Elena Radionova | Page 110 | Golden Skate

Elena Radionova


Mar 8, 2014

So here is a story for u guys. I was sitting in the Marriott lobby skater stalking with some others from GS. I had been frustrated by my inability to get a photo opp with Lena or even an off ice sighting. Anyway, it would be easier to tell u who we did not see because we largely saw everyone except the American skaters. A whole slew of them came down and ended up sitting all around us. They seemed to be gathering to go out. Eventually Lena, Anna, and some of the other Russian skaters showed up. I wanted to approach so badly, but decided it would be wrong since they were clearly trying to chill after their busy week. Anyway, that was the most restraint I ever had to show.

OMG, I'm so jealous, winky97!!!! What time were you there??? Because I went skater-stalking at the Marriott and I didn't see Lena or Anna!!! :sad21:

You showed way more restraint than I could have, though; I definitely would've ambushed Lena! :laugh:

There is SOOO MUCH that I have to say about Lena and the competition in general, and I have a ton of videos to post, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait a bit. I'm exhausted and I'm super busy this week. :drama:

But I will share this little happy tidbit!

Sooo, the present I gave Lena was a crimson-colored Harvard University hoodie jacket. That's what I gave her after the Ladies SP practice on Thurs.


That's definitely a crimson-colored hoodie she's wearing at Harvard!
(Unfortunately she's wearing a vest so I can't tell for sure...)
But you can clearly see the "Jansport" logo on the right sleeve of her jacket here, so I'm like 95% sure it's the one I gave her:

Seeing these photos TOTALLY made my day! I was absolutely thrilled that Lena liked my present! :hap57:
AND, I'm going to believe that I gave Lena the idea to go visit the Harvard campus...hehehehe!


Mar 3, 2014
I agree it was a crazy crazy ladies finals. Hope Lena makes the team next year when other juniors turn seniors :( :(

Russia actually does not have any juniors turning senior that I believe will be a major challenge. It will be a fight between the girls in Russia who battled this past season. I hope Lena is able to finally adjust to her new height and will work with someone who know how to properly package her.


Mar 3, 2014
OMG, I'm so jealous, winky97!!!! What time were you there??? Because I went skater-stalking at the Marriott and I didn't see Lena or Anna!!! :sad21:

You showed way more restraint than I could have, though; I definitely would've ambushed Lena! :laugh:

There is SOOO MUCH that I have to say about Lena and the competition in general, and I have a ton of videos to post, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait a bit. I'm exhausted and I'm super busy this week. :drama:

But I will share this little happy tidbit!

Sooo, the present I gave Lena was a crimson-colored Harvard University hoodie jacket. That's what I gave her after the Ladies SP practice on Thurs.


That's definitely a crimson-colored hoodie she's wearing at Harvard!
(Unfortunately she's wearing a vest so I can't tell for sure...)
But you can clearly see the "Jansport" logo on the right sleeve of her jacket here, so I'm like 95% sure it's the one I gave her:

Seeing these photos TOTALLY made my day! I was absolutely thrilled that Lena liked my present! :hap57:
AND, I'm going to believe that I gave Lena the idea to go visit the Harvard campus...hehehehe!

What are u jealous of??? You had your moment in practice with her, got a photo, and she is wearing your gift!

It was Sunday night at around 8pm. The banquet had just ended and it seemed that the skaters decided to go out. Me, Karne, and RD were sitting in the lobby chatting and it was like hitting the skater jackpot down there. If Lena had not been standing with like 20 other skaters I would have gone for it, I was too worried about making anyone uncomfortable. I figured they had been dealing with people running up to them all week and maybe needed a break too. It was hard, especially since they were there for minute waiting for the whole group to gather. Now I have to hope Lena draws Skate Canada or Skate America so I can have another chance.


On the Ice
Dec 16, 2014
I also honestly think Titanic is just harder to get into some ways, at least for an adult audience, I'm sorry (and you can only imagine the judges, who on average are over 60). I hope next year she will find something that kind of has a bit more universal appeal. I know she really loved the program but I think it did hold her back a bit unfortunately.

I mean, I'm 24 and I loved it. I really did think the crowd would be more enthusiastic after she'd landed all the triples and headed into the Choreographed "Celine-"quence. But even Mao was only able to garner so much applause for a program that lacked a musical punch.


Mar 8, 2014
What are u jealous of??? You had your moment in practice with her, got a photo, and she is wearing your gift!

Touche, winky97, touche!!! :biggrin: I guess I'm just a selfish b*tch! :rofl:

But reading your description, maybe I would've been too timid to approach Lena too, if she was in a big group like that....

:hap57: I am so happy for the two of you @Batsuchan & @winky97

THANKS!!! :biggrin:

Lena didn't fly back with Zhenya and Anna so I guess she's coming back later...? :confused:


#EmpressAirlines #SinKatsapologist
Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2015
sorry if posted
found it to be a cool pic

happy for you ovafanboy1! Never tired of reading onsight reports!:luv17: I can totally see why the crowd wouldnt be involved with such music as Titanic. I hope another energetic programm like JLo for her next year! She willl shine again!:luv17:

btw disliked the dress:slink:


On the Ice
Dec 16, 2014
happy for you ovafanboy1! Never tired of reading onsight reports!:luv17: I can totally see why the crowd wouldnt be involved with such music as Titanic. I hope another energetic programm like JLo for her next year! She willl shine again!:luv17:

And best believe I was screaming like a maniac every time she landed a jump - serving Tarasova realness lolol.


Mar 8, 2014
I got to see Lena live for the free skate. It was quite a nerve-wracking experience watching her in the warm-up that I was almost relieved she went first so I could relax for the rest of the night.

This was only my second time watching skating in person, but I noticed that, while I adore her Titanic program, the crowd wasn't able to get involved with something that they could, say, clap in rhythm with. Maybe that's an American thing, but for Ashley skating to something dramatic but driving, it was easy for the crowd to get involved. Skating in the final group, I feel like you need that to push a score over the edge.

I 100% agree with everything you said, ovafanboy1! :yes:
And I was screaming like a maniac too. :agree:


Here are some excerpts an interview with Inna Goncharenko, translated with GoogleTranslate (with my best attempts to edit it somewhat):

Q: After the championship Lena admitted that this season for her is very difficult, because she is still growing, changing, and she must constantly adapt to her "new body." However, the athlete is in the top skaters, which is important.

A: In fact, both her ​​and I, and all those people who help us, work very hard to stay at this level. It's very hard. The girl grows, is formed. And just a day passes without changes. I see the athlete constantly, but if new people have not seen us for a week, then immediately they ask the question: "Did Lena grow again?"
Lena grew up. Prettier. She has become much more feminine. In my opinion, in her skating appeared some depth, the meaningfulness, with its lines charm. But the transition - it's always hard. However, the athlete holds, and for themselves going forward. However, it seems to me that in order to progress was obvious, where it is necessary to work even harder. This uniquely. If something somewhere does not work, then look where flawed. So, we think, to draw conclusions, where and what should be changed.

Q: Taking into account the statement of program experience this season, do you think through whom to use now, maybe it will be the new experts [choreographers]?

A: There are ideas in the most athletes. I do not want them to sound. Lena grew up not only in her body. She changed her outlook, perception of the world, and I absolutely do not want to impose something of my own. It has been a time when the word of the coach was law. Lena herself speaks, sees, she wants to try something new. It's her right. So the last decision will be hers. I will support any of her choice about the directors [choreographers].

Q: As athletes get older, you are changing?

A: Like all parents who are going through the process of maturation of their children, and everything is very, very similar. I'm worried, I see that somewhere would have done wrong, but I do not want to limit the athlete, to embed within its scope, because she rethinks many things rethink herself. We naturally express our opinions, and she listens, but the decision is made ​​independently. This includes the responsibility for the decisions taken. At this age, it is time to take responsibility. This is not the children and adult athletes, who want to, try to decide. Ultimately, an athlete is alone on the ice.

This last part is something that has always struck me about Inna's interviews--how much she wants Lena to grow not just as a skater, but as A PERSON. She wants Lena to be an independent, mature young woman who can make her own decisions and take responsibility for them. :yes:

Somehow I find that very heartwarming... :luv17: I guess it's like, Inna's not trying to extract the best possible results from Lena at any cost, and she won't force Lena to do what she says, even if she's worried Lena will make the "wrong decision." It's like she wants Lena to be a fully-formed adult, not just the mindless product of some rigorous training machine. :agree:


GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
I 100% agree with everything you said, ovafanboy1! :yes:
And I was screaming like a maniac too. :agree:


Here are some excerpts an interview with Inna Goncharenko, translated with GoogleTranslate (with my best attempts to edit it somewhat):

This last part is something that has always struck me about Inna's interviews--how much she wants Lena to grow not just as a skater, but as A PERSON. She wants Lena to be an independent, mature young woman who can make her own decisions and take responsibility for them. :yes:

Somehow I find that very heartwarming... :luv17: I guess it's like, Inna's not trying to extract the best possible results from Lena at any cost, and she won't force Lena to do what she says, even if she's worried Lena will make the "wrong decision." It's like she wants Lena to be a fully-formed adult, not just the mindless product of some rigorous training machine. :agree:

I agree and admire that kind of training approach - for such young athlete Elena is, a coach should really pay attention not only on results achieved, but also (or even more) on mental growth and maturing process happening in athlete. I feel like she's on the right path, definitely - a very stable season where she has grown A LOT, constantly adjusting her jumping technique to her body, adding more maturity and composure into her performances making them more refined and put together. So far, she proved that she's up to the challenge to remain on top - the way she carries herself despite all these difficulties is very impressive and admiration-worthy. I really don't want her to become next 'discarded doll' with long limbs and great talent - I want to witness her growth, development particularly as a performer while getting stronger and stronger on technical side. All is the matter of good help and coaching with small steps approach - I believe she'll get there


Final Flight
Jan 11, 2014
OMG, I'm so jealous, winky97!!!! What time were you there??? Because I went skater-stalking at the Marriott and I didn't see Lena or Anna!!! :sad21:

You showed way more restraint than I could have, though; I definitely would've ambushed Lena! :laugh:

There is SOOO MUCH that I have to say about Lena and the competition in general, and I have a ton of videos to post, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait a bit. I'm exhausted and I'm super busy this week. :drama:

But I will share this little happy tidbit!

Sooo, the present I gave Lena was a crimson-colored Harvard University hoodie jacket. That's what I gave her after the Ladies SP practice on Thurs.


That's definitely a crimson-colored hoodie she's wearing at Harvard!
(Unfortunately she's wearing a vest so I can't tell for sure...)
But you can clearly see the "Jansport" logo on the right sleeve of her jacket here, so I'm like 95% sure it's the one I gave her:

Seeing these photos TOTALLY made my day! I was absolutely thrilled that Lena liked my present! :hap57:
AND, I'm going to believe that I gave Lena the idea to go visit the Harvard campus...hehehehe!

Batsuchan, I would love to hear your thoughts on the competition and any Lena pics or videos if you have them! No rush though, b/c I understand if you're tired. I was completely exhausted after Worlds, both physically and emotionally. I wish I had sat next to Lena fans (there didn't seem to be that many) b/c I felt like I was the only one cheering for her at each jump or spin. I'm sure the people sitting around me (mostly US and Canada fans) were annoyed. I was sad that Evgenia and Anna seemed to get so many more cheers from the Russian fan-crowd than Elena, though I understand why. In that sense, I love that the American crowd seemed to cheer equally loudly for all their skaters.

Anyway, I am so envious of you and winky97 that you guys got to see Lena in person!
Last edited:


On the Ice
Dec 16, 2014
Batsuchan, I would love to hear your thoughts on the competition and any Lena pics or videos if you have them! No rush though, b/c I understand if you're tired. I was completely exhausted after Worlds, both physically and emotionally. I wish I had sat next to Lena fans (there didn't seem to be that many) b/c I felt like I was the only one cheering for her at each jump or spin. I'm sure the people sitting around me (mostly US and Canada fans) were annoyed. I was sad that Evgenia and Anna seemed to get so many more cheers from the Russian fan-crowd than Elena, though I understand why. In that sense, I love that the American crowd seemed to cheer equally loudly for all their skaters.

Anyway, I am so envious of you and winky97 that you guys got to see Lena in person!

I didn't know how I was going to feel cheering for a non-American, surrounded (presumably) by other Americans. But I felt like everyone just wanted to see good skating; even from the first group, you could sense they were trying to get behind whoever was on the ice, regardless of flag.

There might have been more enthusiasm for Evgeniya and Anna, but I think being later in the group helped them tremendously - especially Anna, who was the fourth clean skater a row in that group alone!

My favorite moment of the night was a group of French Canadians who were sitting in front of me who quietly clapped at that moment in Gracie's step sequence where it looks like she's laying an egg. Died.


Mar 8, 2014
Here's the full interview with Inna, translated on FSU!

I'm kind of glad to hear that Lena didn't work as hard as she could have, since she had to spend so much time on her studies.
This past season, I'm guessing they spent the bulk of their time working on her skating skills and making sure she could retain her jumps. Next season I hope she'll have more time to work on her arms and being more graceful. :yes:

I agree and admire that kind of training approach - for such young athlete Elena is, a coach should really pay attention not only on results achieved, but also (or even more) on mental growth and maturing process happening in athlete. I feel like she's on the right path, definitely - a very stable season where she has grown A LOT, constantly adjusting her jumping technique to her body, adding more maturity and composure into her performances making them more refined and put together. So far, she proved that she's up to the challenge to remain on top - the way she carries herself despite all these difficulties is very impressive and admiration-worthy. I really don't want her to become next 'discarded doll' with long limbs and great talent - I want to witness her growth, development particularly as a performer while getting stronger and stronger on technical side. All is the matter of good help and coaching with small steps approach - I believe she'll get there

I totally agree! :agree:

Batsuchan, I would love to hear your thoughts on the competition and any Lena pics or videos if you have them! No rush though, b/c I understand if you're tired. I was completely exhausted after Worlds, both physically and emotionally. I wish I had sat next to Lena fans (there didn't seem to be that many) b/c I felt like I was the only one cheering for her at each jump or spin. I'm sure the people sitting around me (mostly US and Canada fans) were annoyed. I was sad that Evgenia and Anna seemed to get so many more cheers from the Russian fan-crowd than Elena, though I understand why. In that sense, I love that the American crowd seemed to cheer equally loudly for all their skaters.

I would love to hear your thoughts too Seruleane!! I will try to post mine (and the vids) soon.
I didn't notice louder cheering for Anna/Zhenya from the Russians; maybe louder cheering from everyone for those two?

At the practices, I felt that people yelled loudest when Elena's name was announced (vs Zhenya/Anna), but that could have just been because I was screaming. :biggrin:

I didn't know how I was going to feel cheering for a non-American, surrounded (presumably) by other Americans. But I felt like everyone just wanted to see good skating; even from the first group, you could sense they were trying to get behind whoever was on the ice, regardless of flag.

I was wearing my Russia team jacket with "RUSSIA" in huge letters on the front AND I had a 3ft x 5ft Russian flag that I was waving, and I didn't feel weird at all. But there were a bunch of Japanese fans sitting behind me (and no one in front of me), and they didn't seem to care. I did scream so loudly for Lena that the lady sitting next to me switched seats with her husband, but that was about it. :rofl:


Mar 3, 2014
Here's the full interview with Inna, translated on FSU!

I'm kind of glad to hear that Lena didn't work as hard as she could have, since she had to spend so much time on her studies.
This past season, I'm guessing they spent the bulk of their time working on her skating skills and making sure she could retain her jumps. Next season I hope she'll have more time to work on her arms and being more graceful. :yes:

I totally agree! :agree:

I would love to hear your thoughts too Seruleane!! I will try to post mine (and the vids) soon.
I didn't notice louder cheering for Anna/Zhenya from the Russians; maybe louder cheering from everyone for those two?

At the practices, I felt that people yelled loudest when Elena's name was announced (vs Zhenya/Anna), but that could have just been because I was screaming. :biggrin:

I was wearing my Russia team jacket with "RUSSIA" in huge letters on the front AND I had a 3ft x 5ft Russian flag that I was waving, and I didn't feel weird at all. But there were a bunch of Japanese fans sitting behind me (and no one in front of me), and they didn't seem to care. I did scream so loudly for Lena that the lady sitting next to me switched seats with her husband, but that was about it. :rofl:

Nice interview to have read. Coach seems to have a very nice outlook on things. Inna G clearly cares about Lena. We will see what they have in mind next season, but I am positive about things. At this point Lena likely won't grow much more and should be able to focus on stabilizing her jumps, which she could not do with constant growth.

I know it won't happen but I would like to she here work with a North American choreographer like maybe David Wilson or Shae Lynn Borne. Give her a different look.

Batsuchan, you are good because I cheered very hard and loud for Lena, went to those practices, and skater stalked to find her, but could not see myself wearing a Russia jacket. I needed my American skaters to do well too. I was ready to sacrifice one of them if need be for Lena to get a medal. Honestly not sure who I cheered the loudest for, but I needed that US medalist streak to end and once I accepted Lena would likely not make the podium I pushed for Ashley and Gracie. All the ladies brought it though.


Match Penalty
Feb 9, 2016
There is only as far as you can go without good choreography.
Give this talented adorable performer a decent program! :angry1:

Plus, no more black widow dresses for a 17yo witty, smiling girl please... :slink:


Mar 3, 2014
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva will not participate in TeamChallengeCup. Does that mean that both first and second from the fan vote will attend?


Who the heck know what TCC is going to do. They should go to the next highest ranked European lady in the standings, which right now is Elena so that get rid of her with the fan vote. Angelina had more fan votes in that bogus voting than Evgenia so barring them find some is with her votes she should get it. So, in a sense it should be the first and second in voting going. Too bad about Liza.


Jan 12, 2016
Who the heck know what TCC is going to do. They should go to the next highest ranked European lady in the standings, which right now is Elena so that get rid of her with the fan vote. Angelina had more fan votes in that bogus voting than Evgenia so barring them find some is with her votes she should get it. So, in a sense it should be the first and second in voting going. Too bad about Liza.
"If for any reason a Skater cannot participate after April 5, 2016 after accepting an invitation, a Replacement Skater(s) will be invited at the discretion of the organizer."
p.2.4 Skater Selection - http://static.isu.org/media/1038/2016-team-challenge-cup-announcement-final_16-02-19_revised.pdf


Mar 3, 2014
"If for any reason a Skater cannot participate after April 5, 2016 after accepting an invitation, a Replacement Skater(s) will be invited at the discretion of the organizer."
p.2.4 Skater Selection - http://static.isu.org/media/1038/2016-team-challenge-cup-announcement-final_16-02-19_revised.pdf

Yeah read this already before I posted. This voting in this event has been shady as all get out and I am having problem being interested at this point. if they want to give any credibility to the already questionable event the should do as I have suggested. That has some since of fairness to it.