Mao Asada plans comeback | Page 16 | Golden Skate

Mao Asada plans comeback


Mar 5, 2014
I can read read Russian some and the translation above is accurate. Basically it translates something like "It's an illusion." "As many times as she has tried to execute it, she has never done it cleanly." The never done it cleanly is very clear in meaning. I think it should be clarified if the source is legitimate. But, if Mishin in fact said that then his comment is utterly tasteless, malicious and fallacious and reflects quite poorly on his character and shows an utter disregard for both Mao and unfortunately Liza because it shows her coach has bad sportsmanship. Nobody wins with such gutter talk. This illusion comment is a fabricated delusion either by sports or Mishin.
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Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
That is just such a... peculiar thing to say? :jaw: I just don't understand it at all? :confused:

I suppose I find it especially confusing, as Plushy is such a big Mao supporter - I realise that this is perhaps irrelevant, since obviously he and Mishin need not agree on everything. But, emotionally, somehow, I must confess it leads me to feel especially disappointed.

Hopefully some kind of clarification can be forthcoming, but... even so.... :scratch:


On the Ice
Mar 11, 2012
I can read read Russian some and the translation above is accurate. Basically it translates something like "It's an illusion." "As many times as she has tried to execute it, she has never done it cleanly." The never done it cleanly is very clear in meaning. I think it should be clarified if the source is legitimate. But, if Mishin in fact said that then his comment is utterly tasteless, malicious and fallacious and reflects quite poorly on his character and shows an utter disregard for both Mao and unfortunately Liza because it shows her coach has bad sportsmanship. Nobody wins with such gutter talk. This illusion comment is a fabricated delusion either by sports or Mishin.

I often wonder if coaches think about their pupils before they make such comments about rival skaters. Of course, Liza did nothing wrong and nobody should criticize her for this. However, I've always seen this type of thing as awkward, with the skating world being so small and all.

Right off the bat, Mishin's comments appears to be politicking to me, which is unsurprising. But I certainly don't agree with what he had to say.

I mean it would be one thing if it were criticism regarding Mao's jumping technique and consistency, but the issue here is that his comment about Mao never landing a clean 3A isn't just classless from a personal standpoint, it's completely false. :disapp:
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“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
Not to go off topic.....but can we just go ahead and change the thread title to "Mao Asada Should Come Back"

Then we can focus more on the many reasons why she should come back ;)
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Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
Regarding that statement from Mishin: I think he only meant that her 3A was not consistent. And it's true that it wasn't consistent over the past say 8 years. But there were times when her 3A was pretty consistent. So he's doing a little politicking, but I wouldn't consider his statement to be rude. He's not stupid and he isn't rude.
One shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill ...


Nov 11, 2013
Regarding that statement from Mishin: I think he only meant that her 3A was not consistent. And it's true that it wasn't consistent over the past say 8 years. But there were times when her 3A was pretty consistent. So he's doing a little politicking, but I wouldn't consider his statement to be rude. He's not stupid and he isn't rude.
One shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill ...

I'm sure even in the Russian language, saying Never landed a clean 3A and her 3A was never consistent is not the same thing. And as posters who speaks Russian have already explained/translated, Mishin never used the word consistent. So posters reacting to his RUDE comments are NOT making a mountain out of a molehill.


Final Flight
Feb 14, 2014

They really are not the same thing.

Badmouthing another skater changes the perception. And in a sport where reputation matters, you can literally benefit or suffer from that perception.

How many outstanding performances were not rewarded? How many substandard performances were overscored?

It's called sportsmanship. Let the skating do the talking.

I sure hope Mishin brings none of that nonsense to the ice next season. It's too much.


Record Breaker
Mar 18, 2015
The website states clearly "never landed a clean 3A"
The only doubt is how close it is to what was actually said by Mishin - are those his real words or a freestyle "interpretation" of what he said.

Funnily, i found more russian people saying that Mao never jumped a clean 3A
Ksenia Doronina says she cannot remember a clean 3A by Mao:
"японка Мао Асада, помню, прыгала, но чистого исполнения на моей памяти не было"


Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
No I am afraid it is pretty accurate I could re-phrase it maybe to: 'No matter how many times she tried she never performed it cleanly' but it amounts to same thing. He did not say anything about consistency and that's for sure. Well, I mean I only see what's printed what he did say could be another matter. I think he genuinely believes that Liza's 3a technically better than Mao's and thats underlying reason for that comment.

Well thank you for taking the time to respond. I thought Icenetwork might be trying to do some damage control, and honestly I have no issue with that. I try to give people benefit of the doubt as much as I can, but it sounds like Mishin wanted to nom on his foot for a snack.

Well if nothing else. . . he is very loyal and loving of his students. Im am looking at him like a stage mom who thinks his little darling is better than all the others.


Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2011
Well this has gotten a bit off the rails so I am only going to say I've been away from the forum for a bit but could not be more delighted to come back and see this.

GO MAO!!!!! I will be wishing and praying and hoping she really will be able to come back! I truthfully don't even care if she is in top form I would watch her just stroke across the ice alllllll daaaaaay looooong, but maybe that's just me :love:


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Funnily, i found more russian people saying that Mao never jumped a clean 3A
Ksenia Doronina says she cannot remember a clean 3A by Mao:
"японка Мао Асада, помню, прыгала, но чистого исполнения на моей памяти не было"

Geez. Russia really can't accept people doing better than them (see: hockey), and of course when they do well, they beat their chests about it. I'm sure Mishin thinks Liza has the best 3A ever done by a woman, unless Ito and Mao happened to be Russian themselves.

I'm glad Liza is showing humility (without backing down, of course). But that's no reason her coach (especially one as respected as Mishin) should be flinging mud. Between Mishin and Trankov and Plushenko (not to mention other top non-Russian skaters like Chan and Joubert), I don't get what entitles them to be such jerks and tear down other skaters.
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On the Ice
Feb 14, 2014
Am I the only one not surprised by this whole Mishin thing? Although I admit I didn't quite see anyone actually questioning Mao doing CLEAN triple axels EVER but I knew he or someone in the Russian contingent was going to start comparing Liza and Mao's triple axels (and other jumps). This is politicking at its finest and the Russians probably do it the best. I mean they don't even pull any punches when squabbling amongst themselves in the rival skating clubs in Russia. Now that Russia has a legitimate chance to dominate ladies figure skating, you will see comments along these lines especially if Mao comes back strong.

Prediction: No matter what Mao's programs will be, you're also probably going to hear comments along the lines of "her skating is old fashioned" and "she doesn't bring anything new".

Fasten your seat belts, kids. This is what a real superpower federation and politicking looks like.


Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
The only doubt is how close it is to what was actually said by Mishin - are those his real words or a freestyle "interpretation" of what he said.
I'm more inclined to think it's "creative journalism".

Personally, I won't believe he really said that, until I see TV footage of him with those words coming out of his mouth.

Mainly because I am cyncial, I don't believe everything I read on internet web sites, and I have a very low opinion of modern media and so-called "journalists"
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On the Ice
Feb 14, 2014
Forgot to add, but for those who had thought Mishin would be classier than this...remember that he publicly announced refusing to coach Carolina Kostner right before the Olympic season insinuating that Carolina was revealing to her local coaches everything he taught her. He has a right to refuse but why do it so publicly? And she was definitely a strong contender for gold in Sochi.

Mao has/had a strong relationship with Tarasova, I wonder what she thinks of Mao's comeback. I almost wish she was still part of Mao's team because I could see her not pulling any punches to defend Mao.


Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
Forgot to add, but for those who had thought Mishin would be classier than this...remember that he publicly announced refusing to coach Carolina Kostner right before the Olympic season insinuating that Carolina was revealing to her local coaches everything he taught her. He has a right to refuse but why do it so publicly? And she was definitely a strong contender for gold in Sochi.

Mao has/had a strong relationship with Tarasova, I wonder what she thinks of Mao's comeback. I almost wish she was still part of Mao's team because I could see her not pulling any punches to defend Mao.
You refuse to work with somebody publicly when you want the public to know that you've refused. Meaning, that Mishin wanted the public to know that Carolina still wanted to work with him. And we don't know wether it was his decision alone, because the FED could've been involved in that.

I'm pretty sure we'll hear Tarasova's opinion within the next couple of days ....


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
I'm more inclined to think it's "creative journalism".

Personally, I won't believe he really said that, until I see TV footage of him with those words coming out of his mouth.

Mainly because I am cyncial, I don't believe everything I read on internet web sites, and I have a very low opinion of modern media and so-called "journalists"

Do you believe the things that Chan or Joubert or anyone else has said without seeing TV footage of it? Or is it just Russians who get a pass? (and people certainly love to play the lost-in-translation-so-they-can-do-no-wrong card :rolleye:). It's funny that with Chan's recent outlandish interview about the past season nobody cited the journalist as being creative with Chan's words, but when it comes to Mishin of course it must be creative journalism. IMO, both Mishin and Chan said things that were off-putting and if they were misquoted they could say so (which I don't see either doing).

Very few skaters have actually expressed outrage and said outlandish comments on TV. I mean, the closest is Surya's outburst (or some of the Kiss and Cry stuff like with Chartrand and Wagner :laugh:), but generally when the cameras are on, skaters keep themselves in check.
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Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
Do you believe the things that Chan or Joubert or anyone else has said without seeing TV footage of it? Or is it just Russians who get a pass? (and people certainly love to play the lost-in-translation-so-they-can-do-no-wrong card :rolleye:). It's funny that with Chan's recent outlandish interview about the past season nobody cited the journalist as being creative with Chan's words, but when it comes to Mishin of course it must be creative journalism. IMO, both Mishin and Chan said things that were off-putting and if they were misquoted they could say so (which I don't see either doing).

Very few skaters have actually expressed outrage and said outlandish comments on TV. I mean, the closest is Surya's outburst (or some of the Kiss and Cry stuff like with Chartrand and Wagner :laugh:), but generally when the cameras are on, skaters keep themselves in check.
You have invented an entire fantasy universe out of what I said.

Which rather proves my point.


Feb 8, 2014
This isn't the first time a Russian coach is taking shots but maybe that's just the difference in the skating culture? It's not that big of a deal lol.

So glad to hear Mao isn't rushing into the international season. This feels like such a fresh start for her.