Tatiana Volosozhar & Maxim Trankov | Page 239 | Golden Skate

Tatiana Volosozhar & Maxim Trankov


Feb 12, 2015
Lol, I don't understand why she would take his comments so personal...it's not like he claimed that she eats puppies for fun, he didn't say anything personal!

Constructive criticism is best taken and learned from, not pushed to the side and taken as an insult.
It's clearly a problem of miscommunication. I really hope that this situation will be fixed because otherwise, it will be tense between the two pairs during the next season... especially if Duhamel is set on what she believes Max has said. And no one need this pointless drama. :eek:hwell:


Aug 3, 2014
Agreed, it needs to be about the competition and the programs by the pairs, not a he-said-she-said situation.
Hope all gets resolved soon.


On the Ice
Jun 28, 2014
V/T will meet D/R during Fantasy on Ice in June. Maxim didn't say anything offensive. He just don't like their style of skating and agree with him.
It looks like there maybe some changes in team Mozer. Yury Larionov has got an injury, he'll be off for six months at least, the same time Alexander Enbert said, it didn't work out with Vasilisa Davankova, so there're some suggestions on Russian forums, that Enbert might start skating with Natalia Zabiyako. Some people are panicking, because Enbert said, that he was skating with Tarasova and he did some steps with Stolbova like kind of experiment. Somebody even asked on one of the forums, weather he tried to skate with Tanya, although I doubt, Maxim would let him to do it!


Final Flight
Apr 12, 2014
V/T will meet D/R during Fantasy on Ice in June. Maxim didn't say anything offensive. He just don't like their style of skating and agree with him.

CAN'T WAIT TILL JUNE! :dance: :drama:

I feel like Meagan is a bit of a big mouth herself. She never stops talking, from the moments she steps on the ice till even after they get the scores. She love to analyze situations and I think it's made her act impulsively and attack back even without checking Maxim's real words.

He never said anything personal which is about the shape of her body or her lack of athleticism. He only criticized D/R as a whole, using them as an example of how pair skating is turning to be more technical. he said they don't deserve their SS which is quite true tbh.. especially when you compare them to S/H or even T/M.

She took it personal because she works her *** off in training, and felt like ppl ignore or disrespect that.
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On the Ice
Nov 13, 2012
Are Tatiana and Maxim going to compete next season? I would looove to see them live at the GPF! :love:


Match Penalty
Feb 25, 2014
Are Tatiana and Maxim going to compete next season? I would looove to see them live at the GPF! :love:

As far as I know, they are competing.

I was thinking we could have a wedding party but then I realized "Wait, this isn't going to be broadcast." :laugh: Like they're the royal couple of figure skating. :biggrin:


Apr 13, 2014
Drama in figure skating is always interesting but, tbh, I just hope everything between V/T and D/R clarifies in Fantasy On Ice. The least I want is to see a Russians vs Canadians rivalry again a la SLC.
(And I don't want to see canadian and american media trashing Tanya and Max just for a misunderstanding, cause I know they would).

OTOH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM IN BARCELONA!:cheer: I really hope they can reach (and win) the final. Not because I'm going to go, wish I could cross the Atlantic :rolleye:, but mainly cause I want to listen Paloma del Rio talking about them.
She and the British Eurosport guys fangirl a lot about them and surely she'll notice the ring -if she doesn't already know that they'll marry.
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Jul 2, 2014
they don't want to wait for wedding :cheer:

tati and max will be at fantasi on ice for some shows and md-er for others, they don't meet.


On the Ice
Jun 28, 2014
they don't want to wait for wedding :cheer:

tati and max will be at fantasi on ice for some shows and md-er for others, they don't meet.

saray, do you know,what shows Tanya and Maxim are going to be on in Japan? According to Russian magazine Starhit, they're going to take a break between the shows for their wedding.


Final Flight
Apr 12, 2014
saray, do you know,what shows Tanya and Maxim are going to be on in Japan? According to Russian magazine Starhit, they're going to take a break between the shows for their wedding.

do you have a link for the article?

Someone on VK said their wedding will be in July. I don't know if it's true or not.

How do they have time to prepare a wedding while doing 2 different skating tours AND getting ready for next season. . :eek:


Jul 2, 2014
saray, do you know,what shows Tanya and Maxim are going to be on in Japan? According to Russian magazine Starhit, they're going to take a break between the shows for their wedding.
they go to shows may 28, 29, 30 and june 6, 7. they don't go to shows june 26-28 and juliy 4,5.


Jun 19, 2012
He only criticized D/R as a whole, using them as an example of how pair skating is turning to be more technical. he said they don't deserve their SS which is quite true tbh.. especially when you compare them to S/H or even T/M.
He also talked about how they do too much parallel skating, and not enough skating in hold, looking more like two singles skaters skating together (apart from the main pairs elements).
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On the Ice
Jun 28, 2014
saray, thank you for the reply. I wonder, if Tanya and maxim are going to skate on the Dreams on the ice.
KinoriH, I have read on this forum http://navkastar.icebb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=779&p=9, post 266.
Somebody, who follows Maxim and Lambiel, asked Maxim on Instagram, to make a comment weather the story about their wedding is a rumor and they mentioned editor of Starhit. i think, it was him, who wrote about wedding in July. I guess, we will just have to wait and see.


On the Ice
Jun 28, 2014
Or we can wait till this interview comes out in May. http://www.luhta.ru/ru/news/luhta4 :)

"In an interview with the athletes they spoke about their attitude to fashion and their plans for the summer."

I don't know about interview in the magazine, they might just mention going on holidays. I look forward to watching the family show " Пока все дома" , which is going to be shown on the 1st Russian channel on the 17-th of May. I like presenter, he's really good and they normally talk about family.


Apr 13, 2014
Tatiana and Maxim are in New York https://instagram.com/p/2cCCADD_rC/.
It seems all russians are choosing to practice in USA for the summer :p.

And if someone is interested, in FSU there's a thread with lots of translations of Maxim's comments during WC (Duhamel/Radford, Iliushechkina/Moscovitch, Tarasova/Morozov, Scimeca/Knierim, Denney/Frazier).


Apr 13, 2014
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Final Flight
Feb 27, 2014
This thread has been so calm lately. Here is the translation of their last interview with Moda Topical, it doesn't say anything new but is something: http://tanya-max-1.tumblr.com/post/118923732179/moda-topical-interview-with-tatiana-volosozhar
And to cheer you all a bit, today is the anniversary of their partnership! :hb: It seems they officially started skating together on May 15 of 2010, so congrats for 5 years together! Hope we'll be able to see much more from them!!

Yesss!! Today is the birthday of our beloved pair! :cheer: :clap: :dance:
(Btw, did you notice that in this interview Max already calls Tanya his wife? :love: )