2015-2016 Men's Power Rankings | Page 6 | Golden Skate

2015-2016 Men's Power Rankings


"Efforts tell lies, but it will not be in vain."
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2015
Yuzu wins. The King has spoken. :biggrin:

Evgeni Plushenko: "Yuzuru Hanyu is the favorite in the men's figure skating in the new season." Japanese figure skater, Olympic champion Sochi Yuzuru Hanyu in the upcoming season will be the main contender to win the world championship and Grand Prix Final, said Plushenko.
"Not long ago, I skated with Yuzuru Hanyu. He is a unique athlete, a world star. This season will be his."


Translated by lovely Alba.

I really hope he will not jinx the kid :drama::drama:


Final Flight
Dec 26, 2009
I thought it would take a season or two before Shoma would really be a big threat to the top men, but looks like it'll happen sooner than later. He skated with so much confidence and ease at JO, a complete 180 from US classic. Wonder how his score would have been if it were say a GP competition. Hopefully he didn't just skate his best fs of the season at JO :slink:
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Ice Dance

Record Breaker
Jan 26, 2014
Wonder how his score would have been if it were say a GP competition.

Shoma was my pick to win Skate America precisely because I didn't think he knew he could do it yet. (Lower expectations generally equals more fight). Now, I'm not so sure who I think will win SA. LOL.


Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2015
Man, that's why I love the men's discipline. You may expect some skaters to fight for the top but someone can come out of the blue and surprise us :yes:


Match Penalty
Feb 25, 2014
I'm keeping my rankings the same. Though I'm not surprised about Shoma. I mean this is a guy that can do it and his presentation has improved a lot. If he keeps skating like this he will be in the Final...

Patrick just needs to work out his technical bugs. Javi...pretty much the same level. His components are too high.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
gosh... i didn't put shoma in mine simply because he hadn't performed that well during the summer... hahahahha... patrick will get there ... otherwise I will get mad ;)
I'm keeping my rankings the same. Though I'm not surprised about Shoma. I mean this is a guy that can do it and his presentation has improved a lot. If he keeps skating like this he will be in the Final...

Patrick just needs to work out his technical bugs. Javi...pretty much the same level. His components are too high.


On the Ice
Nov 27, 2014
1. Yuzuru Hanyu & Patrick Chan
3. Boyang Jin
4. Jason Brown
5. Denis Ten
6. Fernandez
7. Nam Nguyen
8. Han Yan
9. Uno Shoma
10. Misha Ge

Revisiting my ranking, I would like to swap Fernandez with Uno:) I still have high hopes for Boyang to surprise us all and beat some big boys mainly because of his crazy jump layout and his consistency with quads during the summer, and I'm pretty confident that Jason will gradually improve his techniques and then peak at the end of the season, just like what he had always done for the previous seasons. If Ten wasn't so busy in the summer I would place him higher. Uno is unpredictable and has had some very weird meltdowns, but when he's on, yesterday for example, he beats Fernandez in every aspect of skating. Nguyen and Yan seem to be very well prepared, based on their performances in the summer. Both have two quads and two triple axels in the lp, which makes them both superior to Fernandez because Fernandez usually can only land two quads and he plans only one triple axel which he still tends to pop into a single axel. Plus, his skating basics are so mediocre especially when we have Chan and Uno as comparisons.

And of course, I know I'm super biased:laugh:


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
Based only on what we have seen so far from the men...and at this early point in the season:

3.Nathan Chen
4.Patrick Chan
5.Daniel Samohain

-But it will certainly change throughout the season because each skater has a different way of preparing for a peak in skating.
Patrick, I expect, will be ready with his big jumps by Skate Canada, Fernandez may still be at the same level by his GP, but will make the Final...
What about Yuzu? --We will see next week when he and Nam debut at the Autumn Classic.

How will Shoma handle the crazy media attention he will be getting after his strong showing at Japan Open?

Since Nam and Yuzu train together at the Cricket Club, I don't think Nam will be nervous facing off against Yuzu at the Autumn Classic. I expect him to be mostly clean in his performances...will he beat Yuzu? This is the best time for it.


Record Breaker
Dec 6, 2013
I can only hope that Yuzu slays. Lord knows last season was a nailbiter for all Hanyu fans.


Final Flight
Dec 10, 2013
1. Hanyu - Massive TES advantage and PCS will likely keep him on top if his on.
2. Fernandez - Lower TES than Hanyu and slightly lower PCS. I honestly think he'll win again this year as Hanyu's overly ambitious program is bordering on impossible.
3. Ten - a hit and miss kind of skater. I love his programs last year so I hope he would prove me wrong and win WC.
......Chan who?


Record Breaker
Dec 11, 2014
1. Hanyu - Massive TES advantage and PCS will likely keep him on top if his on.
2. Fernandez - Lower TES than Hanyu and slightly lower PCS. I honestly think he'll win again this year as Hanyu's overly ambitious program is bordering on impossible.
3. Ten - a hit and miss kind of skater. I love his programs last year so I hope he would prove me wrong and win WC.
......Chan who?

As a Hanyu fan I fervently hope that his program only borders on impossible and isn't actually impossible. :hopelessness:Because if that turns out to be the case Javi or Denis might just get ahead of him, PCS and BV advantage notwithstanding.

Heh, and Patrick's standing will become more clear after SC, he should be able to get his quads under control. At JO Japanese judges were very generous for their son in law, I doubt it will be the case with international ones.


"Efforts tell lies, but it will not be in vain."
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2015
Just my humble opinion: Sending Patrick in suitcase based on sp he's shown in Canada and Jo LP is very, very wrong.Imo he will be in much better form for GPF and later, I still think that Patrick, when he is on can wash away all top men except Hanyu (if he is on too). ( Saying it as a Hanyu's biggest fan)
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Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
1 Chan gets huge PCS scores ;) and deserves them
2 Ten skates once again gorgeous programs and barely gets edged out by Chan...
3 Hanyu tried too hard... made mistakes... holds on to the podium
4 Nguyen consistency
5 Fernandez too many mistakes holds him back.. pressure of defending champion
6 Brown steady, good, not enough weapons
7 Han
8 Murakami
9 Pitkeev newcomer, most potential for a Russian skater as of now
10 Ge does well...and barely hangs on to top 10.

updating before GP :) with what we have seen so far... still a lot of unknown though.

1 Hanyu Loved the FP
2 Chan just feeling he will get his mojo back for SC
3 Nguyen. SO IMPROVED ( i don't care about him missing a couple spins, the overall skating is much better
4 Ten... soft spot for Denis... not sure I will appreciate his musical choices/programs though
5 Fernandez...
9 Kovtun
10 Rippon

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
01. Yuzuru Hanyu
02. Javier Fernandez
03. Patrick Chan
04. Denis Ten
05. Shoma Uno
06. Nam Nguyen
07. Jason Brown
08. Maxim Kovtun (Russia will keep pushing him as their top guy still, eh)
09. Boyang Jin
10. Daniel Samohin (he's definitely building some rep going for those quads; has a personality and pretty good skills)

I hope for the best from Adian Pitkeev!


Feb 11, 2014
I want to see Boyang Jin becoming a complete skater. I really hope someone in China can recognize the talent and help him grow. I hope he does not turn out to be Jijun Li 2.0. (nothing against Jijun Li, I just think her skating has not changed much for the past couple of years)