2016 Skate America Ladies FS | Page 41 | Golden Skate

2016 Skate America Ladies FS


Final Flight
Jan 24, 2015
I think Gracie should give up on figure skating and get a life, a real one (without having to see Carroll every single day). Jokes aside, her life must be horrific.
Gracie lives for FS and she has no satisfaction from it.

Please Gracie, quit figure skating and be happy!!!


On the Ice
Sep 8, 2016
Figure skating is the 'red-headed stepchild' of US sports at present, on US TV. (no offense meant by my analogy- I love redheads AND stepchildren :) Just that it's an afterthought. It's very sad

Hilarious though true. Sadly, ice sports get no respect from the Americans.


Wakabond Forever
Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2014
I don't think talking about Gracie's weight or saying she needs to see a psychologist is helpful. Gracie knows her own mind, she is more aware of what's not working than any of us. And she has said before that she has seen a sports psychologist. All we can do as fans is wish her the best rather than speculate on her mental health, no one can ever know what's going on in someone else's head.


On the Ice
Jan 19, 2014
About Gracie, if she wants to continue skating competitively she should find equilibrium first tbh. Many great skaters had slump and rough season and manage to pick themselves up. Mao and Kostner is what I have on the top of my mind. 10/11 was a pretty rough season for Mao but she came back. Yagudin almost quits skating after losing to Plush continously prior to Salt lake city. However, Gracie has yet to actually medal at major competitions like worlds, oly or even 4cc and gpf. It must have affect her confidence somehow. Look at what a world medal done to Ashley and arguably Pogorilaya, they skate with more confidence now. She just need to find her confidence back and keep bombing on competition is not helping her so I hope she finds a way.

Don't forget Elizaveta Tuktamysheva.(season 2013-2014).


Final Flight
Mar 2, 2012
I feel like we've been saying Mao has been ill every time she's skated in the last year. :slink:

:shrug: But she has been ill. She's been having recurrent back problems, an injury in her left knee, she had stomach issues at last year's GPF and today she looked pale and low-energy to me, like she was fighting a cold. She has never made a big deal out of her physical issues, but that doesn't mean there haven't been any or that people are necessarily making excuses for her.


Final Flight
Jan 1, 2007
Recorded it live on BESP and it cut out just as Gracie Gold landed her 2A, although judging by the protocols she had a bad day.

I like Ashley's skate, definitely overscored on the PCS but not by enough to cost her the victory. I am surprised with the choice of music, it's very subdued and understated which is not her forte, but she pulled it of well. 2 UR's and a messed up combo show she has room for improvement. I'm not sure the outfit which is dazzling and OTT suits the music.

I had never heard of Mariah Bell but it was a well deserved win in the free and 2nd overall. It's a great performance to go from 11th in Nationals to a podium in your first GP. Is her improvement all due to Raf? She should be challenging for a place on the US team this year. Mihara had a very junior programme but it really suited her but looked a bit out of place here, still she deserves her 3rd place. I really like Daelman's skating, she is quite athletic with big jumps and has improved her presentation.

Not a great day Mao but even with the errors it was a great skate to watch, the step sequence was fantastic. I felt So Youn was very harshly marked on PCS, surely she should be closer to 60 if not above it? Her presentation was easily as good as Daelman or Mihara but her jumps were not the best. It's hard to watch Sakhanovich struggle but I think today was an improved performance, she had no falls. She looked disappointed afterwards.

Does anyone know why the USFSA selected both Wagner and Gold for this GP? Doesn't seem like the best decision.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
I for one am thrilled to see Rohene Ward sitting with Mariah in the KnC; his choreo is a yuuuge;) reason she is where she is. And he's looking fab as usual:biggrin:

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Can anyone explain the rules for the Senior Grand Prix substitutes?
I got them for the Junior Gran Prix but here I have no clue.
Any substitute list available (x country or overall)?

So per the great breathesgeletin, here's the ladies sub list:

29-Sakhanovich (RUS), SA
33-Choi (KOR), SC
42-Kim (KOR), SC
45-Kato (JPN) --
47-Olsson (SWE) --
49-Galustyan (ARM) --
52-Meite (FRA), TEB
53-Bell (USA), SA (added today, 10/13)
54-Weinzierl (GER) --
55-Glenn (USA) --

If Polina Edmunds doesn't recover in time for NHK, they might replace Bell with her. Another option is if Yulia does not recover in time for Rostelecom. Since Polina's spot did not go to a U.S. skater, there is room to assign a spot to a US skater.


Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2016
Last year's GPF entries, all the ladies won at least 1 event (Evgenia=SA,Ashley=SC,Mao=CoC,Radio-CoR,Satoko=NHK,Gold=TEB). I think this year it won't be like that. Especially if Wagner and/or Medvedeva sweeps. So 2nd and 3rd place finisher still not completely off the list I think. :think:


Final Flight
Mar 8, 2013
So per the great breathesgeletin, here's the ladies sub list:

29-Sakhanovich (RUS), SA
33-Choi (KOR), SC
42-Kim (KOR), SC
45-Kato (JPN) --
47-Olsson (SWE) --
49-Galustyan (ARM) --
52-Meite (FRA), TEB
53-Bell (USA), SA (added today, 10/13)
54-Weinzierl (GER) --
55-Glenn (USA) --

If Polina Edmunds doesn't recover in time for NHK, they might replace Bell with her. Another option is if Yulia does not recover in time for Rostelecom. Since Polina's spot did not go to a U.S. skater, there is room to assign a spot to a US skater.
Wasn't Julia a host pick for Rostelecom? If so, then in case of her skipping the event they might replace her with any other Russian lady(even the obe not on substitudes list)


Oct 8, 2015
I had never heard of Mariah Bell but it was a well deserved win in the free and 2nd overall. It's a great performance to go from 11th in Nationals to a podium in your first GP. Is her improvement all due to Raf?......

I think that's hard to say. Mariah skated this same program in August at Glacier Falls. Same choreo, same hair, same dresses. She looked amazing there, like a different skater, and this was BEFORE she switched coaches. That's when I started paying attention to her. It was obvious then that she might be at the start of a great season.

I for one am thrilled to see Rohene Ward sitting with Mariah in the KnC; his choreo is a yuuuge;) reason she is where she is. And he's looking fab as usual:biggrin:

Absolutely! I'm a big fan of Rohene's choreography and I'm so glad that Raf allowed Mariah to keep the programs that Rohene put together for her in Monument. She performs so well to it.


Record Breaker
Sep 10, 2012
I don´t know last year but right now is real, I mean, even problems with a 2a?, she can do a 2a with closed eyes.
I don't know whether you have already discussed this or not, but the 2A mistake looked as if she had missed the right trajectory to me: she was too close to the boards, she clearly didn't have room for a 2-3 combo, she might have sensed it and instinctively popped the jump :think: