So happy for Jeremy! I really think he's the best out there when he delivers - hoping he stays on track. I don't think he ever did more the 2 crosscuts in a row - the details and polish were AMAZING!
Good for Ricky, but was a little bored during his skate - maybe cause I watched Jeremy's first so was spoiled by the excellent PCS elements. Shouldn't he have steps preceding the quad though?
re bonus question - I did notice the results on the USFSA website are a little funky - ie for the ladies the factor for the PCS is listed as 1.00, but is actually correctly calculated at .8 - so even if bonus isn't listed may be calculated in
Good for Ricky, but was a little bored during his skate - maybe cause I watched Jeremy's first so was spoiled by the excellent PCS elements. Shouldn't he have steps preceding the quad though?
re bonus question - I did notice the results on the USFSA website are a little funky - ie for the ladies the factor for the PCS is listed as 1.00, but is actually correctly calculated at .8 - so even if bonus isn't listed may be calculated in