Score the Team Event skaters/pairs! | Golden Skate

Score the Team Event skaters/pairs!

Dec 9, 2017
Well, it's that time of the year, again. : D

There will be inevitable controversy with the scoring of the team events, and there was already discussion about certain PCS being assigned to certain skaters. So let's see how we'd score the Team Event!

Were the ladies' results fine? Who should have won men's? Who should have won bronze overall? What did B/S do to get better PCS than the Shibs?


On the Ice
Aug 30, 2017
I had stayed up the whole night. Suddenly I blinked...and when I woke up dance was already done :(
So until I see the videos my major complain is Kolyada scoring better than Adam. How???!:drama::slink::reye::curse:
Dec 9, 2017
There's been discussion of the ladies' FS PCS in team event thread, especially Alina and Mirai. Here's how I would score them:

SS: 8.5 -- No matter what their quality, there were places for her to show off her skating skills. I don't think she is superior in flow, control, or edges, but she does show all of them.
TR: 9.0 -- No doubt that this FS is packed with these. I don't think they're all as effective as a held edge out of a jump, so it lowers it from a 9.5 to a 9.0
PE: 8.0 -- She was performing at the beginning of the program, but she became a little more sober towards the end when the jumps began. Her busy choreography never really allows her to have a moment.
CO: 8.50 -- It's packed up with elements. I don't think it's as effective as holding an extension in the beginning part of the choreo. The choreo could be a lot less busy, but it does have a beginning, middle and end. I do like the spins timed to the music, and the 3F-2T-2Lo to the music. Backloading makes the jumps less effective, which aren't spectacular to begin.
IN: 8.25 -- The elements are all adequately timed to the music. She missed a few musical cues, though. Her movement itself doesn't really suit the music

TOTAL: 67.6

SS: 8.0 -- This was adequate. There were very few places to show off her skills, but what she did she did well. Lots of two-foot skating, though.
TR: 7.0 -- Very weak on these. There was a section when she was just skating from point A to point B to do jumps. Ina Bauer int 3Lo at the end was good.
PE: 7.5 -- She just had a look of concentration for most of the program. I think she was smiling during the step sequence, but that's not really "performing".
CO: 8.0 -- The spins were well timed to the music, the step-sequence was well timed, but there really wasn't much going on. The triple axel was a nice opener, though.
IN: 7.50 -- She was acknowledging the music, I guess.

TOTAL: 60.8


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
Since there was much debate regarding the team event system and scoring (minimum of 6 points for the free) and different methods were suggested, I did the math to see what the point difference would be with the same skaters, but a different system:

1. Actual system used:

Canada 73
Russia 66
USA 62
Italy 56
Japan 50

2. Adding all the points:

Canada 893.62
Russia 886.46
USA 843.84
Italy 828.55
Japan 757.59

3. 10-8-6-4-2 points for the free:

Canada 71
Russia 61
USA 55
Italy 46
Japan 34
Dec 9, 2017
Since there was much debate regarding the team event system and scoring (minimum of 6 points for the free) and different methods were suggested, I did the math to see what the point difference would be with the same skaters, but a different system:

1. Actual system used:

Canada 73
Russia 66
USA 62
Italy 56
Japan 50

2. Adding all the points:

Canada 893.62
Russia 886.46
USA 843.84
Italy 828.55
Japan 757.59

3. 10-8-6-4-2 points for the free:

Canada 71
Russia 61
USA 55
Italy 46
Japan 34

Ah, so no actual difference.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
No difference, but adding the points would make it more competitive than the current format. Especially if base values for quads go down next season. In theory the final result here could have been different with same placements if some scores had been closer. That would make it more interesting and possible/easier to move up or down in rankings.

I don't remember Sochi very - was the result also obvious after Day 1 and 2 as it was here? I think it was.


On the Ice
Feb 1, 2014
I saw the Team Ladies LP PCS very differently from the judges. Kostner generally has super high PCS potential, but not necessarily for that LP and certainly not for this particular performance of it. As much as it seems to be a common criticism that Sakamoto's skating is junior-ish, to me Zagitova's skating is far more junior-ish. In the end, I didn't see a whole lot of daylight in the PCS between the 5 ladies but would've ranked their PCS as follows:
1. Daleman
2. Kostner
2. Sakamoto
4. Nagasu
5. Zagitova

Overall rankings (assuming the TES score was correct):
1. Zagitova
2. Nagasu
3. Daleman
4. Sakamoto
5. Kostner
Dec 9, 2017
1. Daleman
2. Kostner
2. Sakamoto
4. Nagasu
5. Zagitova

While this is a great opinion to have (and I agree that Zag is not a good PCS skater, and the worst of the five at it), it has to be considered that the PCS point is also kind of a checklist. Alina's program checks off the PCS categories to give her a good score, whatever their quality. What we can do (as I've done) is give her the bottom range of the "high" PCS criteria for the components.

In this way, I would rank:
1. Daleman
2. Zagitova
3. Kostner
4. Sakamoto
5. Nagasu

But all of them would be within 10 points of each other.