2019-20 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating | Page 533 | Golden Skate

2019-20 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
Anna trying 4T and 3A in her new channel 1 interview. Exciting :) i have a feeling she’ll nail both, 3A didn’t look like it used a lot of harness support.

Countdown to Anna's first big international start has begun. She'll be on her way to Las Vegas soon if not already in flight, a tiring trip, and competing for real in a very different climate and time zone will also be new experiences.

Best of luck to Anna and her compatriots in the heat of the desert and everything else good and bad that is Las Vegas.


Record Breaker
Mar 18, 2015
To change the topic to Russian ladies skating and skating related things two news about future prospects in Russian skating: Elena Kostyleva (2011) has moved to Tutberidze team in the offseason. I am very curious to see her this year. She was the best 6 year old skater I have ever seen and, hopefully, that will not change and she will remain the best eight year old skater I have ever seen :)
Taisia Korobitsina (2010) is competing in her first competition of the season these days and she has landed fully rotated 3Lz and 3F in the SP - both new jumps for her :luv17:. No video, unfortunately. With that she has established herself as the strongest skater from 2010 (at least for the moment). It would be really cool to have a top skater not from Moscow or St. Petersburg, so I really hope for her success this year.

Highly unlikely to have top skaters not from Moscow ou StPetersburg, that is simply not how Russia works.
Absolute majority of top coaching teams and also funding is concentrated there, so if there are good skaters out there, they will simply move :(


Jan 18, 2017
For me Liza is lacking in score mainly because she doesn't have triple combinations. She looses around 15 points across SP, LP because of that. So I think she should work in that direction and I got the feeling it's the easiest and more reliable way for her to improve her scores. I don't see her changing coaching neither there is such need. Neither I think Mishin lacks of understanding IJS, just the scores evolved rapidly in the last and current season and there is an extra effort for Liza to be applied. What she used to in the past, will not be enough.


On the Ice
Mar 22, 2018
Lmao at people actually over analyzing a video which its title comes right out of a cheap soap opera. The one that needs to behave like a mature adult is definitely not Liza.


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
Are we really calling Liza a “tragic figure“ now? Because she‘s not beating the the new seniors ? I mean, come on. I know she could improve in some areas and it‘s frustrating that she‘s not winning with how gorgeous some of her jumps are but she‘s not a lost cause and she‘s not “tragic“ either. She can still jump 3 3As! Who else can do that? Of course she needs to improve significantly in some areas and with Mishin sticking to his old mindset, she‘ll have it harder than some. But she’s still very much competitive, scores above 210 regularly and in fact, looks to be very likely to make the GPF this year. Maybe she won‘t make the Worlds team this year but surprise; surprise, out of the 4A, Zhenya, Liza, only three will make the Worlds and Euros team anyway. So we will have half of these girls staying at home, not to mention others like Stasya or Sofia. Should they all end their careers because of that? Are they all tragic figures?

It is what it is and we know with the Russian ladies, there are too many talented of them for just three spots. But we knew would be like that. And I’m pretty sure the “old guard“ Liza and Zhenya knew very well what kind of technical content they‘d be facing this season. They’re all trying their best. But neither Liza, nor Zhenya are 15 anymore, they can’t learn new jumps in a few weeks. They can’t simply change the way they’ve been skating since forever. That will take time and conscious effort. I applaud them for sticking around and doing everything they can possibly do to improve and find ways to challenge for the top spots.

And Liza seems to make changes and be willing to work on her skating skills. Again, she does 3 3A now. She changed her layout after Lombardia when she saw she lost points on that 3Lz+2A seq. She uses her original music again. She tries to have more transitions. She tries, at least. Mishin is problematic in that regard but at least Liza sees her weaknesses. I don’t think she was angry about losing levels on spins this weekend. She was angry about being underscored on her jumps. I don’t know whether what she’s doing will be enough in the end. And it‘s definitely frustrating to see how her weaknesses haven’t been addressed by Mishin all those years. But she‘s not a lost cause, she‘s not tragic and we shouldn’t be talking about her as if she was basically ready to retire anyway. Again, we‘re talking about a skater who scores above 210 regularly and is likely to make the GPF. A skater who has 3 3As. Yes, she does lack considerably in some areas and it’s frustrating to think how much better she might be if her coach had a different mindset. But this whole discussion is starting to become a bit too negative.


Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2014
Liza is a tragic figure and I feel sorry for her. You can tell that she puts so much more energy and work into performance, choreo and transitions this year but it's just not paying off if other skaters are simply better. Season after season Liza has made improvements: Less crossovers, more transitions into the jumps, harder combos, very consistent 3A and optimized BV. But the progress is too slow if you compete against someone like Alena who flies across the ice, learns 3A out of steps in a few weeks, hits consistent level 4's and performs high quality 3-3's with ease and quality. One thing Liza has to understand: She does not consistently receive those low marks and GOE because judges see no improvements, she gets those marks because compared to other skaters she is still inferior in most departments. Liza catches up too slowly.

I liked Liza's sp. She had great energy and the choreography was nice too by her standards. But Alena just had the whole package.

Oh come on, she isn't some wilting daisy who needs to be pitied.:rolleye: She's had a fine career which is quite long by ladies' standards - national champ at 14, golds from Worlds, Euros, and GPF. Given her limited skillset, what more could you expect?

I don't think she is a "slow learner," I think Mishin is just too old-fashioned to get his skaters up to the level needed for the very top right now. Eteri completely changed the game and he stays stuck in a rut. He is coasting on reputation these days but it's not enough. If Liza wants to stay with Mishin forever, that's her choice. But he is not aiding her progress, and at some point you either have to make a serious change or just accept that you will be bypassed by others.


On the Ice
Sep 29, 2019
Im sort of upset about Liza being left out of worlds last year, tbh.
Specially with 3A turning senior this season (and likely buring her chances of worlds/euros), I really wish that rusfed gave her a chance when they could =(

Agreed she deserved it, but I didn’t see them leaving the reigning Olympic silver medalist home. And Sofia had just won euros. Liza really has horrible luck


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
trying a 3 axel ? thats suspect. she barely gets any lift on her axels.
I'd believe more another quad

Her triples aren‘t exactly high either and yet she lands a 4Lz that‘s twice as big as her triples. So, who knows lol. Can anyone share the video of Anna‘s 3A and her 4T? I’d like to see them. Is she doing them on the harness or without?


Jun 19, 2018
Lmao at people actually over analyzing a video which its title comes right out of a cheap soap opera. The one that needs to behave like a mature adult is definitely not Liza.

To push and ignore (group ignoring) the young winner is contrary to sports ethics. People should behave with dignity and ethics in any situation. And this is especially important in sports (cuz sport is a legal, sublime, confrontation). Especially in such a wonderful and sophisticated sport like FS.

Perhaps for you this does not mean anything - empty, pathos words, "not a big deal". Ok, it's your right. But for others it may be important and they have the right to see that video. So please, stop bullying me. Again, title - irrelevant, I called this video like that for myself because I was sorry Alyonа. I have the right to any feelings and have the right to name the video on my channel in any way.

Spirals for Miles

Anna Shcherbakova is my World Champion
Record Breaker
Aug 25, 2017
Her triples aren‘t exactly high either and yet she lands a 4Lz that‘s twice as big as her triples. So, who knows lol. Can anyone share the video of Anna‘s 3A and her 4T? I’d like to see them. Is she doing them on the harness or without?

They're on harness, as part of a larger feature from Channel 1 (I don't have an exact video though).

ETA: Liza Nugumanova and Sima to Warsaw Cup! http://www.isuresults.com/events/cat03109527.htm
Plus, Viktoria Safonova making her international debut for Belarus, and Kurakova skating at a challenger!


one and only
Record Breaker
Mar 16, 2019
Great news! Too bad Nastya T. isn't going as the 3rd Russian skater :(

I wonder when was the deadline?
Because it might be that they submitted the winner of the Russian cup event + Serafima, who has a GP needed one challenger.
If Nastia wins her next cup of Russia event, she might get a challenger, maybe?


Oct 20, 2017
I wonder when was the deadline?
Because it might be that they submitted the winner of the Russian cup event + Serafima, who has a GP needed one challenger.
If Nastia wins her next cup of Russia event, she might get a challenger, maybe?

I hope so. She needs another shot at a good SB.


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
I wonder when was the deadline?
Because it might be that they submitted the winner of the Russian cup event + Serafima, who has a GP needed one challenger.
If Nastia wins her next cup of Russia event, she might get a challenger, maybe?

I wonder what happened to Tarakanova that she ended up second at her Cup Event? I was pretty sure she was going to win. I mean, Nugumanova is a great skater but she does UR frequently and Nastia T. has never had that problem. Did something happen or was it just a bad day?

Also, couldn’t they have submitted three Russian ladies for the Challenger? Or do they only have two spots there?

I‘m happy for Sima and Nugumanova, though. I hope they have good skates.