Max Aaron | Page 87 | Golden Skate

Max Aaron

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
More shallowness :hopelessness::

I think Max maybe was wearing a new suit tonight?? :cool:

His first solid-color single-breasted suit is more gray/"silver"-ish.

Tonight's suit looks more blue-ish?

Awwwww :luv17:, wait ... is Retired Max working with Jump On It! campers anyway, as he did in previous years?

Photo of him in athletic wear with young skaters at WAIH:



in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Forgive me for being shallow :hopelessness:, but I thought the always-handsome Max looked absolutely radiant tonight.
I think his inner peace was showing through on the outside. :luv17:

Agree. He was more radiant, more effusive and expressive, than I have ever seen him. Here is a man with truly no regrets and truly at peace with his decision.

Here some transcription of Snugglebat's words today. Announcement speech and anything new that we didn't know before is in bold.

Q: What jump were you most excited to learn?
Max: So for me, I would say, it would be a triple Axel I guess. When I first moved here to Colorado Springs, everybody was..."everybody" [does the air quotes], as in the elder men, like Ryan Bradley, Brandon Mroz, they were all doing triple Axels and I knew if I wanted to be part of the group [more air quotes] I needed a triple Axel. I kept, every time during one of Tom's power classes I kept throwing myself into it, and eventually I got it! So I was able to call myself one of the big boys here, I really enjoyed it at the time and that was fun, and I really enjoyed the process, and hopefully you all will be there, and I bet all of you in here are probably doing triple Axels nowadays because that's how, the quad flip and the quad Lutz are the main things now [laughter], so I guess my era's coming now [laughter].

Q: When you finally landed it, how did that feel?

Max: It was really great! I remember, one of the first times I landed it, I remember just telling myself, if I can just jump high enough, I can probably do it [laughter]. Then again if you jump high enough you're gonna fall really hard. [more laughter] That was a big problem! But I finally figured it out, with Tom's help, and we had a lot of gamers where we were on the ice getting the triple Axel done, and of course I lost a lot of those gamers, those jump constests that we had, for maybe a couple of years and then eventually, I got one over, Ryan Bradley and Brandon Mroz, I beat them one time! But then again that was closer to the end of their career, and the start of mine, so [laughter]. But I don't tell that too often to people so don't tell anybody! [more laughter]

Q: And then as you guys moved through the ranks what was the most difficult jump for you?
Max: So I'm gonna say the same jump, um, because I actually never really learned a triple flip [sheepish laugh]. Everyone who asked why I never did a triple flip in my programs, it was because I actually did a triple Lutz, which I'd call a flip [air quotes] but was actually a Lutz. [laughter] I had a really hard time learning that jump, I actually had a couple of stress fractures in my, in my leg because of trying to keep that edge on the inside edge, so you know what, in my career, it was just like, okay let's just add another quad, because if I can have that I won't need the triple flip, so. [laughter] I wouldn't recommend that! But if you want to add all the quads, be my guest, and actually that's kind of how it's going nowadays, so that's really cool and exciting. But I would say that, work on a jump you can't do, master all the jumps, and you're gonna need it.

Q: So you mentioned doing quads, how do you go about adding that extra rotation?

Max: Yeah, so, um, going up in rotation, first of all I always make sure I have solid technique, and I would make sure that I'd go over that every single day, on the ice, off the ice, making sure that I know what I'm doing exactly, and I'm solid, just like you're taking an exam at school, you don't want to go into an exam that you don't know anything about, same thing, you don't want to go into a jump that you don't know anything about, so it's learning it inside and out. And from there, realising, do I have enough height to actually add another rotation? From there, if I do - do I have enough fast twitch muscles, am I getting enough torque off the take off every single time. So I'm going through all of that and I can feel it, so when I attempt the jump whether it's off the ice or on the ice, I always get far enough around that I won't get hurt, so maybe I land on the quarter, so I get my confidence up knowing that I almost did it or maybe I fell backwards knowing I was clean, and that would just build my confidence up even more, and sooner or later, that jump's gonna come and it's gonna be mine. [big grin]

Q: And Max, what do you tell yourself when you're out of your comfort zone in competition?

Max: When I get out of my comfort zone, I know that the thing I'm going to be striving towards is the correct process, just like Mariah was saying, I'm just repeating what Mariah was saying [Mariah giggles]. I'm not that smart! Just kidding. [more laughs] Basically, it's really, working with Tom, and having the ability to work on something, maybe it's a different quadruple jump, it's taking the time to learn something the correct way, because when you get to our age - she's a little younger than me [gestures to Mariah] - when you get to our age, you want to have a solid foundation, because I always say to the younger kids, when you're building a house - in Arizona we build ours with cement, we don't have basements, so we have cement floors - so there's a cement floor, and if you build your house on the cement floor that's tilted or cracked, a couple of years down the road it probably will fall apart, correct? So why build your jump base on something that's not - that doesn't have a solid foundation. And that's something that, I think that's it's so big for you guys to learn here, there's so many great coaches that are here, willing to help you, and US Figure Skating put on this great event for you guys to learn. Not just to have one coach but multiple, and that's - you guys are so lucky to have this, back in my day - I can say that now right? - we didn't have this, so really take it all in, if you can take it in, hold onto everything you can, every single word they have, even the athletes that are here, helping at the front, even the demonstrators, listen to what they have, pick their brains as well because they're doing the jumps! So hear them out, it's really interesting to hear what they have to say, listen - I can't stress enough to listen - you want to build that base as strong as you can, so when you get to that Senior level and or maybe at an Olympic trials or the Olympic Games, you won't crack under pressure, you'll deliver. And that's what US Figure Skating wants, someone who is steady and will deliver every single time. Obviously, for you guys, enjoy the moment, right?

Q: about being called up to the Worlds team at the last minute.
Max: So, I actually was not prepared to go to the World Championships, to be completely honest with you guys. I was the third alternate as you guys know, and having Jason Brown as the first alternate and Ross Miner being the second, I really didn't that, um, that opportunity would come down that far. So, yes, shame on me, not training, I started to move onto a different path in life, and I was actually training for a triathlon, so I guess I was in shape but uh, not skating shape, meaning that I wasn't doing the jumps I needed to do or the spins I needed to do, so, uh, when you - I guess first of all saying, when you sign on to a season, you must prepare, I will tell you guys, whether you are the first alternate or the third, that is a huge honour to have, and that's something I guess I abused, and that's something I should not have done. So hopefully you guys will be able to go on an event, a World Championships, a Junior World Championships, and even if you're an alternate, take that huge responsibility to train because you never know what could happen. But I was super happy to get the phone call, I think this was my fourth World Championships now, but I knew what to expect, I knew it was going to be a little harder to deal with, really only having two weeks of practice, really, just getting on the ice, two weeks of training, and then getting on the plane and getting over there, but I couldn't have done it without my coaches here in Colorado Springs, and the support from the team, and I guess, my role at that World Championships was to support the other men there, which was Nathan and Vincent, it worked out, I was going to, hopefully going to step up and take that third spot, and help them get the three spots for next season. So, something did happen, and I was able to hold my composure under the bright lights, and I'm glad we got it done, we got three spots for next year, but our men, their skating is so bright, and it's going to be so much fun to watch, and uh, I can't wait to see what you guys are all going to be doing in a year or two. I think I might see a couple of, maybe a World Champion over here somewhere [points to the audience], or maybe over here [gestures to another part of the audience]. I can't wait to, we can't wait to watch.

Q: How did they prepare mentally for Worlds when they weren't expecting to compete?
Max: Yeah, like I said earlier, I was definitely fortunate to have gone to a World Championships before, and I knew what to expect, obviously in my role, as being the third man, I guess my place, I was a little less stressed, than those two top men, that were Nathan and Vincent going for the medals now, which was going to be supportive of them, and if something would happen, like I said, you know, I would go in, hopefully slot in there and get that third spot. But I knew what to expect, I knew - it sounds funny - but I knew what a World Championships event smells like - it really sounds funny, I always wondered, what sort of events, what they smell like, how the atmosphere is going to be, how loud it's going to be, the pressure that's going to be, at the hotel, what everyone's going to be talking about the dining hall, you name it, I knew what it was going to be like, and I wasn't nervous. I was more excited, to get that one last event, in the season, it's a huge honour to go to the World Championships, and I really enjoyed that.

Q: Max, you've already hinted at it a little before, so what's next for you?

Max: Yeah, so, I guess I'll take this time to say I'm retiring from the sport, I wanna move on, I'm actually working at Merrill Lynch, I told a couple of people, I already moved back home to Arizona. My time in the sport has really been something, I really enjoyed it, I can't thank everyone enough, uh, from the bottom of my heart, for everything they put into me, my parents, and my friends up here, it's really been a great ride, and I have no regrets. That's one thing I always told myself, in sport, in life, I want to have no regrets, and I can honestly say, with the help of my coaches and friends, that I have no regrets in the sport. And I can't tell you - I don't know of a better feeling, than leaving the sport in general, and having that. You know of course, becoming an Olympian, or having an Olympic medal would have been great to say, rather than my white [inaudible], but having the ability to say that I have no regrets, in my entire career of figure skating, to me that is my gold medal. So, um.

[loud applause]

Max: So with that being said, everyone here, whatever it takes, every single day, every single minute, enjoy it, enjoy the process, put the work and time into it, I'm telling you, nothing feels better than walking away from the sport, or whatever it's gonna be, whether it's gonna be because you want to win an Olympic medal, or whether it's that you want to go to school, give it everything you have, because you never want it to be your last time, and when it is, I want you to enjoy it and say look, I gave it everything I had, and I have no regrets. So just...enjoy that.

[more loud applause] [He glows with happiness.]

Q: Thankyou Max, for everything you've done for the sport, and if anyone has any finance know who to call now[laughter].

Q: As we wrap it up, just one last question, what is your favourite part about jumping? [Mariah goes blank, and side-eyes Max until he takes the microphone]

Max: My favourite part about jumping was, I guess, the feeling of flying, I guess I can say. Obviously I don't jump that high. [laughter] The feeling of just getting off the ice, and doing something that I guess not a lot of other people in the world can do. And at the time, not everyone was doing quad Sal, everyone's doing quad Sals now [laughs]. But doing something that no-one else could do at the time was really neat, so the opportunity - I bet all these boys in here can do a quad Sal, so it's probably not that cool. Guys back in my day, doing a quad Sal - [laughter]. But no, you know, that feeling of flying was my favourite.


I think listening to Max furious with himself over not training as third alternate was harder to listen to than the bit he actually made the announcement.


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
Thanks for skating with your whole heart.
I'll miss seeing Max on the Grand Prix this year. :sad4: I wish him the absolute best for everything he wishes to accomplish from now on. Life awaits!


Final Flight
Jan 11, 2014
Obviously I will miss seeing Max skate so so much but he seems so happy and he has such a great future ahead of him that I cant be that sad.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Instagram story of @livvlu (Livvy Shilling) has a video snippet of Jump On It! campers on ice at WAIH.

Serendipitously, it gives a view of Max's banner :yay:, which is making me smile.

(Although I unfortunately cannot discern which one is Josh's.)

Agree. He was more radiant, more effusive and expressive, than I have ever seen him. Here is a man with truly no regrets and truly at peace with his decision.

Here some transcription of Snugglebat's words today. Announcement speech and anything new that we didn't know before is in bold. ...

... [more loud applause] [He glows with happiness.] ...

A million thanks for all of your transcribing, karne. A true labor of love.

I almost used the word "glow" :agree: in one of my earlier posts about last night's video.
I am so glad that you did use it.
I always loved Max's intensity and all-in commitment as an competitor. It was fascinating (in a good way) that his decision to retire seemed to give him an aura of freedom to "glow" :hap93: with sheer joy and love for the sport (without a single brain cell focused on any goal in figure skating). I hope that makes sense.

I also thought Max was exceptionally poised.
When they needed a little time to work on microphone issues at the very beginning, his quip of (I'm paraphrasing), "Does anyone have a joke to tell?" was just perfect.
And I found it endearing when he gave a silent-but-obvious nudge to Mariah to go ahead and answer one of the questions first. To me, it felt like a metaphorical wink ;) to the audience, sorta like of-course-you-saw-me-nudge-her-but-let's-pretend-that-I-did-not. :ghug:

Late last night, Tom Z's Instagram tribute to Max mentioned TZ's favorite Max moments. TZ asked others to comment with theirs.

One of the responses :cool::

Tom, Omaha Nationals for sure! I judged the mens event and he landed that 4S literally in my lap (judge #9). Will never forget that moment. So proud of Max and all that he has accomplished. A gracious and kind person and fierce competitor. Best wishes to him !

For posterity, the link to the Max retirement thread in The Edge:


ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
And now WAIH has tweeted a photo of Max's banner -- with Max himself, no less. :hap85:

Along with lovely words in salute to SnuggleBat. :bow:


We wish @MaxTAaron nothing but the best in his post-skating career. For 9 years, he has represented his rink, his club & his country with the utmost of class & sportsmanship. Thank you, we will miss you.

1:30 PM - 20 Apr 2018 (Apr 20)​

Onions, onions, onions :sad4: :sad4: :sad4:, but I am very thankful for this photo.

(Not that it matters, but I cannot decide whether I think the photo is new or new-ish or not new at all? Max's hair looks current??)

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
*curls up in the Max thread for some comfort*

We're both still very much in verklempt :sad4: mode, so I will go ahead and ask a question that could lead to reaching for another tissue:

I was taking a trip down memory lane and looking again at the photos on TZ's website on the page about Max.

In the next to last one, a younger Max has his arm around another kid whom I never had been able to identify before.
Cute smiles on both.

Until it finally dawned upon me today: Is SnuggleBat's little buddy in the photo none other than Josh?? :ghug:

As I look through social media responses to Max's retirement, some of the ones that I like best (and that stir up the most tears from me) are from Max's younger training mates who refer to him as "big brother," "hero," and "role model."
I do love Max's skating, but what makes me cry even more is that he is such an awesome human being. :bow:


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
We're both still very much in verklempt :sad4: mode, so I will go ahead and ask a question that could lead to reaching for another tissue:

I was taking a trip down memory lane and looking again at the photos on TZ's website on the page about Max.what

In the next to last one, a younger Max has his arm around another kid whom I never had been able to identify before.
Cute smiles on both.

Until it finally dawned upon me today: Is SnuggleBat's little buddy in the photo none other than Josh?? :ghug:

Yes, I noticed this the other day too. That is none other than baby Josh curled up with baby Max, and it did make me have a bit of a sniffle. :ghug:

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I'm not. :cry:

EDIT: Tom Z was running a contest on his twitter to win a copy of his e-book, to enter he asked for favourite moments featuring any of his skaters from this season. This beautiful tweet comes with gorgeous artwork.

And yesterday the same Twitter account posted a new-to-me photo of Max:

Max is posing with a different piece of fan art that is an unusually creative :cool: depiction of himself. Via embroidery, I think. (Or maybe painting on fabric.)

So nice that Max was able to see it in person.
And to add his autograph. (Unless it already was part of the artwork?)

I like the tweeted message too :agree:: "#MaxAaron We will never forget the nicest most sportsmanlike skater! See you again" (with emoji).

Am guessing the photo is from at least a couple of years ago?
(Maybe Worlds in 2013 or 2014? I remember Max's striped top from other photos in those years.
Off topic, but someone in the bkgd coincidentally[?] is wearing a similar striped top :laugh:.)

Yes, I noticed this the other day too. That is none other than baby Josh curled up with baby Max, and it did make me have a bit of a sniffle. :ghug:

Thanks for your reply :thank:. Definitely sniffle-worthy :sad4: :ghug: to see this adorable reminder that their friendship goes way back :luv17:.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Very excited :hap85: for Max that his bosses at Merrill Lynch recognize how extraordinarily special he is.

"... intelligent ... motivated ... selfless ..." That's our Max :ghug::

Congratulations to our favorite new "financial advisor in training" :bow: :yay: :luv17:.

And ... forgive me for being selfish, but I must say that it is extra exciting for SnuggleBat's fans for life that he already is sharing something about his #newbeginnings.

Thank you, Max. I hope that you will continue to keep us posted :pray:.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
*beaming proudly all over the place*

That post made me smile from ear to ear. It's wonderful to see others recognising the qualities we know he has.

And I will be selfish with you, I hope we get a few updates here and there - I don't expect him to go straight to Jason levels of social media, but maybe a post every little while would be nice...


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2014
So, I saw Showtime on Ice tonight and Max was wonderful! He did a solo and was in about three group numbers, and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. It was so nice to see him so happy and relaxed, and he skated really well!

I do hope that he continues to skate in shows from time to time - he obviously really enjoys it, and he’s a lot of fun to watch. I apologize that I can’t identify his ex music. I don’t think it was the rock one he used to do, but he was still wearing tight jeans and a white tee shirt. :) He did three triples and a couple of surprisingly good spins, and had a lot of nice edges. He has such a good feeling for pop/jazz/rock music and moves really well to it. In one of the group numbers, he was - very appropriately - the guy all the girls were swooning over - it was a great number!

Anyway, if you are in the Denver area it’s at South Suburban Ice Arena in Centennial - there are two shows tomorrow and a Sunday matinee. The whole show is really fun - it’s theater on ice and the kids were really into it - and Cain & Leduc & Ryan Bradley were also good! Sorry I’m not so great with details but if you have any questions, ask and I’ll try to answer. Rosa74 was also there, so hopefully she’ll post her thoughts too. :)


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
So, I saw Showtime on Ice tonight and Max was wonderful! He did a solo and was in about three group numbers, and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. It was so nice to see him so happy and relaxed, and he skated really well!

I do hope that he continues to skate in shows from time to time - he obviously really enjoys it, and he’s a lot of fun to watch. I apologize that I can’t identify his ex music. I don’t think it was the rock one he used to do, but he was still wearing tight jeans and a white tee shirt. :) He did three triples and a couple of surprisingly good spins, and had a lot of nice edges. He has such a good feeling for pop/jazz/rock music and moves really well to it. In one of the group numbers, he was - very appropriately - the guy all the girls were swooning over - it was a great number!

Anyway, if you are in the Denver area it’s at South Suburban Ice Arena in Centennial - there are two shows tomorrow and a Sunday matinee. The whole show is really fun - it’s theater on ice and the kids were really into it - and Cain & Leduc & Ryan Bradley were also good! Sorry I’m not so great with details but if you have any questions, ask and I’ll try to answer. Rosa74 was also there, so hopefully she’ll post her thoughts too. :)

Oh, thankyou so much for the report, Tavi! I'm so glad you had a good time! :ghug:


Oct 8, 2015
Yes! Max was awesome in Showtime on Ice! So very smiley and relaxed. In addition to his solo number, he did the presentation of the flowers to the graduates again, though, as was announced, this time he is a graduate, too. He also briefly skated as Linc in the Hairspray number. It was also great seeing Cain/LeDuc live for the first time. They are such a beautiful pair. And Ryan Bradley was Ryan. :) Anyway, they always do a great job with this show, and I love being able to go. The biggest takeaway for me was that Max looked so HAPPY!

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
The Inside Edge: Aaron embarks on new career
Hubbell, Diaz announce engagement; Calalang, Johnson partner up

Posted 5/2/18
by Sarah S. Brannen, special to icenetwork

Lotsa great quotes from Max about his new job, about retiring, about living with his parents again (for now), etc.
He continues to sound extremely happy.

Includes photo of Wealth Advisor Max with Merrill Lynch signage behind him. :cool:
(By himself in his plaid suit -- a different photo from the one previously on Instagram.)

Excerpt :bow: :ghug: :sad4: :yay: :popcorn::

... "I always wanted to be a team player," he said. "If there was anything I could do, I was willing to do it. I was happy to end my career at a world championship. Helping the team keep three spots meant a lot to me."

Although he's now focused on his new career, Aaron said he'll still skate in shows from time to time. ...

So, I saw Showtime on Ice tonight and Max was wonderful! He did a solo and was in about three group numbers, and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. It was so nice to see him so happy and relaxed, and he skated really well!

I do hope that he continues to skate in shows from time to time - he obviously really enjoys it, and he’s a lot of fun to watch. I apologize that I can’t identify his ex music. I don’t think it was the rock one he used to do, but he was still wearing tight jeans and a white tee shirt. :) He did three triples and a couple of surprisingly good spins, and had a lot of nice edges. He has such a good feeling for pop/jazz/rock music and moves really well to it. In one of the group numbers, he was - very appropriately - the guy all the girls were swooning over - it was a great number! ...

Yes! Max was awesome in Showtime on Ice! So very smiley and relaxed. In addition to his solo number, he did the presentation of the flowers to the graduates again, though, as was announced, this time he is a graduate, too. He also briefly skated as Linc in the Hairspray number. It was also great seeing Cain/LeDuc live for the first time. They are such a beautiful pair. And Ryan Bradley was Ryan. :) Anyway, they always do a great job with this show, and I love being able to go. The biggest takeaway for me was that Max looked so HAPPY!

Many thanks to Tavi... and Rosa for the reports on Showtime on Ice. :thank:


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I'm so glad he's still going to skate in shows from time to time. I hope he gets lots of invitations and that there are fancams, I will miss him too much otherwise.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Max is included in coverage of Worlds in the May issue of Skating magazine.

Photo of Max's SP on the page after the two different covers.

On p. 24, a couple of paragraphs about Max coming through "with flying colors." :bow:

Back cover is group photo of U.S. team for Milan. Max in his Phantom costume.​

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Max is included in coverage of Worlds in the May issue of Skating magazine.

Photo of Max's SP on the page after the two different covers.

On p. 24, a couple of paragraphs about Max coming through "with flying colors." :bow:

Back cover is group photo of U.S. team for Milan. Max in his Phantom costume.​

*miffed* ONLY two paragraphs? Hmph. It should have been a whole page. He saved their blushes.