I'm confused on what breaks the ties. The first tie breaker is the better score of the two scores, but in case of Kostner and Murakami it still is in tie. If one goes to the second tie breaker, it is Flatt with the higher total scores.
Just trying to find out the system. Have no favorites here. The GPF is the final word.
First tie breaker is the higher finish. So Kostner and Murakami beat Flatt as 1st/3rd is better than 2nd/2nd. So Flatt is third of those three. Then to split Kostner and Murakami we hav eto use th esecond tie break which is the higher scores. Kostner has 319.48 and Murakami has 315.09 so Kostner is first. It doesn't matter that Rachael wins the second tie break because she already lost the first.