In case you still can't find these. Included Shun too.Would definitely like to see videos of Sena, Koshiro, Kazuki, Sota, and even Keiji... Can't seem to find video of them anywhere on YouTube...
Hanyu "new" SP is basically another Chopin SP. So basically he's been doing a slight variation of his Chopin SP for 6 seasons.
It’s an Olympic season and so I don’t hold it against him for doing something he’s comfortable with. If it aint broke, don’t change it - but international judges might be less amenable to the repetition. This was a wonderful performance of his. Some of the GOE was nationals friendly. I thought the salchow was absolute perfection, but +4 was not merited on the combo or the 3A as they weren’t particularly effortless (the combo especially lacked flow). But for Nationals scoring it makes sense.Hanyu "new" SP is basically another Chopin SP. Light blue/white costume - check. Piano music - check. Slow pace start then fast step seq - check. And Otonal is practically similar. So basically he's been doing a slight variation of his Chopin SP for 6 seasons. And other skater would get so much flak for doing the same thing over and over again and be criticized for being a one trick pony.
I love your vids. Right now on XMAS eve, my podunk internet provider cant give me any download speed with everyone streaming so I will watch yours later...Welp...Kao's video on yt is gone. Didn't get to see it yet
Guess I'm waiting for archived Men SP on FOD to watch the guys I missed
Y'know I was wondering how that particular youtube account(s) uploading JNats video was able to stay up for so long considering how fast my account was suspended
Edit: Anyone want video of the guys from the last 2 groups?
Only thing is I'm streaming FOD so no commentary, fancy camera angles or graphics (icescope etc...)
Fuji TV Sports uploaded non-blocked video of top 3 Men's SP to youtube
@tsuyoboogie Cannot render file?In case you still can't find these. Included Shun too.
Sota Yamamoto SP
Sena Miyake SP
Kazuki Tomono SP
Shun Sato SP
Koshiro Shimada SP
Keiji Tanaka SP
Please let me know if there are any problems with the links or video
I think we all admire Yuma. It's the scoring that we object to. Not him.Yuma's PCS was overscored, but it really wasn't that bad. He's made huge improvements in facial engagement over both the past few seasons and this season. Compared to his GP events, he had a lot more expression while he was skating here, and it is night and day to his programs last year. Kazuki is very underscored PCS-wise, but Shun is pretty stone-faced while skating. He does have good natural musicality though. Maybe Yuma should be behind Sota, but he's trying so much to improve on PCS, which I think is really admirable for a skater who is getting good PCS scores already.
How the hell did I miss this kid skate the other night?
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The uninhibited flow of his skating and clothing worked well with the music and lyrics. Nice to see something like that for a change.
Sorry for the late reply. Was this for all video or one in particular?@tsuyoboogie Cannot render file?
all - but I found other sources so if I am the only one asking don't go to any trouble on my behalf.Sorry for the late reply. Was this for all video or one in particular?