Looking at the results of the short...do I even want to buy the afternoon ticket today? Not sure...but I want to see Sadovskiy and Paradize live.
And I can’t be loud enough to agree more that attitude to competeing with injury and trauma is terrible and should be changed twenty years ago. No, it's not heroic going into a competition on morphine or whatever, and no, it's not praiseworthy to keep stumbling to the end of program etc. Coaches, medical staff and referies should get much, much stricter to protect health, if the athletes are conditioned and brainwashed to ignore their body signaling. Otherwise, it's a problem that keeps feeding itself.
And I can’t be loud enough to agree more that attitude to competeing with injury and trauma is terrible and should be changed twenty years ago. No, it's not heroic going into a competition on morphine or whatever, and no, it's not praiseworthy to keep stumbling to the end of program etc. Coaches, medical staff and referies should get much, much stricter to protect health, if the athletes are conditioned and brainwashed to ignore their body signaling. Otherwise, it's a problem that keeps feeding itself.