2024 Four Continents Men's Short Program | Page 23 | Golden Skate

2024 Four Continents Men's Short Program


Record Breaker
Apr 17, 2022
Aww my one disappointment, Yuma didn't do his usual stop in front of the judges looking ready to kick butt at the end...followed by a very respectful bow :laugh2:

He did the stop in front of the judges, but he fist pumped afterwards instead of bowing - even the polite Japanese man can't hold his excitement after skating like that ey :biggrin:


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Wow that final group was srs bsns!

Best of all Darian K will be in the free! Also Donovan.

Hmm, apparently it's going to be a while until the pairs? I'm gonna miss out :(

Pleased for Jun in 3rd! They give out small medals at 4CC's right?


All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
Wow that final group was srs bsns!

Best of all Darian K will be in the free! Also Donovan.

Hmm, apparently it's going to be a while until the pairs? I'm gonna miss out :(

Pleased for Jun in 3rd! They give out small medals at 4CC's right?
Pairs in an hour, I believe. Yes, small medals at 4CC's, my fiance got one last year and then crashed and burned spectacularly in the free:(


Dec 5, 2015
Amazing skating in the final group! Yuma was the perfect skater we all knew he could be. But, I'm partial to Shun and I was so elated to see Shun finally get a score he deserved! Yeah! Boyang improved a lot as well. Going to Brian and Tracy has been good for him. Jun was good. He never excites me as much as he does others but he was wise to just go for one quad and let his performance speak for itself. Sota's not my cup of tea but he does have lovely elements and he did very well. Really incredible competition.

Also enjoyed, Andrew and Dias from Kazakstan who has nice qualities.


Record Breaker
Dec 5, 2009
Hmmm, I've already had 3 coffees today, but maybe another one to stay up for pairs...
gah almost 4am here. Chris says and hour until pairs. Not sure I have the stamina to stay up but may be too wired and excited after Men Sp not to. :LOL:
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Final Flight
Mar 21, 2018
That was a very good final group with Kagiyama ending with what was probably his best SP performance. That was an amazing skate. I hope the Japanese men sweep the podium. Except for Kagiyama, this is actually the B-team which says a lot about how deep the men’s field is in Japan. But a part of me hopes Sato can pull off a win. He’s always second fiddle to either Kagiyama or Miura. He’s long overdue for a moment.

Andrew finishes in a respectable 8th place and as the top American. His free skates have been solid, but I’m not sure how the turnaround will effect him. Top 10 finish is realistic. He’s doing well so far.


Final Flight
Jan 17, 2022
I managed to catch up to the last 4. This was fantastic last grup, way better than what happened at GPF or even Euros. One flawless skate after another.
I loved Yuma, Jun and surprisingly Boyang Jin best.

When Jun is on, he really is on. He has the perhaps most beautiful spin positions, that 4Sal was marvelous (I liked it better than Yuma's, but what do I know) and he just manages to make every move and position count.

Yuma was fantastic, although I still don't like the music.

Boyang Jin was really surprising, since he never used to be very artistic. Praise Brian Orser and I also love that song. Cool costume, too.

Regarding the two other Japanese men, their knees and skating skills are of course top class. But, I'm so sorry, Sota is just such a black hole of charisma for me, I can't really describe or explain it. What I can explain ist that the first two thirds of his porgram need something resembling a choreo...Shun Sato was very good, great speed and better choreo and he's more expressive than Sota, but not by much imo. His stunned look wehen he saw the result was priceless, though :)


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
He seemed to make a breakthrough last season, but this season has been a step back. I don't know if he'll get the assignment to Worlds - let's see how Sadovsky does - but he needs to find a way to at least skate a clean short program.
well well... same TES for Roman... Roman edged him out in PCS... not good for either one... Wesley punched his ticket for worlds with this SP


Record Breaker
May 20, 2018
Roman pops things, and Conrad falls - which one do we send to Worlds?
I saw more fight from Roman, but I think either of them would struggle to make the free skate at worlds.

Happy to see Wesley and Boyang make the final group! But wow, watching Shun and then Yuma! :eek:
Shun looked so calm when he finished and could Yuma have zoomed around any faster, that looks like an exhausting program!

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Only managed to watch my fav rooting interests so far, but judging from the comments, another great men's comp. What I have seen:

1. Darian Kaptich, :hap10:who captivated many of us at the Philly comp in 2019 and has been spreading his charm ever since. Great spins and best of all, great charm. What a perfect mix of skater and music with "Friend Like Me".

2. Donovan:love2:. What is there to say? Yes, jump problems, I didn't see any. I saw the wonderful bling he brings to his costumes, the sass and charm, and well, SexyBack, another perfect combination of skater and music.

3. Andrew:clap:. Doing that fierce intense and compelling SP, with all of the steps and the chore and the passion, on such a short turnaround time from Nats. Also, even though I'm not a fan of the music, another great match.

Four Continents is always an excellent comp and not "second-rate" at all.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Roman pops things, and Conrad falls - which one do we send to Worlds?
It's a tough one. Falls are at least gathering a few points. Pops are often leading to invalid elements.

Roman has the edge based on his PCS threshold.

However, Skate Canada will most likely send the one with the highest score after the LP.

In that sense, Conrad needs to skate his own LP... If he is cleanish, Roman will need to hope that his PCS and lead from his SP are big enough because his BV is much lower in the LP considering he is not yet fully using all his arsenal.

It will be tight...