Sectional Championships | Page 3 | Golden Skate

Sectional Championships


Jul 26, 2003
1. Douglas Razzano, Coyotes SC of AZ 73.21 129.61 202.82
2. Jonathan Cassar, All Year FSC 64.17 137.96 202.13
3. Keegan Messing, AK Assoc of Figure Skaters 73.56 127.20 200.76
4. Scott Dyer, All Year FSC 61.67 124.34 186.01
Congrats to all especially my coach Jonathan Cassar!


Final Flight
Oct 16, 2009
Gracie sure made a great impression here, and at her last JGP. :yes:

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Ouch. I just wondered what happened to Lauren Dinh, who was the silver junior medalist last year -- and I just realized she didn't make it out of Regionals. :(


Record Breaker
Oct 3, 2003

Doing the happy dance! :)^D

Still, I know only 4 couples competed (to put it into perspective), but any win is a good win imho. And I was so happy to learn that they won by a substantial margin ~ they clobbered the field by over 21 pts.! :points:

Also, CONGRATS go out to Emily Samuelson & Todd Gilles, though I have to say I have a bad omen that neither Emily nor Evan (Bates that is) will ever attain the heights of greatness that they had with each other. The dissolution of their partnership is still heartbreaking. My impossible wish is that they re-think & re-team, as they could've easily been America's #2 team this year, and made top 6 at Worlds. But without each other I never see them getting a World Medal, let alone an Olympic Medal, just top 5 at US Nationals. What a waste. All those 10+ years together, poof, gone. They were perfectly matched, complemented each other exquisitely. There's a reason those that have been together for as long as they had get to the top (aka V&M and D&W, also the great Anissina & Peizerat).

Finally, I'm really really really EXCITED about Max Aaron!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I watched him several weeks ago on IN to see what the hype was about, and that's when I saw his phenomenal skating, lol he was even wearing clothing similar to Evgeni Plushenko's and skating to his music while he landed all those impossible jumps & jump combos., ones I had only seen Zhenya doing before in the past! (8^O And now he once again clobbers the field by over 31 pts.! That's incredible, I even read one poster say that with those kind of skates he can easily win Nationals this year! WOW.

ps: IN still doesn't have any video up but Pacifics, and then only Jrs., et al, NOT seniors, and that's all I'm interested in.


Record Breaker
Oct 3, 2003

IN now has video up for not only Pacific Coast Sectionals, but also Eastern Sectionals as well, HOWEVER not Seniors. :(

Also, nothing for Midwestern Sectionals.

ps: I read over on FSU that Donlan & Speroff landed all their elements in the SP (aka great split triple twist per usual for them, lift, and throw triple all clean; no sbs jumps, though they did clean sbs 3Ts in practice). And they only fell on the throw 3R in their LP, everything else clean, including lifts, split triple twist, and throw 3S, and she might have singled her axel in their sbs 3T/2A combo. Btw, once again they had a clean practice, including their sbs 3T/2A combos.). Now they only need to land them in competition (crossing my fingers they do so)! :) CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS ON IN!


Final Flight
Oct 16, 2009

Pacific Coast sectionals now have at least Sr. Mens and Ladies short videos at IN. Caroline did a wonderful short, as did Keegan. :love:


Record Breaker
Oct 3, 2003
Though IN still doesn't have video up of Donlan & Speroff, I found their Eastern Sectionals SP & LP on youtube ~ ENJOY! (SP) (LP)

I honestly almost cried after watching their SP, it's that good, I can't recall being this emotionally involved with a pairs' program since G&G.

Yes, I've had other faves over the years, but they moved me in a different way. For instance, Sarah Abitbol & Stephane Bernadis of France, their programs were more spirited, fighting, exciting, et al, whereas Donlan & Speroff's style is more like G&G, yet they're not clones, rather they are their own distinctive selves, if that makes sense. :)

Anyhow, I cannot get over their musicality, the way they move to the music, they make everything look so easy. And their starlift is the best I've seen since G&G, as well as their HUGE split triple twist, and throw triples. Their stretch, turnout (especially his), beautiful low death spiral, et al, are simply exquisite. :love:

And the sbs double jumps they do are excellent, but Gretchen still needs to master the 2A in competition, as I noted she singled it in the LP, whereas Andrew's is big & huge with just a minor stepout. Also, their sbs 3Ts are MIA. These sbs jumps are really their nemesis, moreso for Gretchen then Andrew. If they can just nail this aspect I'm sure they would finish in the Top 5, if not Top 3. *crossing fingers*

Also, before I forget, I wanted to mention their speed, which I found has improved leaps & bounds, much much faster than before. Jmho.

Finally, I can't believe at one point (briefly mind you) I wanted Gretchen to pair with Rockne Brubaker. *smacks self on head* Now I see how odd that would look. Andrew is perfect for Gretchen ~ same elegant classic style, perfect height difference, everything just exquisite, and to top it off he looks like Brad Pitt and she like Ekaterina Goordeeva. :)