2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western | Golden Skate
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2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Western Sectional (Senior and Junior, Ice Dance) - this is one of the 2 Sectional competitions by JSF, and the second stage of required competitions for skaters to advance to Nationals (junior and senior). Top placing skaters from each category, except for seed skaters and skaters with exemptions, will be able to advance to Nationals. Note that Ice Dance competitions (junior and senior) are held during the western sectional.

Seed skaters:
Men - Shoma Uno, Kazuki Tomono
Women - Kaori Sakamoto, Mai Mihara, Mao Shimada
Jr. men - NA
Jr. women - Mao Shimada
Sr. ID - NA

Exempt skaters:
Men - Tatsuya Tsuboi (GP-SA); Sota Yamamoto (GP-SC); Takeru Amine Kataise (GP-FRA)
Women - Mone Chiba (GP-SA; GP-FRA); Mana Kawabe (GP-SA); Hana Yoshida (GP-SA); Rino Matsuike (exemption confirmed: GP-SC)

*Final spots advancing to the Nationals:
Men - 9 (with 3 spots reserved for Tsuboi, Yamamoto, and Kataise), plus 2 seeded skaters. So only top 6 will advance.
Women - 11 (with 3 4 spots reserved for Chiba, Kawabe, and Yoshida, *not sure about and Matsuike yet), plus 3 seeded skaters. So top 7 skaters will advance.
Jr. men - 16
Jr. women - 13, plus one seed skater
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Competition schedule (as of Oct 4th, subject to change, all times JST)

Thursday, 10. 26
(Practice day)

Friday, 10.27
Sr. Men SP - 8:30am~11:00am
Jr. Women SP - 11:15pm~14:50pm
Sr. Women SP - 15:05pm~18:25pm
Jr. Men SP - 18:40pm~22:15pm

Saturday, 10.28
Jr. RD & Sr. RD- 12:45pm~13:50pm
Sr. Men FS - 14:05pm~17:10pm
Sr. Women FS - 17:25pm~20:50pm

Sunday, 10.29
Jr. FD & Sr. FD - 10:15am~11:35am
Jr. Women FS - 11:50am~14:55pm
Jr. Men FS - 15:10pm~18:25pm


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Entry list/ SP starting order - Sr. men
(*the warming up grouping TBA, after the publishing of the detailed schedule)

Regional #

Regional scoreRegional #
Warming-up G1
1本 田 ルーカス剛史Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda194.25B5
2小 林 隼Shun Kobayashi136.62B5
3三 島 悠 生Haruki Mishima144.04B5
4鈴 木 零 偉Rei Suzuki154.25B6
5戸 田 晴 登Haruto Toda134.29B6
Warming-up G2
6誉 田 知 己Haruki Honda166.96B4
7三 宅 星 南Sena Miyake179.19B5
8木 科 雄 登Yuto Kishina203.71B5
9高 浜 琢 斗Takuto Takahama101.29B5
10杉 山 匠 海Takumi Sugiyama179.78B6
Warming-up G3
11垂 水 爽 空Sora Tarumi153.62B6
12櫛 田 一 樹Kazuki Kushida172.61B6
13立 神 杏士郎Anjiro Tategami130.24B6
14織 田 信 成Nobunari Oda230.90B5
15嘉手納 宙 大Sora Katena138.84B5
Warming-up G4
16彦 阪 昇 吾Shogo Hikosaka128.31B5
17前 川 裕 士Yuji Maekawa118.45B5
18佐々木 晴 也Haruya Sasaki194.57B5
19松 下 大 地Daichi Matsushita140.58B6
20川 口 清 壽Seiju Kawaguchi116.97B5
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Entry list/ SP starting order - Jr. women
(*the warming up grouping TBA, after the publishing of the detailed schedule)

Regional #

Regional scoreRegional #
Warming-up G1
1大 坪 瑚 子Koko Otsubo141.69B4
2村 上 遥 奈Haruna Murakami-- (Exempted)(B5)
3中 井 結 良Yura Nakai109.27B6
4横 田 胡 幸Koyuki Yokota125.02B6
5後 藤 愛 莉Airi Goto114.3B5
Warming-up G2
6藤 井 麗 名Rena Fujii122.66B5
7北 谷 美 結Miyu Kitatani146.71B5
8岩 崎 陽 菜Haruna Iwasaki147.29B5
9嶋 田 愛 和Ewa Shimada122.79B5
10藤 原 ゆりあYuria Fujiwara124.9B5
Warming up G3
11櫛 田 育 良Ikura Kushida-- (Exempted)(B5)
12島 田 麻 央Mao Shimada-- (Exempted)(B5) *Seed
13横 井 きな結Kinayu Yokoi174.6B4
14上 薗 恋 奈Reina Uezono-- (Exempted)B4
15髙 原 奈々子Nanako Takahara126.93B6
Warming-up G4
16渡 邊 愛 子Aiko Watanabe123.17B5
17和 田 薫 子Kaoruko Wada175.18B4
18武 田 沙 弓Saki Takeda118.73B6
19岡 田 衣千乃Ichino Okada111.05B6
20柴 山 歩Ayumi Shibayama-- (Exempted)(B5)
Warming-up G5
21重 田 美 星Mira Shigeta140.88B5
22岡 田 芽 依Mei Okada158.97B4
23大 門 桜 子Sakurako Daimon113.92B5
24杉 山 菜 那Nana Sugiyama161.44B4
25高 橋 萌 音Mone Takahashi116B5
Warming-up G6
26山 邊 百Momo Yamabe137.04B5
27大 山 莉 奈Rina Oyama126.82B5
28木 村 芽 愛Meai Kimura123.44B6
29豆 板 美稀子Mikiko Mameita116.15B5
30山 田 恵Kei Yamada175.42B5
31永 川 実 咲Misaki Eikawa110.69B6
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Entry list/ SP starting order - Sr. women
(*the warming up grouping TBA, after the publishing of the detailed schedule)

Regional #

Regional scoreRegional #
Warming-up G1
1森 実 愛Miai Mori121.72B4
2籠 谷 歩 未Ayumi Kagotani147.84B5
3植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi117.27B4
4田 村 珠里亜Julia Tamura118.19B4
5金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa117.17B4
Warming-up G2
6三 宅 咲 綺Saki Miyake177.85B6
7清 水 咲 衣Sae Shimizu158.56B5
8白 岩 優 奈Yuna Shiraiwa134.26B5
9藤 由妃乃Yukino Fuji113.78B6
10高 岡 も もMomo Takaoka115.98B4
Warming-up G3
11大 庭 雅Miyabi Oba151.81B4
12佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki103.52B6
13磯 村 彩 姫Saki Isomura133.15B4
14田 村 綾 音Ayane Tamura127.55B6
15浦 松 千 聖Chisato Uramatsu133.76B4
Warming-up G4
16山 下 真 瑚Mako Yamashita174.75B4
17鈴 木 な つNatsu Suzuki123.79B5
18前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno116.43B5
19大 関 凜 花Rinka Oseki118.64B5
20渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe124.9B4
Ice Resurfacing
Warming-up G5
21大山田 光Hikari Oyamada107.9B6
22永 見 千代乃Chiyono Nagami140.64B6
23荒 木 菜 那Nana Araki126.79B4
24柴 野 ちりさChirisa Shibano127.19B5
25鴨 井 彬莉彩Arisa Kamoi115.65B6
26山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki109.72B4
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Entry list/ SP starting order - Jr. men
(*the warming up grouping TBA, after the publishing of the detailed schedule)

Regional #

Regional scoresRecional #
Warming-up G1
1花 井 広 人Hiroto Hanai164.68B4
2織 田 信 義Nobuyoshi Oda150.83B5
3佐 藤 和 那Kazuna Sato142.30B4
4三 原 庸 汰Yota Mihara126.50B4
5中 村 俊 介Shunsuke Nakamura-- (exempted)B5
Warming-up G2
6芳 岡 優 希Yuki Yoshioka146.3B4
7朝 賀 俊太朗Shuntaro Asaga175.77B5
8佐 藤 光Hikari Sato163.27B5
9神 谷 帆 鷹Hodaka Kamiya143.32B4
10三 島 舞 明Masaya Mishima--(exempted)B4
Warming-up G3
11小 島 志 凰Shio Kojima138.76B5
12田 内 誠 悟Seigo Tauchi-- (exempted)B4
13名 倉 一 裕Kazuhiro Nakura166.96B5
14飛 永 恭 兵Kyohei Tobinaga118.89B5
15加 藤 嶺Rei Kato107.63B5
16向 野 慶Kei Mukaino157.78B5
Warming-up G4
17磯 和 大 雅Taiga Isowa131.61B5
18末 国 太 樹Taiki Suekuni135.89B6
19石 原 弘 斗Hiroto Ishihara128.35B5
20吉 岡 祐 誠Yusei Yoshioka139.92B6
21森 本 涼 雅Ryoga Morimoto190.32B5
22大 村 健 太Kenta Omura154.71B6
Warming-up G5
23高 橋 星 名Sena Takahashi174.98B5
24垣 内 珀 琉Haru Kakiuchi-- (exempted)B5
25村 上 晴 哉Hareruya Murakami89.79B4
26小河原 泉 颯Ibuki Ogahara142.36B6
27生 田 琉 悟Ryugo Ikuta135.10B5
28磯 和 大 智Taichi Isowa157.82B5
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
@cohkaix Thank you so much for posting Start Orders
Even though I'm attending SCI, I'm going to try to watch this competition live as much as possible
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss both days of Ice Dance in real time 😢
I'll try to capture all ID programs as soon as episodes are uploaded as well as notable performances from other events I may miss
Since this competition happens overnight my time and SCI during the day into evening (going to try to watch the Men's practices, if possible), I'll probably be dozing off during events by Day 2 😅😞
Please let me know if there are any events you are unavailable to post live updates and results for and I'll try my best to be here 😊


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
@cohkaix Thank you so much for posting Start Orders
Even though I'm attending SCI, I'm going to try to watch this competition live as much as possible
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss both days of Ice Dance in real time 😢
I'll try to capture all ID programs as soon as episodes are uploaded as well as notable performances from other events I may miss
Since this competition happens overnight my time and SCI during the day into evening (going to try to watch the Men's practices, if possible), I'll probably be dozing off during events by Day 2 😅😞
Please let me know if there are any events you are unavailable to post live updates and results for and I'll try my best to be here 😊
Thanks! @tsuyoboogie

Actually, would you mind posting the starting order for ice dance (both Jr. and Sr.)? Then I can use your starting order to create the results.

I will be slightly late to post the results for Sr. men's SP (starting in a couple of minutes), as I'm on my way to the office. But I'll come back soon perhaps in 1.5 hrs.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Competition schedule (as of Oct 4th, subject to change, all times JST)

Competition Day 1 - Friday, 10.27
Sr. Men SP - 8:30am~11:00am
Jr. Women SP - 11:15pm~14:50pm
Sr. Women SP - 15:05pm~18:25pm
Jr. Men SP - 18:40pm~22:15pm


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Entry list/ SP starting order - Sr. men
(*the warming up grouping TBA, after the publishing of the detailed schedule)

Regional #

Regional scoreRegional #
Warming-up G1
1本 田 ルーカス剛史Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda194.25B5
2小 林 隼Shun Kobayashi136.62B5
3三 島 悠 生Haruki Mishima144.04B5
4鈴 木 零 偉Rei Suzuki154.25B6
5戸 田 晴 登Haruto Toda134.29B6
Warming-up G2
6誉 田 知 己Haruki Honda166.96B4
7三 宅 星 南Sena Miyake179.19B5
8木 科 雄 登Yuto Kishina203.71B5
9高 浜 琢 斗Takuto Takahama101.29B5
10杉 山 匠 海Takumi Sugiyama179.78B6
Warming-up G3
11垂 水 爽 空Sora Tarumi153.62B6
12櫛 田 一 樹Kazuki Kushida172.61B6
13立 神 杏士郎Anjiro Tategami130.24B6
14織 田 信 成Nobunari Oda230.90B5
15嘉手納 宙 大Sora Katena138.84B5
Warming-up G4
16彦 阪 昇 吾Shogo Hikosaka128.31B5
17前 川 裕 士Yuji Maekawa118.45B5
18佐々木 晴 也Haruya Sasaki194.57B5
19松 下 大 地Daichi Matsushita140.58B6
20川 口 清 壽Seiju Kawaguchi116.97B5
Sr. men - SP (starting order as shown above)
Live results
Streaming (paid, VPN required from outside of Japan)


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
I'm back from the SCI Men's practice
Stopped to get food so missed the first 3 guys :(
but I can rewind during ice resurface! :D
Thanks! @tsuyoboogie

Actually, would you mind posting the starting order for ice dance (both Jr. and Sr.)? Then I can use your starting order to create the results.

I will be slightly late to post the results for Sr. men's SP (starting in a couple of minutes), as I'm on my way to the office. But I'll come back soon perhaps in 1.5 hrs.
I'll be more than happy to post Ice Dance RD Start Orders 😊
Since the RD event isn't until Day 2 I'll post it after Day 1 competition is done

Since it's still early and I'm wide awake 😄, I can post Men's results so you don't have to rush or be distracted if you're busy at work


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
7. Sena Miyake
Maria (West Side Story)
3F(Nice!) 3A(hangs on) FCSp 3Lz3T StSq CSSp CCoSp
After landing all his jumps he nearly fell exiting the CSSp 😂 (it wouldn't have been funny if he did)
He must be absolutely thrilled to have his skating idol supporting him, sitting in the KnC with him
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
8. Yuto Kishina ❤️‍🔥
Diablo Rojo
2A 3Lo3T FCSp 3F CSSp StSq CCoSp

10. Takumi Sugiyama
Eleanor Rigby
3A(hangs on, hand?) 3Lz(rippon)3T(rippon) CCoSp 3F(rippon) StSq CCSp FSSp
TAKUMI!!! 😲 Nice Skate! :clap:
Both Mura Senior and Mura Junior in the KnC with him

Senior Men SP standings after Group 2
三 宅 星 南Sena MiyakeKanku Skate78.82
杉 山 匠 海Takumi SugiyamaOkayama University70.05
本 田 ルーカス剛史Lucas Tsuyoshi HondaKinoshita Academy67.41
木 科 雄 登Yuto KishinaKansai University67.10
誉 田 知 己Haruki HondaChukyo University53.20
戸 田 晴 登 Haruto TodaKitakyushu FSC51.81
鈴 木 零 偉Rei SuzukiFukuoka Figure Academy46.45
三 島 悠 生Haruki MishimaHyogo Nishinomiya FSC45.05
小 林 隼Shun KobayashiDoshisha University44.29
高 浜 琢 斗Takuto TakahamaOsaka University of Economics41.49

Ice Resurfacing~
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Senior Men Group 3 warming up
Skate Order
11. Sora Tarumi
12. Kazuki Kushida
13. Anjiro Tategami
14. Nobunari Oda
15. Sora Katena

Live scoring