2015 Skate Canada Mens Free Skate | Page 25 | Golden Skate

2015 Skate Canada Mens Free Skate


Feb 9, 2014
Yuzu got the job done! Not perfect, and it's okay. it is not meant to be perfect at the first gp of the season. ;) love the positivity in knc.


Record Breaker
Feb 20, 2013
Brezina was kind of meh. Also, Weak Ankles, what exactly does this mean?

King of Pentacles, when reversed: The dark essence of earth behaving as air, such as a diamond: An unyielding businessman, with a gift for identifying weakness and exploiting it for personal gain. One well informed about material affairs, but ignorant of larger, more pressing issues. A blind devotee of business as usual, unconcerned with the unintended results, and contemptuous of new ideas. A person full of greed and avarice, easily corrupted by luxury or the temptations of the flesh.

(This was what the random tarot card generator spit out for Petrov.)


Sedated by Modonium
Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2010
Nam looks so nervous... oh bless him dear boy! He only got 2 quads planned? Lol... ONLY 2 quad. This is insane!


Final Flight
Feb 18, 2014
I don't care who becomes world champion. I have seen the best man currently skating. Sorry Patrick, you're good, but not as captivating as Yuzuru.

Have to agree! Yuzuru was so fierce today! I was super nervous when he skated, but after his first 2 quads I managed to calm down since he looked so composed while skating today.


Apr 28, 2011
I mean really? Yuzu is so beloved for some strange reason. He can jump, he's doll-baby cute and a spirited competitor, but NOT a complete skater. Quad rep, blind judges, wacky IJS-scoring, and politics are the only excuses for such high scores with errors. PCS should not be that high, and tech is overdone with mistakes too.


v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
SkaterSP TotalFS TES+PCS = TotalTotal Score
Yuzuru HANYU73.2598.35+88.94 = 186.29259.54
Alexander PETROV71.4477.80+72.78 = 149.58221.02
Timothy DOLENSKY62.4683.98+72.62 = 156.60219.60
Michal BREZINA75.4669.06+77.06 = 143.12218.58
Jin Seo KIM68.6457.84+70.36 = 127.20195.84
Sei KAWAHARA67.3665.43+62.42 = 127.85195.21
Keegan MESSING67.1352.54+64.58 = 115.12182.25
June Hyoung LEE47.1951.78+55.08 = 104.86152.05