Injuries and Ills: 2014-15 | Page 6 | Golden Skate

Injuries and Ills: 2014-15


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
At what point is it not better to say, "STAY HOME AND HEAL"?

He's been having problems all season. After CoC he should have chucked the rest of the season in the can and got his body right. There's no point fighting for a world title this season at the cost of a bigger goal in three years' time.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
At what point is it not better to say, "STAY HOME AND HEAL"?
He's been having problems all season. After CoC he should have chucked the rest of the season in the can and got his body right. There's no point fighting for a world title this season at the cost of a bigger goal in three years' time.
I understand your point and I agree that he should have stayed out of GP. But this logic couldn't be applied to Japanese people who have different ways of thinking. The skating industry in Japan is currently lacking of stars to attract viewers now that many of their great skaters have retired or stayed out. JSF now depends on Yuzuru's participation to attach viewers. Obviously Yuzuru can just say no, but his sense of responsibility is strong like all Japanese skaters. He couldn't stay out now that Japan team's 3 spots depends on him.
JSF's biggest star, Mao Asada only skipped one competition when her mother passed away. You know how hard it has been for her to compete everywhere and never had a break. But without her JSF couldn't fill the arena.


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
I really think the Japanese federation ought to look at the big picture and give Yuzu a rest. You can have all the heart in the world and want to do something so badly but the body just doesn't comply. I have a bad feeling that injuries are going to plague him the rest of his career.


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
Yuzuru's condition
- Right ankle injury at end Jan 2015
- Bladder (urachal remnant) surgery on 30-Dec 2014, off ice one month
- CoC collision 8-Nov 2014

Latest news today translated by Naoko Hashimoto:
Basically, Ms.Kobayashi of the JSU said as follows; "the condition of his right ankle is not perfect, but [Yuzuru] has been gradually increasing the amount of training and doing the final preparations in Japan towards the Worlds... I cannot disclose the details of his training, although I am aware of them. The amount of pressure on him is immeasurable since his condition is not perfect while the public expectations for him are so high. I would like to support him in a way not to give him pressure...". She didn't say whether Yuzuru is jumping the quads, either.
Thank you for the update. It's been... rather hard... to keep up with Yuzuru's Fan Fest.

As much as many of us want him to "Stay home and heal," it doesn't seem likely at this stage, especially since he powered through injuries even for inconsequential GP events. I don't think he'll stay out of Worlds unless he can't get out of bed.

As for Japan needing stars... how about sending Shoma Uno? :p I mean, if Javi pulls a Europeans, and Denis left his best skate at 4CC... :biggrin:


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
Thank you for the update. It's been... rather hard... to keep up with Yuzuru's Fan Fest.

As much as many of us want him to "Stay home and heal," it doesn't seem likely at this stage, especially since he powered through injuries even for inconsequential GP events. I don't think he'll stay out of Worlds unless he can't get out of bed.

As for Japan needing stars... how about sending Shoma Uno? :p I mean, if Javi pulls a Europeans, and Denis left his best skate at 4CC... :biggrin:

Plus Yuzuru as we know, is stubborn, which I can relate to. So yeah I can totally understand why he wants to still do worlds even though he's injured.


Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
I really think the Japanese federation ought to look at the big picture and give Yuzu a rest. You can have all the heart in the world and want to do something so badly but the body just doesn't comply. I have a bad feeling that injuries are going to plague him the rest of his career.

Or the Japanese federation knows they will make money off Yuzu regardless of if he wins or crashes and burns. In the big picture view they make money/get attention either way. Sadly humans tend to turn their heads to train wrecks.

Frankly the harder he falls, the better the story is. I would not assume the federation has his best interests in mind as their number one goal.

Maria Victoria

Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
I really think the Japanese federation ought to look at the big picture and give Yuzu a rest. You can have all the heart in the world and want to do something so badly but the body just doesn't comply. I have a bad feeling that injuries are going to plague him the rest of his career.

Or the Japanese federation knows they will make money off Yuzu regardless of if he wins or crashes and burns. In the big picture view they make money/get attention either way. Sadly humans tend to turn their heads to train wrecks.

Frankly the harder he falls, the better the story is. I would not assume the federation has his best interests in mind as their number one goal.

Honestly, I think competing at Worlds is more of Yuzuru's decision than anything. The Japanese Skating Federation doesn't have to do anything to convince him to compete other than rely on his sense of responsibility as Meoima noted. Yuzuru being Yuzuru will never shirk his duty as he sees it as he is the Japanese national champion. I wonder though if the JSF, like Brian prior to last year's NHK, even broached the "Stay home and heal" option to Yuzuru.

Actually, we have seen this scenario before at 2013 Worlds when Yuzuru was coming off both illness and injury and with very limited training time competed to preserve three spots for Japan for Sochi.

Maria Victoria

Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
Time to resurrect this thread. From a report in a local newspaper (The Philippine Star) last March 14, the decision on whether Michael will compete in the World Figure Skating Championships in Shanghai will be made this week. Though Michael has already submitted his entry form, he is "undergoing therapy for a bruised right hip and ankle." Right now he is in Beijing training under Nikolai Morozov. Michael's mother Teresa expressed the hope that his condition further improves so he can compete at Worlds.

Fingers crossed we get to see Michael at Worlds.


Dec 3, 2014
Time to resurrect this thread. From a report in a local newspaper (The Philippine Star) last March 14, the decision on whether Michael will compete in the World Figure Skating Championships in Shanghai will be made this week. Though Michael has already submitted his entry form, he is "undergoing therapy for a bruised right hip and ankle." Right now he is in Beijing training under Nikolai Morozov. Michael's mother Teresa expressed the hope that his condition further improves so he can compete at Worlds.

Fingers crossed we get to see Michael at Worlds.

I too hope his condition really improves. :3

I really miss seeing his spins. :no:


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
Any update about Kevin Reynolds? Did he have the hip surgery?

No news have been said and no updates from Skate Canada since nationals.

I know he's still alive (Cause I'm Facebook friends with him and I see sometimes he's been online). I know this might sound off-putting to me to say this, but I'm just saying that because nothing new has happened and some might be wondering what's going on. And I'll I know is that he's still alive.

Ugh! That makes me sound offensive. I SWEAR I didn't mean to put it out that way.

But I'm nervous to hear any news. Good or bad, because there will always be a little voice in my head saying, "Kylie, don't you dare get happy about the news, something could go wrong here." I was left numb and so sad for him after nationals.

But yeah, no updates yet.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
Latest update about Yuzuru from Orser:
:cry: Now I know why he had to stay in the hospital for so long:

Although the hospital stay was expected to be two weeks with another four weeks away from the ice, Hanyu actually was laid up and off the ice for five weeks. Orser thinks Hanyu remained in hospital for most of that time. “I know that he has some allergies to a lot of medications, so he has to be careful about that,” he said.

The black clouds never parted. Soon after Hanyu returned to the ice, he sprained an ankle, perhaps because he began trying too much too soon. “Of course, it would be typical for him to want to get going and do everything right away,” Orser said. Coming back to Toronto to train didn’t seem to be an option.
And train alone without his coach beside again :hopelessness:
Currently, Hanyu is training without a coach in Japan and by himself. Orser finds it hard, because he doesn’t see what Hanyu is doing. He’s trying to advise him from a distance. “It’s a little bit of a challenge,” he said. “He says he’s skating well and he’s doing his run-throughs, so that’s all I can ask for. I guess when I get there, I’ll see.”


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Okay, while the JSF's handling of their skaters leaves a LOT to be desired...Hanyu is acting like an absolute idiot in this situation. Getting back on the ice too early? Training without a coach? He's in a fine way to break himself PERMANENTLY. Plushenko may be nuts, but he listened to the doctors' timelines, and he always had Mishin by his side.

alia jackson

Record Breaker
Feb 25, 2014
Per the article:
- “Yuzu has been faced with so many challenges this season,” Orser said. “His comfort zone is in Japan when he’s recovering from something.”
- The travel from Japan to Toronto is hard and strength-sapping. And the way it is now, Hanyu faces a one-hour flight to Shanghai in the same time zone.
- Hanyu has a way of rising to the call, of battling magnificently. He’s done it twice during this terrible year.

He won GPF and Nationals with injury, pain and coachless (correspondence with Orser via email). Maybe he can do this again or maybe not...but for sure he will fight for it.

For majority of his fans the Worlds placement/podium is not important anymore. We just wants him to be healthy and happy with his performance. And we pray that JSF rest him from doing the 50+ ice shows in the summer, enough of making money of him.
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Record Breaker
Dec 11, 2014
Okay, while the JSF's handling of their skaters leaves a LOT to be desired...Hanyu is acting like an absolute idiot in this situation. Getting back on the ice too early? Training without a coach? He's in a fine way to break himself PERMANENTLY. Plushenko may be nuts, but he listened to the doctors' timelines, and he always had Mishin by his side.

Hopefully he will have learned his lesson and won't repeat that in the future. I mean, how likely it is to have such weird circumstances again.


Record Breaker
Nov 4, 2010
Hanyu's being so stubborn is going to cost him dearly one day. That COC performance was ridiculous to say the least. He's lucky he didn't hurt himself more then he already was.


what are levels anyway
Record Breaker
May 2, 2014
Okay, while the JSF's handling of their skaters leaves a LOT to be desired...Hanyu is acting like an absolute idiot in this situation. Getting back on the ice too early? Training without a coach? He's in a fine way to break himself PERMANENTLY. Plushenko may be nuts, but he listened to the doctors' timelines, and he always had Mishin by his side.

what i undersand from this
Although the hospital stay was expected to be two weeks with another four weeks away from the ice, Hanyu actually was laid up and off the ice for five weeks. Orser thinks Hanyu remained in hospital for most of that time. “I know that he has some allergies to a lot of medications, so he has to be careful about that,” he said.
is that he had plenty of time to rest and most of the time he was in hospital, also brian doesnt say he went back to training too soon, its just that he tried everything at the same time, reckless? yes but i wouldnt call him idiot he is a lot smarter than you give him credit for ( i might be wrong but sometimes when it comes to yuzuru you sound really harsh :) ) his ankle wasnt the problem that was keeping him away from training in the 1st place anyway, can you guarantee that 100% healthy skater doesnt have the risk of spraining his/her ankle or getting injured? i believe that after the season he has had he learnt his lesson and will be more careful.
about being coachless, what was he supposed to do? should he have withdraw from worlds just because he cant go to canada and cant train with his coach? they mentioned why he didnt want to leavve japan cause he feels safer there when it comes to his recovery and after that spraining his ankle and time difference he would have to endure to go to canada and back to china probably seemed harder to him than training in japan with orser guidance, its not the 1st time this season, they followed the same method for gpf he was great there (great to me anyway), its not ideal for any of them of course
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Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
Hanyu's being so stubborn is going to cost him dearly one day. That COC performance was ridiculous to say the least. He's lucky he didn't hurt himself more then he already was.

He is trying to follow in his cyborg idol's footsteps and be like Plushenko. He likely feels that until he has screws holding him together, he is not training nearly hard enough.