least that the brand has been giving Max free stuff to wear. (In the same way that any brand might hope a VIP organically would give its product some extra visibility to a target demographic.)

Now about Halloween:
We all must cross our fingers and hope that a boyhood photo of BatMax will surface by tomorrow. Maddie at least once around this time of year has posted a throwback photo of the Aaron sibs in all their trick-or-treating glory. And Max himself had given NBC another pic from a different year.

BTW, when he is jumping, Max's Nessun Dorma costume reminds me of a bat. (Albino bat ;)??)

Love AussieBat :).

And swooping back to the topic of the medal ceremony, I forgot to mention one other bromantic detail: As Max was being steered toward the ice and away from Jason and Kori, he kept looking back at them as if he wished he could stay and continue their chat. As if he were a puppy on a leash being pulled away from something/someone s/he likes. Cute.
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Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
It's all right, Sandpiper. I share your grief!

The ChSq was in place as recently as Nebelhorn a few weeks ago. However, since then they have completely recut the music and completely restructured the program. The music for the coda is not in this cut, so I guess they had trouble finding a new place for the coda-inspired ChSq. I do like the new ChSq, it's very nice, but I'm afraid it pales in comparison to the original ChSq...

It looks as though they are rebuilding the LP, but sadly, I think that glorious ChSq might be gone forever. :no: But this was always on the cards. In that TSL interview Phillip did say he wasn't sure about the music cut or that it would be the "final cut". Still...if only Phillip did have social media, perhaps he would have realised how much the fans loved the ChSq. But maybe they got negative feedback from the judges or something.
Ah, thank you for letting me know, Karne. It was there as late as Nebelhorn? :cry: Well, maybe I'll go watch that performance later, after SC. I'll continue hoping that we'll see it again (please make GPF and skate it there, Max!!). I do appreciate they kept a bit of the choreography in the new cut, and I do like Nessun Dorma... so I'll try to stay positive.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Hmmmm ... months before Skate America, a well-known skater friend of Max's had made an allusion on social media to the effect that Max is working with an underwear brand. The brand name that was mentioned is very popular for athletic apparel, including underwear. At the time, I did not know whether his friend was joking or not. But ever since, I have been wondering whether Max really might be part of a subtle product-placement marketing campaign :think:. Obviously, I do not know for sure, but it is not unthinkable to me.
All joking aside, in the absence of a full-fledged deal, I hope at least that the brand has been giving Max free stuff to wear. (In the same way that any brand might hope a VIP organically would give its product some extra visibility to a target demographic.)

He did appear briefly in that USOC video advertising their new underwear range. :love:

Hey, if some company is paying him to make that engine look even better, so much the better. If you've got it, flaunt it! ;)

Now about Halloween:
We all must cross our fingers and hope that a boyhood photo of BatMax will surface by tomorrow. Maddie at least once around this time of year has posted a throwback photo of the Aaron sibs in all their trick-or-treating glory. And Max himself had given NBC another pic from a different year.

Hoping for BatMax!

And swooping back to the topic of the medal ceremony, I forgot to mention one other bromantic detail: As Max was being steered toward the ice and away from Jason and Kori, he kept looking back at them as if he wished he could stay and continue their chat. As if he were a puppy on a leash being pulled away from something/someone s/he likes. Cute.

that is an absolutely adorable mental imagine and I'm going to envisage this for the rest of the day.

Max got a nomination for Male Athlete of October from TeamUSA.

glad to see him included!

VOTED! How many times can one vote? Must vote more.


Ah, thank you for letting me know, Karne. It was there as late as Nebelhorn? :cry: Well, maybe I'll go watch that performance later, after SC. I'll continue hoping that we'll see it again (please make GPF and skate it there, Max!!). I do appreciate they kept a bit of the choreography in the new cut, and I do like Nessun Dorma... so I'll try to stay positive.

It was definitely there at Nebelhorn. To say I was shocked when TSL posted the practice videos the music cut was TOTALLY different is probably an understatement. It's a ballsy thing to do, to change not just some minor choreo, but the whole music cut and the whole program in the middle of the season.
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avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
He did appear briefly in that USOC video advertising their new underwear range. :love:

Hey, if some company is paying him to make that engine look even better, so much the better. If you've got it, flaunt it! ;) ...

You're right ... I had forgotten about the USOC video :hopelessness:.

Meanwhile, after my post, I watched the TSL vid and heard Dave L. mention the same brand that Max's friend had. I suppose it's more likely that Max just happens to like the brand -- although it would be nice if he were getting compensated in some way for his loyalty to the brand.

And now will segue from the topic of sponsorship to a picturesque Edea photo of Max A with Maddie A, which I have been meaning to post:

... VOTED! How many times can one vote? Must vote more.


Thanks for the tip about voting more than once. I had been wondering whether it was possible. I will go back and vote again :).

BTW, did you happen to see any word on the deadline for voting? I had poked around on the USOC site, but never came across a date. I wanted to post it here in the thread.

And karne, I never got around to thanking you for posting the tweets of applause from Jeremy and Ashley re Max at Skate America.

Great to see the friendship btwn Jeremy and Max.

And I hope Max's gold will rub off on Ashley this weekend. She has matched his SP win :yay:. Now for the FS. ...


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
has anyone said something about him advertising underwear?:eek::

TSL were suggesting it might be a worthwhile endeavour after Max's very exhibitionist ;) practice and exhibition wear at Skate America. :eek::

Meanwhile, after my post, I watched the TSL vid and heard Dave L. mention the same brand that Max's friend had. I suppose it's more likely that Max just happens to like the brand -- although it would be nice if he were getting compensated in some way for his loyalty to the brand.


And now will segue from the topic of sponsorship to a picturesque Edea photo of Max A with Maddie A, which I have been meaning to post: (Oct 21)

That's a nice shot of Maddie and Max.

BTW, did you happen to see any word on the deadline for voting? I had poked around on the USOC site, but never came across a date. I wanted to post it here in the thread.

I didn't - we'll have to just keep voting to make sure ;) Unfortunately I think Max being a figure skater - with a smaller fan base, and then if you had only caught the NBC broadcast, you might not have guessed he won unless you saw the actual result - might work against him here.


Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2011
I didn't - we'll have to just keep voting to make sure ;) Unfortunately I think Max being a figure skater - with a smaller fan base, and then if you had only caught the NBC broadcast, you might not have guessed he won unless you saw the actual result - might work against him here.

I unfortunately agree but I've voted several times and will keep at it when I have an odd minute :)

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
... I didn't - we'll have to just keep voting to make sure ;) Unfortunately I think Max being a figure skater - with a smaller fan base, and then if you had only caught the NBC broadcast, you might not have guessed he won unless you saw the actual result - might work against him here.

I unfortunately agree but I've voted several times and will keep at it when I have an odd minute :)

Thx for your encouragement to Max-imize ;) voting for the Team USA award :yay:. I too will keep placing votes for Max.

Meanwhile, I hope that it might(??) work in Max's favor that online voting is only 50% of the basis for the final choice for the award.
IIRC, the other 50% is input from a panel of approx. eight sports journalists/"experts."
Christine Brennan and Nick Zaccardi are on the panel. When I glanced at the list, their names are the only ones that rang loud bells for me (a reflection of my ignorance; not a criticism of Team USA).
Anyway, at least those two would understand that a GP gold for a U.S. man is a big deal. And that Max is a major asset to U.S. skating. (I don't know/recall whether the panel tries to reach a consensus by having a discussion amongst themselves ... or whether each panelist - in isolation, so to speak -- simply gets one vote.)

Golden Skate just published a new article all about Max Max Max- some very nice quotes from him, other skaters and Tom Z about him

He is always so humble and hardworking!

Thanks for the link, tulosai.
So glad that GS itself has devoted an article to Max :cool:. Look forward to reading it.