Yes, and before New Year she was injured and they still cant do 3 throws.She and Darenskiy teamed up around December.
Yes, and before New Year she was injured and they still cant do 3 throws.She and Darenskiy teamed up around December.
Anyone have video of Kostiukovich/Ialin's SP that isn't blocked in the US...?
GAO / XIE: I quite liked this. Parts needed to be a bit faster, and the spins could be better matched with the music. And I'm not convinced Chicago is the music that highlights their best talents. They had a lovely glide and smoothness - not so much a pop or snap like some skaters - so I think something a bit different would work better for them. The twist was fantastic and the SBS was great though. Nice step sequence also, great unity. Surprised the gap was that large between them and 1st, I assume it was levels.