2 teams left. Russia was struggling, yes, but still P/C jumped from 13th to 1st.
That's not a case of "someone had to win". Nobody makes that kind of leap in the standings unless they truly bring something special to the table, which is what P/C did.
Trying to trivialize their wins because they're not as good as the Russian legends is lame - in many ways their skating runs circles around the Russian greats given the much harder difficulty they have to perform and their (IMO) genuine, organic artistry versus some of the theatrics/histrionics that used to define many legendary ice dancers in the past.
Their record is what it is. Good for them, they'll always have those gold medals. They've got 2 WC gold now, same as D/W and V/M. One more than Usova/Zhulin and Anissina/Peizerat.
If you think that places them on an equivalent level of greatness, then good for you. I do not.
I like their skating. I've said they were good. I enjoyed their FD in Boston especially.
And, so long as we're talking about competition results, it is worth noting that it took the international judges exactly NO TIME AT ALL to slap them from the top of the podium when a truly great team returned after a two year layoff.