Yulia Lipnitskaya | Page 213 | Golden Skate

Yulia Lipnitskaya


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
How fricking epic would it be if she came out and went heavy rocker chick in the SP with this song to send a message to the world.


People in Russia, especially the kids, love 80's rock like this. I actually think its skatable for a rock song. Talk about adding a new identity to her style. At first I was just was joking and sort of :laugh: about the idea but hmm....:think:
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On the Ice
Oct 25, 2014
How fricking epic would it be if she came out and went heavy rocker chick in the SP with this song to send a message to the world.


People in Russia, especially the kids, love 80's rock like this. I actually think its skatable for a rock song. Talk about adding a new identity to her style. At first I was just was joking and sort of :laugh: about the idea but hmm....:think:

OZZY! Maybe she could bite a bat, too!:laugh:


Pray one day we'll open our eyes.
Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
or maybe she need a long rest to forget her LP and prepare a new one for next season?

Maybe. Who knows? She's not going to Worlds, she'll have enough time to prepare new programs. But right now I just want her to rest.


On the Ice
Oct 6, 2014
yulias problems began between the sochi team event and the sochi individuals. the only thing that changed here was the amount of people watching her. after team event she became instant celebrity. thats why i think her problem is simply stage fright. even her description of it is right: ie not being able to feel hands/legs. her skating is fine and the programs are great, but she could use some trips to the sports psychologist.
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On the Ice
May 17, 2014
I agree that things are only gonna get tougher with all those wunder-kind juniors becoming senior eligible. BUT I really believe that if she has her confidence back, she can fight for the top spots. She has the goods, so to speak.
I hear people saying that she has bad technique, personally I don't see that, I'm not an expert though. Does any of you think that her technique is failing her? I'd like to hear some unbiased opinions, those bashing her technique elsewhere have tendency to bash everything about her (you know, her being juniorish, having no musicality, being machine-like etc). Her SP jumps are fine IMO, so it can't be that bad...
On a lighter note: love this threat, it always brings smile on my face. And I'm slowly overcoming my fear of using English in writing. :dance:


Oct 30, 2014
This is a yandex translation of an retrospective article on the Russian Nationals with a little section on Yulia...

You can, of course, to say that nothing extraordinary happened. Pubertal age - period is extremely difficult. If you look at the recent past, it is probably only the Adeline Sotnikova managed to cope with it without great losses. More precisely, its coach Elena Bujanovac, because in the period of a girl growing up as never before the important actions of those who work with the athlete. On the other hand Lipnitsky over the past year has become too prominent figure in women's figure skating and climbed too high to consider this failure is just an unfortunate misunderstanding. Moreover, it was predictable.

A year ago, when Julia became the champion of Europe in Budapest, I noticed in conversation with her mother that they are both very lucky to get to the Olympic season before the restructuring began organism. Daniela replied briefly: "we Have everything under control."

The growth process sportswomen and mother, and the coach then really controlled very tightly - constrained by all means, though not really advertise it. To the extent that at some period in Lipnik, according to her, ate some powder, which was dissolved in kefir.

It was clear that long so can not continue, but "long" and was not required: it was necessary at any cost to bring the athlete to the Olympics, not allowing her body even slightly change - not to spill equipment.

About what can happen with technology jumps when the athlete will begin to grow before the Olympics predicted famous coach and one of the best jumping specialists Viktor Kudryavtsev. In particular he noticed then that hopping technique Lipnitsky rather peculiar: the turns are not so much due to repulsive forces, but rather because of the sharpness of the swing arms, a tight grouping in the air and lightness of the body.

Once in Sochi ended the race of women, Kudryavtsev again remembered the conversation. And repeated:

Even when Julia rode in juniors I noticed that in her repulsion is not actually working the ankle. Even talked about this Sergei Dudakov working with Eteri Tutberidze. Itself Eteri is very private, Sergei in his time was my student, it was easy for me to discuss such issues. In September, when all the girls looked at test skating was also evident that Julia simply don't have enough physical readiness legs to cope with the elements. So there is nothing unexpected in its current presentation, I do not see. Rather, it is entirely appropriate. Another question that really need to pay attention to this period. Maybe even temporarily to facilitate the program. Continue to give the athlete a full load in such a situation is dangerous: you can break it and cannot be restored.


Somewhat related...

ET: That's true. Of course, it is much easier to not put the girls on the scales, not take away their food, not force them jog..

Tutberidze has said that Lipnitskaya has amazing willpower. “I have never seen anything like it,” said Tutberidze. “She can practically not eat anything. When she has to lose weight, all she eats is powdered nutrients, which give her energy. But she manages, thank God. She is intensely driven.”


I think the technique thing is overrated for this season(though I do think she'll need more power in the future and rely less on quick rotation)... Yulia's had boot problems, LP instability, etc... but her diet has been something I've wondered about... and I've wondered whether her powdered diet is failing her or if she's gotten tired of her powdered diet and slipped off...

TBH, I wish Eteri would manage Yulia's social media and internet usage as much as she seems to want to manage her food intake... Yulia's paying attention to people who wish to pay her attention(I realize how ironic it is to say this in a fan thread) may be making her more "self-conscious"(which contributes "stage fright") and less driven because of cheap adulation. I was actually glad when Yulia recently made her instagram private and disappointed when she made it public again. IMO, either Yulia should have someone else manage all of her major social media pages or she should limit her public messages to once a month and as much as she wants after successful public skating outings.
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“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
TBH, I wish Eteri would manage Yulia's social media and internet usage as much as she seems to want to manage her food intake... Yulia's paying attention to people who wish to pay her attention(I realize how ironic it is to say this in a fan thread) may be making her more "self-conscious"(which contributes "stage fright") and less driven because of cheap adulation. I was actually glad when Yulia recently made her instagram private and disappointed when she made it public again. IMO, either Yulia should have someone else manage all of her major social media pages or she should limit her public messages to once a month and as much as she wants after successful public skating outings.

I'm curious as to how you know that someone else besides Yulia isn't managing her social media? I mean...she puts out a public VK post once every few months. Her Instagram account is hardly ever used but when it is how do you know it's not her mom doing it. Sure she is a mod on her fanpage but she rarely comments there and once again we don't know who is actually sending the posts. The other two mods there run the page and in the live chats rarely is Yulia present.

And the powder diet thing is so blown out of proportion and was from years ago and most importantly denied by Yulia herself. I myself go on protein shake diets from time to time to shed a few pounds and increase exercise. My doctor is well aware and says I'm in perfect health and it's less destructive to your body than eating fast food and processed items are. You don't have to substitute actual food to accomplish this and it isn't unhealthy when done properly. Sure maybe she was maintaining her weight more in the years prior and is simply allowing her body to develop more naturally now but you seem to be implying something here and are using words to twist the story into something more than what it may be in reality. I'm sure she eats a more restricted diet than most of us here and works out harder than us. But there is little need for speculation in the matter.

Tutberidze has said that Lipnitskaya has amazing willpower. “I have never seen anything like it,” said Tutberidze. “She can practically not eat anything. When she has to lose weight, all she eats is powdered nutrients, which give her energy. But she manages, thank God. She is intensely driven.”
This is irresponsibly out of context and put together to change the meaning of Eteri's actual words. In short your creating tabloid style :drama:
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Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
Is there more videos from this practice ? Because I saw only this one http://youtube.com/watch?v=I7H9FCRG6To
My wife recorded almost all of Julia's full run-through at that practice. And with much higher quality than the clip you linked. I say "almost all" because although it's in one continuous video, there's a few seconds in it where the video follows Rika Hongo while Julia is "resting".

My wife said its OK to upload it... so I'll find somewhere to put it, and I'll post again when it's done.
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Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
I'd like to see her have her programs choreographed and practiced before her big summer rest on may or June but she needs to keep her jumps in check big time this summer. Maybe do a few shows and in them do the harder jumps and not just 3t's. She can then start training again in July with the programs already complete. Then she can hit a few senior B'a and maybe a Russia cup event before next years GP. She has plenty of time but I don't think too much rest will be a good thing and likely it was partially to blame for this season. I'd rather see her over prepared than ever underprepared again.

I guess my point is her last summer was her chance to rest. Considering her current state she may need to work harder than ever sadly.

I agree but when I say rest I don't meant holidays. I mean rest from the competitions, unplug-it. Take advantage from this long pause from the competitions and fix whatever she needs to fix and prepare in time, or well in advance.


Oct 30, 2014
I'm not going to respond to everything because quite honestly I think you want certain things to be taboo to talk about and there's no point in discussing such things if you feel that way.

And the powder diet thing is so blown out of proportion and was from years ago and most importantly denied by Yulia herself.

It was not from years ago it was just last season of which half was still in this year...

This is irresponsibly out of context and put together to change the meaning of Eteri's actual words. In short your creating tabloid style :drama:

I am not doing anything except quoting a very prominent Russian publication(Russia Behind The Headlines) funded by the Russian government that translates Russian news into English. And there is no "context" to be changed as the words stand on their own.

Yulia has talked about being fatigued all the time...it is ridiculous not to be able to talk about her diet especially with what has been said publicly.

Her Instagram account is hardly ever used but when it is how do you know it's not her mom doing it.

It is completely obvious that she is the one running her instagram and her instagram is not "hardly ever used".

There are people here that think everything will fix itself with extra time off... that she'll be able to get programs she likes, there will be less chaos, and she'll be more focused... I too think that is the likely possible but I also think it is slight possible there are some lifestyle choices imposed upon her and what she chooses herself that will keep her performances down. The fact is that Eteri has never managed a lady skater to adulthood and Yulia's style of skating will be especially hard to navigate.
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On the Ice
Aug 20, 2014
My wife recorded almost all of Julia's full run-through at that practice. And with much higher quality than the clip you linked. I say "almost all" because although it's in one continuous video, there's a few seconds in it where the video follows Rika Hongo while Julia is "resting".

My wife said its OK to upload it... so I'll find somewhere to put it, and I'll post again when it's done.

Oh, we will wait for this!


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
I'm not going to respond to everything because quite honestly I think you want certain things to be taboo to talk about and there's no point in discussing such things if you feel that way.

I personally have no taboo speaking about weight, diet or anything else. On the contrary, I think it's a taboo for those who think that dieting is an eating disorder, or immediately start seeing a problem there. So, I have no problem with discussing this, or anyother problem. However, regarding her diet, we have too few facts (an interview from Eteri?) and too much speculation. But if I have o speculate based on that interview, my opinion is that I find nothing alarming about her diet, from Eteri's interview. It's no different than many other athletes in skating and gymnastics. The majority of elite skaters limit their food. It is just that some will not speak about it, or even say lies. It's the Olympics season, not the off season, so to control your diet it's absolutely normal, and Eteri said that she used it when she needed to lose weight only. Besides, Yulia worked with a nutrionist.

Furthermore Yulia answered to that article on her social network. It was January and posted on FSU:
"Oh! It's an exaggeration. Journalists misunderstood again... I usually have a proper breakfast and lunch, but yes, powder for dinner... or salad. And of course I don't eat cookies and candies. You can't get such physical activity without eating, it's totally ludicrous. And I eat chocolate ))"

Since I was a child till I start working, I had a proper breakfast and lunch, but only yogurt or salad for dinner and I was 100% healthy. I start eating "heavy" during dinner time when I start working, because it was the only time available I had to cook properly. Therefore, I started not having lunch but dinner which isn't the best way to stay healthy. My mom is a doctor and she always used to tell me eat breakfast, the most important thing, lunch, and fruits during the day, but very light dinner.

Anyway, I fail to see how is this related to her problems. Do we have anything to suggest us that she isn't doing well in competitions because she is dieting?

As per her social media comments, don't take this personally, but I seriously think it's freaking weird to analyse, and check, how skaters (or anybody for that matter) manage their social media. Is there anyting wrong going on with her social media? Is she out of the ordinary in that aspect? What's the problem there, exactly? Maybe I'm missing informations here.

There are people here that think everything will fix itself with extra time off... that she'll be able to get programs she likes, there will be less chaos, and she'll be more focused... I too think that is the likely possible but I also think it is slight possible there are some lifestyle choices imposed upon her and what she chooses herself that will keep her performances down.

If you think athletes do not have to impose a different lifestyle choice, from us ordinary people, upon themselves you are bery much mistaken. An in anycase, speaking about her, it's not a mistery:

"Miss Lipnitskaya admitted: 'I have to refuse everything, the things that I like most, I was forbidden. I do not put on high heels at all now. I understand that I need to protect my legs. I would not say that I get tired of restraining. I think of it that if something is impossible, I do not want this."

I don't think things will be fixed on their own, like by somekind of magic wish. I think people can fix their problems, when this is possible of course, with hard work and determination.

The fact is that Eteri has never managed a lady skater to adulthood and Yulia's style of skating will be especially hard to navigate.

Every coach has started with someone. Let's see if she is able to do that with Yulia, shall we?
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Final Flight
Jun 14, 2014
I'm not going to respond to everything because quite honestly I think you want certain things to be taboo to talk about and there's no point in discussing such things if you feel that way.

Sorenkay, I don't want you to feel like you can't come here and state your opinion freely because "We'll just block everything we don't want to hear". That's not the case and I actually enjoyed reading your post!

Regarding her diet:
I agree that it might sound scary to read things like these, that indicate she is stopping her body from developing naturally by depraving it of normal food and living on powder.
But like Alba already wrote this seems to be exaggerated by the media. Yulia herself said that she ate powder only in the evening and it's actually even a very "loose" diet for an athlete of her level.
For example Adelina Sotnikova said that, after seeing herself on film at the GPF she felt like she should lose weight and just skipped meals or didn't eat at all some days. What she did first after Sochi? Eating "tasty things" again.
This sounds actually way scarier than Yulia's thing to me but we can't judge and assume when we only hear such short snippets.

For example I'm doing rhythmic gymnastics on a more or less serious level meaning I do attend German Nationals but I only consider it a serious hobby, not my job and it's not what I see myself doing for a living so school always comes first.
So a far cry from the level of professionalism with which Yulia handles skating.
And still I'm on a diet which is constructed by my coach and I actually do not eat in the evening, drink a lot of protein shakes and also and do not eat chocolate or sth like it at all before competitions.
Which I want to say: to people who aren't on any diet, things always might sound a bit shocking when they really are acceptable when done right.

About social media
I think this is absolutely NOT concerning in Yulia's case.
She doesn't post anything innapropriate, neither does she publish too much privat stuff and most importantly she isn't hunted by some crazy haters like others are. Mainly I see love and support on her social media and it looks like she uses it to bring herself up rather than being brought down.


Final Flight
Nov 30, 2013
I agree that things are only gonna get tougher with all those wunder-kind juniors becoming senior eligible. BUT I really believe that if she has her confidence back, she can fight for the top spots. She has the goods, so to speak.
I hear people saying that she has bad technique, personally I don't see that, I'm not an expert though. Does any of you think that her technique is failing her? I'd like to hear some unbiased opinions, those bashing her technique elsewhere have tendency to bash everything about her (you know, her being juniorish, having no musicality, being machine-like etc). Her SP jumps are fine IMO, so it can't be that bad...
On a lighter note: love this threat, it always brings smile on my face. And I'm slowly overcoming my fear of using English in writing. :dance:

She doesn't have bad technique, elsewhere they just use it to criticize her because they don't like her, just like people who criticize D/R for example for not being what they want to see. Rather than just holding their tongues they just have to chime in as soon as something else goes wrong. At this point, it's definitely mental despite the fact that she's done several perfect triple flips in practice and in the SP she has not landed a single one in the FS, and unlike before she's not fully committing to every jump. You can tell especially in the recent FS that she had already decided not to go for it. As soon as you start to feel doubt you do not have a hope of completing them and regularly popping jumps when she's never done it before means something is off with her viewpoint going into them. I hope now she can relax and sort it out. I will never stop rooting for her because she is the best Ladies skater ever.

I think changing the layout so many times was a mistake. That's easy to say in hindsight though. The triple (f)lutz has always been the most consistent jump for her. Other than the pop at COC FS she has never missed other than at COR. So I think they should have stuck with that. But whatever the problem with the 3F is I am sure she can fix it because she still does nice ones in the SP. All the shenanigans with the team selections were a horrible idea, though. Not sending the European champion and de facto Wrld champion will be a mistake.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
"If it works, you want to continue. If it doesn't, the motivation is even bigger."

I hope she still thinks this way. :)

By the way, regarding the media. Yulia said in an interview with doppio axel, in January, the following about jumps: "Who is going to need you in figure skating, what kind of emotions you will have if you don't have jumps?"

Now, what I heard from Bezic during her performance in the team event?: "Yulia once said, you can't have emotions if you are not perfect technically." :rolleye:

Completely twisting what she said and meant.
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Jun 28, 2014
Not sending the European champion and de facto Wrld champion will be a mistake.

As much as I'm a fan of Yulia, I prefer having her well and rested next season. I can't imagine the amount of pressure she would put in herself to do well if she were sent to Euros and Worlds, not to mention the amount of criticism she would get.

And I do think she has at least a weird technique in her A. Her edge issues in the F and Lz should also be fixed. Just by doing that, 3 out of 6 jumps should be worked on, I would just go ahead and say that if she has time, she should also work in her S :slink:

I wonder, could she spend some time with Mishin in the summer?


Jun 28, 2014
I might be wrong here, but my impression is that she has learned the A like that in order to let her add +3 or +3+2 in the end. Could it be?

Maybe. It is indeed great for the 3T after it, but by itself it is tiny and I'm personally a big fan of big jumps. If she could add height to her smooth landing, it would be fantastic :love:


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Maybe. It is indeed great for the 3T after it, but by itself it is tiny and I'm personally a big fan of big jumps. If she could add height to her smooth landing, it would be fantastic :love:

I like big jumps too and of course it would be great if she could add more height, but the lack of height in jump is the least thing that bothers me in skaters, TBH. Not only for Yulia which I love and I'm a fan of course, but also towards other skaters, like Miyahara or Radionova fo example.
I pay more attention to the height when it comes to men. Although not completely because Voronov's quad is huge, for example,but I'm still bothered that he often has not a good landing.

Now, if you have both height and smooth landing that's ideal. Like Kulik 3A, for example. :love: