I agree! Their skating is so lovely, and their music is so pleasant to listen to ... I'm glad they didn't go with another "safe" musical choice this season.Shibs!
Meryl and Charlie absolutely looked like they were flying across the ice at the end- so carefree and happy. They made it look easy. Hoping for a huge score from them. Loved this the first time I saw it but yet another dace I like more on a second viewing!
Marks were low across the board for all skaters. Haven't looked at the scoring yet to tell if it was strict technical calling.
D/W really need to work on that lift. It seems to go on forever and it never looks like they can hit whatever position they're going for. Other than that, this is still my favorite SD of the season.
Love the entrance and that they're going for difficulty with the transitions, but Meryl's splayed out awkwardly for almost 2 rotations before that split position (and I think Anna Cappellini hits that same split much better in the Carmen FD)
Davis and White - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bJGDfU_DeM