Coronavirus and the World Championships | Page 27 | Golden Skate

Coronavirus and the World Championships

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Oct 20, 2017
They should ditch the ISU Awards, the opening acts and any other parts of the event that aren't the actual competition.


GS given name - Beatrice
Nov 12, 2012
They should ditch the ISU Awards, the opening acts and any other parts of the event that aren't the actual competition.

Yeah, if they truly push for the event to take place WITH audience coming from all over the world, they should show way more responsibility and precaution measures taken...With this narcissistic ISU Awards show, Red Carpet thing AND Fan Festival planned, they are exposing all people attending, including skaters, to the risk of falling ill.


Record Breaker
Dec 28, 2005
For the ticket holders there should be 4K/60 stream for free. Others may pay or wait for low-res, delayed streams.

Sorry but I would rather have my money back in full. I would never pay that much for a stream especially since I have a streaming service (NBC) already for FS.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Yeah, if they truly push for the event to take place WITH audience coming from all over the world, they should show way more responsibility and precaution measures taken...With this narcissistic ISU Awards show, Red Carpet thing AND Fan Festival planned, they are exposing all people attending, including skaters, to the risk of falling ill.

Oh, yes! I have been so against this Red Carpet and Awards thing that I have been ignoring all talk about it. And it had succeeded to such an extent that I had actually forgotten about them happening! :p

These Awards have been so unpopular with the fans, so this would be the perfect opportunity for the ISU to drop them in a way that they would not lose face. Because, let's face it, they are always adverse to admitting that they have made a mistake.

By the way, your next post will be your 8,000[SUP]th[/SUP]. So, make it a good one! ;) :biggrin:



May 28, 2014
I say the event should be held but with no spectators. It's not a question of "let those who want to risk it go". Spectators converge from all over the world onto a packed arena (at least the ladies washroom will be packed) for no good reason other than to have a good time. One or two carry the virus without knowing it. It's a multi day event and tens or hundreds are transmitted and disperse all over the world with no symptoms. Within 2 weeks thousands of cases erupt and healthcare systems everywhere are overwhelmed, forcing doctors to decide who lives or dies. Just because a bunch of fans want to have a good time? For athletes it's different as it's their livelihood. We all have to play our part, even if ISU proceeds maybe because $, fans and ticket holders should stay away.


Moonbear power šŸ»
Record Breaker
Jul 3, 2018
Lorenzo Magri, Daniel Grassl's coach, expressing his concerns on instagram:

"Dear ISU, dear skating world, I'm out
from Italy since more then 2 weeks
with other Italian coaches and
skaters. In our country the situation
is really bad, I hope you will come
to a decision soon regarding Worlds.
In Europe is clear that not all
country are doing the same kind of
controls, worldwide could be even
worst. I honestly think the risk of
contagion would be huge. We would all
pass through many airports and fly
for hours all sharing the same air.
We would be then in a full arena of
more then 20000 persons sitting so
close. I don't want to see the same
kind of situation all around the
world. Our families are risking so
much, our country is blocked, our
economy collapses because of the
virus. Are we sure we should proceed
competing? I don't have a solution
but I have thousand question and I'm


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
I think the ISU should request if someone's ill that they not come to the event (which frankly unless they are driving there I feel that there is another hiccup like a plane that's likely to stop them), and request fans limit gifts to being packaged items, the gifts can also be picked up via a couple people with sweepers vs. the kids from the local rink. Limit official media interaction with skaters to press conference environments so close proximity is unlikely, and give skaters the option to do the autograph sessions and whatnot where they are interacting closely with fans.

Per news reports, they will be checking temperature with a temp over 38C being allowed in and if anyone has a respiratory illness they will be given masks and put in a separate section.


Jul 29, 2013
Per news reports, they will be checking temperature with a temp over 38C being allowed in and if anyone has a respiratory illness they will be given masks and put in a separate section.

Hmmm ... if my 15 year old daughter has exercise induced asthma, does that mean we are in the seperate section (she uses inhalers on a regular basis)? My guess is yes.

Curious how that will work since those audience members probably purchased a range in ticket levels. Since we got the cheapest, it really makes no difference to us. But if I had purchased primo seats, then that would be different.


Jul 3, 2018
Per news reports, they will be checking temperature with a temp over 38C being allowed in and if anyone has a respiratory illness they will be given masks and put in a separate section.

My understanding is that this is the protocol they intend to use for skaters, coaches, judges, media etc. I don't think they've said whether or how they will screen the general public.


On the Ice
Jan 27, 2008
The Bell Center holds 21,000 people. That does not include volunteers etc. Thats a lot of folks even if half don't show. The temp thing and screening for resp illness is a joke. (I am a nurse and have a bit of experience with this.) It must be inaccurate information. I hope they cancel the event or at least spectators. I am incredibly dissapointed, but at this point I don't want to take the personal risk.


On the Ice
Feb 21, 2016

Reuters March 11, 2020, 3:11 AM GMT+8

(Reuters) - The International Skating Union on Tuesday announced strict requirements, including temperature checks, for attending next week's world figure skating championships in Montreal amid the coronavirus outbreak.

According to a coronavirus information package sent by the sport's governing body to skaters, coaches, officials and media, anyone with a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius or who has acute respiratory symptoms will be denied entry and isolated.

Anyone put in isolation will not be issued an accreditation for the March 16-22 event until they have been cleared by the Canadian Public Health officials.

The ISU also said all accredited persons will have their temperature monitored every second day during the event in order to get into the venue.

During the championships, the ISU has asked attendees to wash hands frequently, avoid shaking hands and kissing, and to dispose of used tissues in a closed trash can.

The information package also included a questionnaire that must be completed and it asks attendees, among other things, their nationality, if they had recently been to a high-risk area for coronavirus or in contact with anyone who has traveled to a high-risk area.

The requirements from the ISU came a day after Quebec Health Minister Danielle McCann said the government is quickly trying to determine whether to allow the championships to go ahead.

Last Saturday, the International Ice Hockey Federation said the women's world ice hockey championship set for to begin on March 31 in eastern Canada was canceled over concerns about the coronavirus outbreak.

(Reporting by Frank Pingue in Toronto; Editing by Toby Davis)

This harks back to what I asked earlier. Two weeks ago, I came back from a city in Italy that had no cases. Next week it will be 3 weeks. When I left Italy it had less cases than, I believe, the US currently has. Assuming Worlds are happening, will I be allowed into the event as a spectator, as per the ISU's current guidelines?


Oct 12, 2019
Just saw this tweet from just a few mins ago by a sports writer in Canada:

Quebec Premier (my prvs tweet said health minister) says decision to be announced today on next week's world figure skating championships in Montreal. Meanwhile, Skate Canada postponed 2 conference calls with Cdn skaters scheduled for today to Friday, with half an hours notice.


On the Ice
Jan 25, 2004
This harks back to what I asked earlier. Two weeks ago, I came back from a city in Italy that had no cases. Next week it will be 3 weeks. When I left Italy it had less cases than, I believe, the US currently has. Assuming Worlds are happening, will I be allowed into the event as a spectator, as per the ISU's current guidelines?

Very frustrating as they don't define how long "recently returned" is. I suspect the Italian skaters fall into the same timing as you do and lots of skaters and fans still to arrive from other countries where numbers will grow daily. I think if held it will be a logistical nightmare for the volunteers and the fans. I have faith that the athletes can be more isolated and checking for symptoms, but its the fans/volunteers I worry about. A man in Sudbury was just diagnosed as positive and he was in Toronto last week for an international conference that had 26000 attendees - so who knows who/how/where he would have caught it - and now how do you find all the people he was in contact with to ask them to self isolate. I am a big fan of don't live your life in fear (of the unknown), but this is a known issue and we know it isn't going away next week. My vote would be to have competition held with just athletes as they are ready and trained to peak now so postponing is not an option.
But since I don't have a vote and the ISU appears to be moving ahead without any good updates for the skating fan world, everyone has to make the choice that is right for them and their families health and well being.


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
I don't think cancelling the event will lessen the chances of the virus entering the country, if that is what they are afraid of. I will be going to Montreal regardless, since I have non-refundable plane tickets. I'm sure others will as well. Has Canada closed its borders to travelers from high risk countries?


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
Hmmm ... if my 15 year old daughter has exercise induced asthma, does that mean we are in the seperate section (she uses inhalers on a regular basis)? My guess is yes.

Curious how that will work since those audience members probably purchased a range in ticket levels. Since we got the cheapest, it really makes no difference to us. But if I had purchased primo seats, then that would be different.

I mean I would be setting aside a few box suits for isolation, especially since they have a private bathroom.
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On the Ice
Dec 12, 2016
I don't think cancelling the event will lessen the chances of the virus entering the country, if that is what they are afraid of. I will be going to Montreal regardless, since I have non-refundable plane tickets. I'm sure others will as well. Has Canada closed its borders to travelers from high risk countries?

Too many rumors and not enough real infoā€¦

The problem with the virus is not "if" but "when". Probably, most of the population everywhere is going to be infected. The majority will have no symptoms but some will need to be hospitalized and a few will need intensive care. No matter where you live, if this happens to too many people at the same time, there will not be enough health facilities to attend all of those in need and the mortality rate will increase a lot. Whoever you are, this could happen to you or your loved ones.

Best thing anyone with tickets can do: listen to the authorities and follow their instructions.


Oct 12, 2019
Seems like we'll be getting another press conference:

A decision on the fate of next week's world figure skating championships in Montreal is expected to be announced later Wednesday.

Quebec Premier Francois Legault said a call is coming shortly on whether the event will go ahead as scheduled March 18-22 at the Bell Centre.

"We are examining, there are chances it will be cancelled," Legault told reporters Wednesday morning in Quebec City. "We should, today, be in a position to make an official announcement."

Source, as of 10:30 Montreal time:


Final Flight
Sep 15, 2017
They should just hold it without an audience, a lot of other sporting events have been doing that. It will be strange but people can't be put at risk at this point. Too many people exposed is bad for high risk groups and outbreaks can overwhelm the healthcare system if they occur.

This I agree.
Other sporting tournaments are still being held cos its Summer Olympic year & the athletes need the tournaments to qualify.
Spectators can watch on tv.
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