Would You Rather... | Page 49 | Golden Skate

Would You Rather...


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
hot chocolate

WYR attend the Indy 500 or one of the Triple Crown events (Kentucky Derby, Preakness, or the Belmont Stakes)?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Thank you so much! I saw a video of horses dancing to music some time ago and had no idea this was called dressage. I just was impressed how the horses were executing the steps with the music.

About the hot drink, I have a small ritual, about 20 minutes prior to either competition, exhibition or even rehearsal/practice were a bit more of energy/stamina is required, I get 160 yen from my wallet, go to the vending machine and buy a hot coffee. This coffee is sold very hot in all vending machines inside rinks, including my home rink. It’s nice, strong, sweetened but not so much, and not black, it has a little cream in it. Not only warms me up, but seems to give me the energy I want/need.
So no, not chocolate, not soup… needs to be that hot coffee 😂 maybe works the same as just having to put a determined skate first, then the other, can’t invert or else everything maybe go wrong 😂

Would you rather wear over the heel tights or over the boot? Or rather footed tights?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
hot chocolate

WYR attend the Indy 500 or one of the Triple Crown events (Kentucky Derby, Preakness, or the Belmont Stakes)?
The Indy 500. I always get nervous for the horses in a race, in case of injuries. I figure the human car drivers are there by choice and know the risks.

If you had to skate outoors in winter, would you prefer a well-maintained popular rink in a city with lockers and food stalls, or alone on a big sheet of smooth natural ice in the wilderness, like on a glacier?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
A well maintained rink with the perks you mentioned

WYR live in an area with the threat of earthquakes or seasonal hurricanes (I know, frigthtening choices)?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
A well maintained rink with the perks you mentioned

WYR live in an area with the threat of earthquakes or seasonal hurricanes (I know, frigthtening choices)?
I already live in an earthquake zone and have been through many of them in my life. I'm used to quakes. Easy choice to stick with the familar.

Would you rather go for a walk in the woods (provided insects and any dangerous animals could be excluded) or on a beach (provided it wasn't an excessively hot day)?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
On a beach

WYR go sightseeing or just "chill out" when you're on vacation?
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♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Here at home we travel on holiday with the purpose to go do something (mostly on winter time to a beautiful ski location other than the usual my husband goes to train at). Go on holiday to amusement park is another favorite. So no for purpose of any sightseeing (however we do stop if we see an interesting beautiful location since we always drive either our own car or rent if the holiday is by airplane) and definitely no chilling besides sleeping at night.

Would you rather go to the gym before skating practice or afterwards?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
Before - I usually go to the gym in the morning to swim, do the treadmill/rowing machine. I'm more "with it" in the morning, and it frees up the rest of the day for other things I need/want to do.

WYR stay up late or get up early?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Stay up late. I hate mornings and wake up early. I’m amazed when I hear online that skaters at USA go skating at 5 and 6 in the morning? I’d not be able to do anything. The earliest practice at my home rink is 9:30 am (not mine, Thank god, I go in the lunch time until evening) Even other rinks I know people there, earliest is maybe 8:30.

Would you rather skate to classical/lyrical music or rock & roll song?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
Probably classical (it would depend on what rock & roll song).

WYR attend an opera or ballet?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Home, 100%

I can watch it with my husband if he is interested, or he asks me if I’m interested in a film he wants to watch.
Our cat watches it with us.
We can watch it while grilling meat at our table for dinner… or just relaxing while smoking. They don’t allow cats or smoking or grilling meat at the cinema. Can interrupt it to go to the bathroom. We have nice big screens and sound. And can watch it wearing pajamas.
I see no reason at all to pay for a cinema ticket and haven’t done so in more years than I can remember.

Dinner time! Would you rather eat your dinner at the restaurant or eat a take out/delivery at home?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
Take out/delivery -- but only from the one restaurant I know that posts the complete ingredients in every item on their online menu, because of my many food allergies.

Excluding skating (which long ago was a summer Games sport), would you rather watch/attend the summer or winter Olympics?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
I do follow rhythmic gymnastics for summer Olympics, my country mates are great at it and I’m always pleased to see them compete.
I used to love also artistic gymnastics but after Aliya Mustafina retired and so many changes, no more beauty and elegance just bodybuilding appearance tumbling (for my personal preference/opinion¥, I don’t care for it anymore. I also love football but prefer watching FIFA world cups , European UEFA than football in Olympics.

The Winter Olympics have skating, skiing and nice weather so I prefer them.

Would you rather practice wearing a skirt and tights or skating leggings/shorts?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
I do follow rhythmic gymnastics for summer Olympics, my country mates are great at it and I’m always pleased to see them compete.
I used to love also artistic gymnastics but after Aliya Mustafina retired and so many changes, no more beauty and elegance just bodybuilding appearance tumbling (for my personal preference/opinion¥, I don’t care for it anymore. I also love football but prefer watching FIFA world cups , European UEFA than football in Olympics.

The Winter Olympics have skating, skiing and nice weather so I prefer them.

Would you rather practice wearing a skirt and tights or skating leggings/shorts?
As a pairs skater, I prefer unitards and catsuits. Easier for my partner to grip me. (Not leggings and a top, because they come apart in action and leave a cold gap.) In the rare sessions when I skate alone, I wear a practice dress and tights just because I have built up a large collection of them and think they look prettier. As I get older, I'll have to cut back on the pairs moves and will probably wear the dresses more often, but for now I prefer unitards.

Would you rather have music of your own choice playing all the time when you're skating (not just your program music) or do you like to skate in a silent rink?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
MUSIC!!!!! I have a playlist of beautiful classical music I love listening to while practicing on my own. No I don’t like silence or hear coaches screaming, only when it’s my coach screaming at me when is my time with her. But yes, I always have music in my ears while practicing unless there’s too many skaters practicing and I feel uneasy not clearly hearing them around. And I mostly practice with skirt and ver the heel tights (wearing a pad short under the skirt), but sometimes I wear skating leggings and either a Lululemon skirt on top, or even a ballet skirt.

Would you rather have your private time with your coach in the beginning of your practice time, middle or towards the end?

Diana Delafield

Frequent flyer
Oct 22, 2022
MUSIC!!!!! I have a playlist of beautiful classical music I love listening to while practicing on my own. No I don’t like silence or hear coaches screaming, only when it’s my coach screaming at me when is my time with her. But yes, I always have music in my ears while practicing unless there’s too many skaters practicing and I feel uneasy not clearly hearing them around. And I mostly practice with skirt and ver the heel tights (wearing a pad short under the skirt), but sometimes I wear skating leggings and either a Lululemon skirt on top, or even a ballet skirt.

Would you rather have your private time with your coach in the beginning of your practice time, middle or towards the end?
Middle, after we've warmed up (although usually our coach is with us the whole 90 minutes, but if she could only be there part of the time one day, we'd choose in the middle of the session).

Would you rather swim in an indoor pool or in the sea?


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
Pool! I think the ocean is very beautiful is photos and video and if I am nearby, of course I will want to go in the water, I am not the kind of person who wants to go there to walk or look, however currents are scary and so are the animals who live in it. Indoor pools I love 😃

Would you rather shower at night or after you wake up?


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
after I wake up (or some time in the morning). When I swim @ the gym, I do it in the morning, and take a shower right after that.

WYR take a bath or shower?