2024 U.S. Nationals Senior Women's Free Skate | Page 24 | Golden Skate

2024 U.S. Nationals Senior Women's Free Skate


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Is Josephine Lee old enough for senior worlds because she has the right to go if she is old enough.
is she old enough ... i don't think so.. and she doesn't have tech minimum because... well she isn't old enough to get them.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
So Amber wins but i can't remember the last time a US Ladies champion backed into the title like this. She's still unreliable and the US won't be getting that 3rd spot back with her and Isabeau if she's picked.
That would be A. Czisny in 2009 (?) if I recall right.

I think I remember another time but I forget who - was it Wagner? Sometime in the mid 2010s?


Dec 2, 2022
I'm not sure what to make of that! I think I would actually have had Josephine Lee in 1st. Yes, Amber did the 3A and it was one of her better skates for a free, but there were some pretty major errors. Isabeau is probably lucky not to have dropped below Sarah Everhardt.

But, congratulations to Amber. She has improved a lot since moving to Colorado and her perseverance has finally paid off.


Record Breaker
Aug 21, 2018
The Worst Nationals competition I’ve watch so far!! Judging at US nationals is 😳!! In Russia, I think they score them 5-6 points higher. At this event, Amber wouldn’t have even scored over 190 internationally, yet, she gets 210… 😳; her performance here was just like Skate America with the clean SP and then the falling apart second half.. 20 points higher than that competition.

But, gorgeous 3A!!! So, I guess I’m happy about that!! She at least is pushing skating to a higher level!! But, still… the judging when it comes to their favourites…


On the Ice
Jan 14, 2014
I think this is one of the worst women’s events at Nationals I’ve seen, beyond Josephine and Sarah. Yikes. I’m not sure this is as messy as the Canadian women, but I would be really worried if I was USFS.
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All Hail Queen Gracie
Record Breaker
Mar 14, 2007
Is Josephine Lee old enough for senior worlds because she has the right to go if she is old enough.
She's been skating as a junior internationally AFAIK, though if they wanted to maybe there is somewhere they can send her to see if she can get the tech minimums?


On the Ice
Nov 30, 2023
Final Scores for the Women's Free Skate
  1. Amber Glenn (210.46)
  2. Josephine Lee (204.13)
  3. Isabeau Levito (200.68)
  4. Sarah Everhardt (193.370
  5. Clare Seo (187.56)
  6. Starr Andrews (185.49)
  7. Lindsay Thorngren (180.98)
  8. Mia Kalin (177.81)
  9. Audrey Shin (175.61
  10. Elyce Lin-Gracey (173.11)
  11. Soho Lee (167.03)
  12. Sonja Hilmer (164.89)
  13. Wren Warne-Jacobsen (161.23)
  14. Katie Shen (160.87)
  15. Michelle Lee (156.84)
  16. Brooke Gewalt (154.80)
  17. Alex Evans (152.80)
  18. Lindsay Wang (142.33)
Congrats to Amber on her gold medal!! Congrats to Josephine on her silver medal AND a wonderful comeback to Nationals! (I'm so proud 🥹) Congrats to Isabeau on her bronze medal! And congrats to all the lovely ladies who competed at U.S. Nats <333

All scores and their details can be found here!


May Rika spin her hair into GOLD….in 2026.
Final Flight
Mar 21, 2018
This was just a bogus competition. For starters, Glenn should’ve won the SP by about five points over Levito. But then she shouldn’t have scored so high in the free skate. She had a nine-point lead over Lee, but her free skate should’ve been much lower than what it was, making Lee National Champion.

Levito was also overscored and should be off the podium all together. She’s been struggling all season - jumps have gotten worse and she’s been having problems with her spins which suggests an injury, probably her back. She has regressed since her Junior Worlds win.