Bad move!!!! | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Bad move!!!!

blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
These are more choreographic moves, rather than "moves" but:

I hate that horrid head-bobbing thing that Mira Leung does in her SP, that Tonya Harding used to do quite frequently. I understand both are using jazzy/high energy numbers, but other moves could be emphasized, rather than standing there in the beginning of a program, bobbing one's head.


This is an actual move:

What is that new upright spin variation where the knee is turned in, and the foot is turned out (they look bow-legged). Check it out in Sebestyen's LP:

I've seen a lot of skaters use that variation, and sometimes, I think they can't control the torque of the spin, and the free leg starts flying uncontrollably--plus it looks ugly!
Mar 14, 2006
You mean that thing right at the end? You're right - very weird. I haven't noticed it before - I guess I assumed it was transitional, but here she is doing special chinoise arm gestures so it is clearly its own thing.

OTOH, she has a very nice donut spin - doesn't drop the knee before catching the foot. :rock:

Fozzie Bear

On the Ice
Jan 24, 2004
Ladybug said:
I also hate the death spirals everyone is doing this year, with the hand changing and the free leg up. Ugly is not bad enough. It's horrendous! The first time I saw it was when Shen and Zhao competed for this first time in GP this season and I thought it was a mistake.
As much as I love Shen and Zhao, ITA with this. Whatever happened to the beautiful, low death spirals with the arched backs?

I can't stand the dance spins that are required now. They look like bastardized pair spins.


Aug 7, 2003
I can't stand those fugly dance spins with the lady hiking her blade to her head...even worse is that they always have thier skating leg extremely bent, its a very jagged un-elegant example

Death spirals where the lady sticks out her butt to get inot position (T/M were big offenders in this catergory)
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On the Ice
Nov 10, 2006
Possibly the most vulgar dance lift from the 2005 Worlds:

They come out of a twizzle turn sequence facing each other. She jumps on him as he goes into a bent-leg spread eagle, hooking her legs over his thighs. She then arches backwards until her head is pointing towards the ice, reaching back between his legs to grab her ankles. She holds this pose for a second or two, then lets go of her ankles, they grab each other's wrists, and she straightens her legs up behind his shoulders so that he's holding her upside-down with her pelvis thrust out.


Jan 23, 2006
Moves that I don't like

-unaesthetical spins and spirals that are rewarded by COP
-too much arms moving during a step sequence

I also don't understand what is so exciting when a skater change edges in a spin.

blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
Moves that I don't like

-unaesthetical spins and spirals that are rewarded by COP
-too much arms moving during a step sequence

I also don't understand what is so exciting when a skater change edges in a spin.

The edge change makes it a bit more difficult for a skater. However, I think what Michelle did, and what the late John Curry used to do, change foot in the opposite direction (most skaters change foot and remain in the natural direction) is far more difficult than a change edge within the spin.

The COP should award points for skaters who spin in the "classic" position in the opposite direction.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
This isn't really a move, but FAKE EMOTING has got to go. the movement of arms or "pained" facial expressions to attempt to convey "feeling"...just doesn't work. You either got it or you don't. If one is not a natural at it, it looks contrived and fake and it does get annoying after a while.

blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
This isn't really a move, but FAKE EMOTING has got to go. the movement of arms or "pained" facial expressions to attempt to convey "feeling"...just doesn't work. You either got it or you don't. If one is not a natural at it, it looks contrived and fake and it does get annoying after a while.

The Irina head-grab from 2002...


Jan 4, 2007
Spiral sequances drive me crazy, very few women can do a decent one. It's painful to watch some skaters try to get their leg up.
Death spirals where the man changes his pivot to an inside. Compleatly ruins the move.
Any dance lift that involves the womans legs around the man's neck, it dosn't get any worse then that, I don't care how difficult it is, they need to stop.
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On the Ice
Oct 28, 2004
Re: the Death Spiral, I understand there no higher credit given to this move when the lady arches so to have her hair close to the ice. Remember Barb Underhill ?

Such a shame, now the move is a toss-away.


Record Breaker
Mar 19, 2006
Airplane arms. No names, of course!

Now I have to ask, a spiral position, does that not look like a big airplane? Really, if you think that way, you could be imagineing that the skater is saying to themselves "zooooom zooom, aerrrrrrr, puc puc puc pow! eeeeerooow.:laugh:

I think Kimmie can work on HOW the arms and hands are out - as well as others. But you all are making me think of little kids running around the playground with their arms out JUST LIKE a spiral minus the leg.:laugh:

blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
I don't know what she is doing, but in her spiral sequence, she does an almost forward version of the fan spiral, with the same "peeing on something" look.

Not to mention, at the very end, she raises her skirt as if to say,...I don't know what she's saying, but it doesn't add anything to the program :chorus:


Jul 27, 2003
I don't know what she is doing, but in her spiral sequence, she does an almost forward version of the fan spiral, with the same "peeing on something" look.

Watching this made me very happy that HOLDING the spiral positions is something the CoP has reinforced...I think she may have had 3 seconds total in her three spiral positions, and it all looked very rushed and forced.

I'm just a firm believer that if you can't do a move in a way that it looks good (B-mann, catchfoot, donut, spirals, etc) DON'T do it!