U.S. Safesport bans Brendan Kerry (AUS) | Page 3 | Golden Skate

U.S. Safesport bans Brendan Kerry (AUS)


Ice Time
Record Breaker
Feb 14, 2018
How awful. I hope Gracie and the other survivor are able to find some sort of justice and move on with their lives.

This reminds me of a very recent news story of women being asked if they would rather be alone in the woods with a bear, or a man they didn't know. Nearly every woman answered "bear".

Some men took offense to this. It's when stories like this come out, that I want to call attention to it, and yell "this is why women choose the bear."


Jan 4, 2015
Considering the fact that one of the influential figures within the Aussie federation is his own mother (head of the coaches committee)... Yeah, that would definitely hurt more personally.

It also doesn't seem likely that anything will happen to him within Australia, because this has apparently been going on for years and his inappropriate behaviour around minors was known to Australian federation officials (including his mother) and simply ignored by them.
Maybe the public scrutiny will finally push them into having to act, one way or the other.
interesting. why do you think this ??


Record Breaker
Jan 17, 2022
interesting. why do you think this ??
Which part? That little will happen to him? Or that people in Australia knew and ignored it?

Because the second part is due to Australians who trained with him when he was younger or in his parents' rink posting about his creepy behaviour (like sexually charged "jokes" towards minors) now that all of this is out in the open, and that they reported it when it happened.

As for the first part, the reaction of his mother (who has given up her position in the professional skaters' association but not in the actual skating federation) speaks volumes - "I really don’t give a shit what people want to say, what people want to think. It’s more about making sure my son survives through this." (Unfortunately, the article is paywalled).
And just in general, across countries and organisations, sexual misconduct has a history of being ignored and downplayed. That's why I said that public scrutiny might be what changes the outcome now that his track record is out in the open.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012

James Min is a three-time Australian Junior National Champion, having competed in four Junior World Championships and two Four Continents Championships before retiring from the sport in 2022.

Could you provide the actual link? Embedded Facebook, Twitter and vKontakte posts don't display for me.

Normally I would just scroll past them, but in this case I want to know what the post is about. Because one of my kids (a skater I have actually met and got along well with) was a team-mate of James'. And seeing his name in this thread has got me very worried about her.



Record Breaker
Jan 17, 2022
Could you provide the actual link? Embedded Facebook, Twitter and vKontakte posts don't display for me.

And to make sure everyone can access it, here's the post in text form:
This is a topic I’d rather not talk about, however in light of the recent news this is critical in protecting the safety of children in sport in Australia. For changes to be made, this needs to be discussed, acknowledged and brought to light. As uncomfortable and horrific these events are, it’s important that we start having these conversations and acknowledging the constant reoccurring issues.

If you think this doesn’t affect you, it does. Your coaches, officials, and the people running the sport of figure skating in Australia who are staying silent and are associated with these sick and twisted individuals are just as bad. And trust me they know the stories and are aware of what is happening behind closed doors. However, it’s never too late for changes to be implemented and for these issues to be taken seriously.

I’m beyond sick and tired of nothing being done to protect the safety of children in this sport, and it’s about time changes are made. There have been too many incidences now. From the tragic passing of Katia to now this recent story. The death of Katia wasn’t something to be celebrated. The point of this heartbreaking story isn’t the fact it won an Emmy. The question is, what is being done to protect our athletes? How have we moved forward from this tragedy? Have there been policies and protocols implemented?

As horrific as the recent events were, I’m somewhat relieved that something was done about it in the United States. This is because of the SafeSport code, which allows them to take necessary action to ensure the safety of their athletes. Australia does not have these same protocols and policies in place, which is absolutely terrifying to me. For example, a policy of the SafeSport code states that “A Minor Athlete shall not live in the same physical residence with an unrelated Adult Participant under any circumstances”.
These are one of the many policies that have been implemented to protect the safety of children in sport.

I myself am a victim of grooming by an adult. I will not name this individual due to legal reasons. However, I didn’t receive the support and protection I needed during this time. I spent a lot of my career as an athlete suffering internally and not being able to reach out to anyone. Or when I did reach out, no one could provide me with the help I needed. This isn’t about my story. This is about making a change in the way we handle and navigate the safety of athletes in Australia. The last thing I would want is for another athlete to have to go through what I went through and to suffer the way I did in silence. We must protect the safety of our athletes in Australia and now is the time to make a change.

Please sign this petition in order to expand Sport’s Integrity Australia’s responsibilities to protect all athletes.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012

Thank you so much, @Jumping_Bean. Not just for adding the link, but for bringing it to our attentions in the first place.

My goodness.

I always liked James, and took an interest in how he was getting on. It is so angering to hear what he went through.

And it makes you wonder how many others have been affected.

He makes a very good point. When Katia died, we were told that this was a wake-up call for Australian sport, and that it would be a catalyst for change. There would be more support and protection for athletes. But, by the sound of things, nothing has changed.

I hope things do change, and soon.
