Mao Asada plans comeback | Page 15 | Golden Skate

Mao Asada plans comeback


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:

'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'

One can always count on Papa Mishin to make some unorthodox comment but he really went a bit too far this time. An illusion, never done cleanly?!

:laugh2: Well, he should hope he doesn't have to eat his own words when the time comes.


Record Breaker
Dec 6, 2013
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:

'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'



Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:
'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'
Did he really say that?

Or is it yet another case of media taking liberties (or even plain making stuff up)?
To stir up attention/controversy and drive sales, or page hits, or whatever?
Cos that's what makes the most money?


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:

'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'

One can always count on Papa Mishin to make some unorthodox comment but he really went a bit too far this time. An illusion, never done cleanly?!

For somebody whose skaters typically depend on pushing technical boundaries, this is an extremely appalling statement for him to make. Mao's done numerous clean triple axels. Yes, many have been URed too, but she's landed several of them cleanly. To say she's NEVER done a clean 3A and that it's only an illusion of a 3A is outrageous.

Somebody should fill his mailbox with printed-out protocols where Mao has landed clean triple axels. :laugh:


Record Breaker
Mar 18, 2015
For somebody whose skaters typically depend on pushing technical boundaries, this is an extremely appalling statement for him to make. Mao's done numerous clean triple axels. Yes, many have been URed too, but she's landed several of them cleanly. To say she's NEVER done a clean 3A and that it's only an illusion of a 3A is outrageous.

Somebody should fill his mailbox with printed-out protocols where Mao has landed clean triple axels. :laugh:

somehow sounds like a some sort of media thing as... dunno, mishin is mostly described as a nice guy and sounded realistic in his interviews... Id rather expect from him a "great, Liza will have some competition and motivation to keep working on her stuff"


Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2014
Please tell me he did NOT say that. You can compare their techique as much as you like and you can point out the weaknesses, but to say that someone who completed the jump at the age of 12 never managed to get at least one beautiful and perfect jump? Disgrace.

And for me to remind how a great triple Axel looks like, here is one of the best examples:


Aug 8, 2009
OMG! Did Mishin really say that!? If he did, that would show a real lack of respect and common-sense on his part. I can't imagine Nobuo Sato ever dissing a well-known skater like that.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
somehow sounds like a some sort of media thing as... dunno, mishin is mostly described as a nice guy and sounded realistic in his interviews... Id rather expect from him a "great, Liza will have some competition and motivation to keep working on her stuff"

That is quite a stretch for a media person to alter. It might not have been verbatim what he said, but it sounds like he was trivializing Mao's 3A in some way and that's not cool - even if she's a putative rival for your own prized skater.

Either way, he's being disrespectful towards her. And it's not like Liza has landed yet shown if she can land her 3A consistently. :rolleye:
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Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
somehow sounds like a some sort of media thing as... dunno, mishin is mostly described as a nice guy and sounded realistic in his interviews... Id rather expect from him a "great, Liza will have some competition and motivation to keep working on her stuff"

Mishin is no doubt is a great coach & genuine person but he also comes across as a bit of an eccentric. I can imagine that a tone in which he made that remark could have been exaggerated by the journalist to some degree, but he must have said something to that effect.
I could understand his disappointment in that that all was set for Liza being a dominant skater for next season with her 3A, and out of the blue Mao is back with her 3A and her higher PCS and it is all a different story. But sure Liza's reaction a way more classy. Maybe as a technician he sees some fundamentally wrong in Mao's technique which nobody else is able to see I don't know...


Dec 25, 2014
Please tell me he did NOT say that. You can compare their techique as much as you like and you can point out the weaknesses, but to say that someone who completed the jump at the age of 12 never managed to get at least one beautiful and perfect jump? Disgrace.

And for me to remind how a great triple Axel looks like, here is one of the best examples:

I don't see any UR or pre-rotation on that triple Axel.
..And Mao's SS and her hand movements are just breathtaking:love:


Dec 22, 2012
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:

'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'

One can always count on Papa Mishin to make some unorthodox comment but he really went a bit too far this time. An illusion, never done cleanly?!



Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
^ I like Liza's reaction much more. She views it as a challenge, and motivation for getting a consistent 3A.

And yes, I think Mishin sees Mao's technique as fundamentally flawed for a 3A (probably the skid takeoff, and the propensity to UR). Liza's 3A has an excellent takeoff technique although it's up in the air (no pun intended) as far as consistency goes. I like Liza's axel more because she jumps *through* the jump instead of up-and-down, but that doesn't somehow invalidate Mao's axels.

Even labeling Mao's axels as inconsistent is rude... she's had seasons where it's been quite consistent and she's been able to maintain her 3A for almost a decade.

I'm sure a Mao fan can also tell us how many 3As she's landed cleanly in competition (and I'd bet that number is way more than how many Liza has ever landed, practice or competition).
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Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
Mishin is no doubt is a great coach & genuine person but he also comes across as a bit of an eccentric. I can imagine that a tone in which he made that remark could have been exaggerated by the journalist to some degree, but he must have said something to that effect.
I could understand his disappointment in that that all was set for Liza being a dominant skater for next season with her 3A, and out of the blue Mao is back with her 3A and her higher PCS and it is all a different story. But sure Liza's reaction a way more classy. Maybe as a technician he sees some fundamentally wrong in Mao's technique which nobody else is able to see I don't know...
I think it's because Mao often lands at the hazy 1/4 mark, creating tons of "was it fully around?" "if it wasn't, was it within the allowed 1/4??"

That being said, saying she never landed a clean 3A is just... :slink: Assuming the journalist didn't get things wrong (if Mishin said something like, "she has never been able to land it clean consistently"--that is a valid statement), I'm afraid this is a case of elite coaches politicking for their skaters. Just like Frank Carroll's comments about Liza... I guess we shouldn't expect Mishin to be a whole lot better.


Aug 8, 2009
Granted when Liza landed her 3-axel, they were very nice, but it's also got to be remembered that 163-cm Mao is significantly taller than 157-cm Liza and is the tallest woman to ever land a triple-axel. If there was anything so fundamentally wrong with her technique, with her height especially, she simply would never have ever landed a 3-axel.

I can only suppose that he was rather disappointed to hear that Mao was returning. Very unsportsman-like! I suppose Plushenko might have a word with his mentor about Mao's 3-axels. :p


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Icenetwork has said that it may be a translation issue and he may have said she never landed it consistently.

Maybe some native speakers can help us out.

No I am afraid it is pretty accurate I could re-phrase it maybe to: 'No matter how many times she tried she never performed it cleanly' but it amounts to same thing. He did not say anything about consistency and that's for sure. Well, I mean I only see what's printed what he did say could be another matter. I think he genuinely believes that Liza's 3a technically better than Mao's and thats underlying reason for that comment.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
I'd say Mao has been able to land it consistently. Maybe not for two years in a row, but I would say she's had at least one season where she has landed at least 5 triple axels in that season (maybe 2010?), or at least one clean 3A in almost every competition that season.

I mean, Liza herself can't say yet that she's ever had a consistent triple axel (what, with a sample size of two competitions)...


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
No I am afraid it is pretty accurate I could re-phrase it maybe to: 'No matter how many times she tried she never performed it cleanly' but it amounts to same thing. He did not say anything about consistency and that's for sure. Well, I mean I only see what's printed what he did say could be another matter. I think he genuinely believes that Liza's 3a technically better than Mao's and thats underlying reason for that comment.
He could've just said that then. I'd have no problems with "Liza's 3A is technically superior" or even "Mao's technique on the 3A is wrong." Harsh, dismissive, but an opinion he has the right to have and voice. To say she has never landed the 3A cleanly is too much (again, if that is indeed what he said. I don't place too much reliability on news reports).


Final Flight
Feb 14, 2014
Regardless of what anybody says, no matter his or her credentials,

Mao's skating speaks for itself.

Mao and her team don't need to comment on what other people bring to the ice.

And if PCS next season is scored accurately and fairly, the more complete skater should end up on top.


Final Flight
Nov 20, 2011
Mishin reaction to Mao's comeback:

'To come back after a long break it is a real feat for Asada. I am glad it is happening as now the situation in ladies figure skating on the world scene will become even more interesting. Today at our morning practice when I told Liza of Mao’s return, she replied: ‘Now let’s have a battle of triple axels’ [a loose translation here - hard to translate a word for word] .
I am sure that my skater will not lose in this regard. Mao’s 3A is an illusion. No matter how hard she tried she's never done a clean 3A'

One can always count on Papa Mishin to make some unorthodox comment but he really went a bit too far this time. An illusion, never done cleanly?!

I'm utterly disgusted by his comments, seems like he had some sleepless nights after hearing the news of Maos return, but if he thinks that making such comments will do him or his skater any good, then he is clearly mistaken, I hope someone makes him realise that he is making an idiot of himself in front of the whole world, I just lost all respect I had for him!
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