2017 GP Skate Canada Ladies FS | Page 76 | Golden Skate

2017 GP Skate Canada Ladies FS


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
Oh and as for the Swans, I'll go with Kaetlyn's. Obviously I'm not a Pogorilaya fan, but I wasn't a fan of Ashley either until her 2016 Worlds free skate. I can be swayed. But today I wasn't. Anna's program even before the meltdown was empty whereas Osmond's is a full package.


On the Ice
Oct 30, 2014
Well, overall SC was a disappointment in terms of what I expected from some of the skaters. My thoughts:

Marin: If only she did well in the SP :sad46: Regardless of her mistakes in the SP, she was my favourite skater here. Her free skate was gorgeous as was her SP (ignoring the mistakes). She should've received higher PCS in both programs imo. I hope she does well next week at CoC now that the pressure of her qualifying to GPF is gone.
Ashley: I'm so eh on her this season. I dont understand why she kept both of her programs from previous seasons. She should've at least gotten a new free program. I still see her going to the Olympics as long as she skates well in her next GP and nationals. Its not like USA has other stand-out choices.
Anna: So sad :( She did really good in the SP and I think we all expected her to do well here as well but alas. I hope she recovers by SA and skates well. I'm not a big fan of her SP, but I think her FP has a lot of potential especially if she performs it pain-free and with more confidence.
Kaetlyn: Sigh..she always does well in the SP and then doesnt in the free skate. I'm glad she kept her SP from last season since it suits her so well but I'm not feeling her FP at all. Maybe I'll warm up to it later on in the season..


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
Kaetlyn: Sigh..she always does well in the SP and then doesnt in the free skate. I'm glad she kept her SP from last season since it suits her so well but I'm not feeling her FP at all. Maybe I'll warm up to it later on in the season..

There was a good discussion right after Osmond's first competition where she skated her free for the first time. It started similar to some comments earlier in this thread - she's not balletic, this is the wrong style for her, the program has not typical Swan Lake choreo... but then someone said, it's not Swan Lake, it's Black Swan.

I think Anna should have gone for a more classic Swan Lake. Hers seems very uninspired right now.


On the Ice
Feb 9, 2014
Just finished watching the event... what a horrible competition for overall skating with so many poor scores. Watching both Anna's and Kaetlyn's swan lakes back to back made me understand Kaetlyn's PCS. Anna's music cuts are so much more mundane with usual edits, and her program felt empty even before the mistakes. Kaetlyn's was a complete program with total character commitment, and I'm excited to see a clean version of it hopefully soon.


Record Breaker
Nov 21, 2015
Just finished watching the event... what a horrible competition for overall skating with so many poor scores. Watching both Anna's and Kaetlyn's swan lakes back to back made me understand Kaetlyn's PCS. Anna's music cuts are so much more mundane with usual edits, and her program felt empty even before the mistakes. Kaetlyn's was a complete program with total character commitment, and I'm excited to see a clean version of it hopefully soon.

With a different judging this would have been actually a fine competition if you consider that Marin Honda, Rika Hongo, Maria Sotskova skated cleanish programs but then you look at the scores and there is something missing...

It was the toughest judging ever except for Kaetlyn Osmond.

Me too i'd like to see a clean free program from her some day.


On the Ice
May 7, 2017
I fell so sad ...I wished so much see Anna in Olympics (Anna or Radio ) . she's injury and that fall was so hard, I can't imagine the pain , but she got up and did the possible.

Health is a priority, she has to recover from her injury, and especially from her insecurity. I really want her to recover.

I sincerely believe that the general event was a disaster. Nor can I understand why Maria's combination is <. Her Tano Lutz looked so huge and rotated. And her GOE, she is not receiving the credit in her Entrances, her variations and landing, she deserved at least +2, but she had many 0 and 1. I don't understand it. I can only criticize her crossover, I think that if he adds more skating on one foot + using the upper part of her body, she might receive some more credit. I want her to change her dress, and in the next season, choose music with more accents, another style.

Osmond: I really think she ran a good SP, but I can't say the same for her FS. She had a good expression, but too much crossover, transitions not well achieved, and her Entrances and exits are basic. I like her height in the jumps and her speed, but the program is really basic in Bv, and she could not execute it. If she wants to fight for Olympic gold, she should work on her FS more.

It really was a miracle that Ashley has executed an "acceptable" Fs, and that her opponents have failed. But those are the rules of the game, the mistake of your opponent IS your advantage.
Marin, she is so delicate, so young, but so elegant. I really believe that she was very underscored in her PCs, that girl has an undoubted natural art.

Kailani I like her very much, her 3Loop look good, I hope she keeps learning more combinations, she has a lot of sympathy and charisma, and talent, of course.
And that is all I can say . I still don't recover because of Pogo, I'm really worried about her injury.


Final Flight
Nov 19, 2015
Oh and as for the Swans, I'll go with Kaetlyn's. Obviously I'm not a Pogorilaya fan, but I wasn't a fan of Ashley either until her 2016 Worlds free skate. I can be swayed. But today I wasn't. Anna's program even before the meltdown was empty whereas Osmond's is a full package.

I think this program needs a lot more choreography, connecting steps and better connection to the crescendos. It was pretty lackluster for me. I'll give her a pass since it's so early in the season.

Ashley's was much more memorable.


Final Flight
Jan 10, 2014
Ashley's said that she knows she can't compete technically and so she's focusing on her artistic scores. And today she did.

Was it her best skate ever? Hardly. But this was such a mess of a free skate event, and I am not surprise (and I'm happy) that she got the bronze.

Other skaters didn't skate their best; it's that simple.

Marin's long program was lovely but again, her scores from the short doomed her.

I loathe Courtney Hicks choice mod usic. I love the song, but as a free skate? No thank you.

The Lolita song/Heart belongs to Daddy program felt icky to me. Like, seriously icky.

Kaitlyn's skate was wonderful, but again, not her best skate. I'm surprised the judges weren't harsher, given her falls.

Pogo needs to sit out this season or retire. I feel like she peaked when she won her world medal. She doesn't look happy when she skates. f her conversation with her coach is true- as it seems it is- she needs to find someone else immediately.

At the next GP, I will be very interested to see who is on the judging panel, how they score, and how the woman skate.

(and yes, I don't like it's still "The Ladies." We don't have "The gentlemen." Let's do men and women).


Record Breaker
Nov 21, 2015
At the next GP, I will be very interested to see who is on the judging panel, how they score, and how the woman skate.

My prediction: it will be much better, we'll hope that they learned something but it's not.

This has been the judging at Skate Canada of the past 5-6 years at least: incredibly harsh for everybody except the top canadian, few americans and few other top skaters. (very rare exceptions like Evgenia last season, or Shoma Uno this season)

For a non canadian skater it's possibly the worst event: think about Marin Honda, with this score her chances to qualify for the GPF are basically gone and possibly even the Olympics.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
That's not true at all. Between 2007-2010 the tech panels DID throw many < calls around and it was really horrendous because at that point in time a < call meant the same as a << call. Many times people did not agree with the calls in the first place and competition results were constantly being drastically influenced, with audiences left bewildered, giving them yet another reason to turn away from the sport. There were huge, constant outcries and it resulted in two different levels of underrotation calls being put in place, the < and << we have now.

The tech panel here did not judge "hard", they judged WRONG. 5 underrotation calls for Rika Hongo is so absolutely absurd, especially on the first two jumps they called. I would have only called her 3Loop, the rest were right there within the limit and were not given the benefit of the doubt. Karen Chen's Lutz should not have been called and her Flip appears exactly 1/4 short when looking closely, so that too should not have been called, especially since she pre-rotates it less than other skaters when considering "benefit of doubt"! Marin Honda's 3Toe combo was also not more than 1/4 short. Maria Sotskova's Lutz should not have been called either, that was so random.
It is very discouraging for skaters and for fans of the sport. I sometimes do wonder whether their understanding of the rules is not awry in cases of certain callers, like if they find out let's say some little underrotation 30-40 degrees then for them it's already < no matter what forgetting about the fact that it must be more than 90 (or 90 I don't exactly remember) degrees short. I'd like to see more consistency and transparency in that, they should give benefit of doubt if they are in two minds. What if they simply come up with bogus calls and measure in some wrong way too?


Nov 24, 2006
Poor Anna Pogo. Even before the falls she was just skating through the music. No energy or heart. I hope she retires. It's too painful to watch her now.


Record Breaker
Oct 30, 2012
Anna didn't really skate, she was barely managing; that does not really make Kaetlyn's program better: the program looks very basic to me even without the fall. I give credits to her makeup and outfit. But neither Anna or Kaetlyn expressed nuance of the music.

Oh and as for the Swans, I'll go with Kaetlyn's. Obviously I'm not a Pogorilaya fan, but I wasn't a fan of Ashley either until her 2016 Worlds free skate. I can be swayed. But today I wasn't. Anna's program even before the meltdown was empty whereas Osmond's is a full package.


Mar 3, 2014
To those asking about the conversation between Anna and her coach. First of all it appears they have a very honest but sadly not that encouraging relationship (but hey, maybe she needs the tough love, who knows). From what I recall, the coach told Anna that maybe she should practice more run-throughs of the entire program, as she only started doing them a week ago and not often enough. It seems the coach thinks Anna's not putting in enough effort. She also mentioned that Anna should gather more speed as she skates because she jumps with no speed, on the spot, and just generally seems dead on the ice. And yeah, she said that if Anna continues like that, she won't go with her. She probably said some other stuff but I can't recall.

My opinion: that's really harsh, but I can't say that it's untrue. I don't necessarily think Anna needs to change coaches, she probably has other issues mentally that she needs to take her of, maybe see a phychologist or something, because she really needs to sort some things out (her confidence mainly). The coach could've been more... I dunno, nice? :frown: But it's their relationship.

Anna's coach has always come off as uncaring and unfeeling to me. Seriously that did not seem like that great of a time to be so direct. U are right, Anna may need a psychologist to help her with her confidence, but her coach needs to either chill out or add someone to the team that can add a little comfort to the skater.


Sedated by Modonium
Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2010
I hope Lakernik does some house cleaning.

How did you know he hasn't done it already. Putting the most strict technical panel on potential rival's GP wouldn't be the first time. It will be interesting to see if it happens to NHK again and the rest of the GP series.


Final Flight
Sep 25, 2016
I agree with most of your post. The judging was fine and so is the final order. Marin didn't do herself any favors in the SP yesterday, but had absolutely nothing to lose today and did great. 10th to 3rd is a big deal. The fact she is not on the podium is IJS and math, nothing else. The judges today had her in 3rd and the panel had her in 1st (BV). She was probably hurt a little by the fact she skated in the first group - and first in the group no less. Just goes to confirm - "you cannot win a competition in the short program, but you sure can lose it".

Kaetlyn and Ashley's PCS are fine. People keep forgetting that elements which form PCS simply do not translate thorough screens and it is a whole different thing when you see it live in the arena. To me Sotskova's score if awfully close to Ashley's, but I know better than to go on a rant about it. I wasn't there.

Kaetlyn, Ashley and Carolina have that certain something that comes with age and that the younger skaters like Mihara, Medvedeva or Honda (all of whom I like very much) do not have yet. They will, in a few years.

However I am not the least gutted for Anna. Honestly I'd be at peace if she - at any point in the past or future - did what Gracie did and openly stated she was dealing with personal things (it doesn't even have to be depression or anything specific). Then I'd probably salute her for still trying and competing. But without that all I see is a brat who treats a competition like a practice. I even think she should get deductions for excess in interruption considering how long it takes her to get up and continue skating. Everybody falls, but when you fall in competition you pick yourself up and you finish your skate. You do NOT skate around in a circle for five seconds. You do not slowly fix your glove. You do not stop and ponder what to do next. That is poor sportsmanship. You get up and finish your program because there's an arena full of people who came to see you skate.

I'm also not buying the "she does everything with maximum speed and height so her falls hurt more". So do Yuzuru and Kaetlyn, to name just two. You don't see them sulking after each fall. This wasn't a one time thing, this is now typical Pogorilaya behavior. The world doesn't owe you competition spots, clean skates and perfect scores all the time. You need to learn how to deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian fed replaced her with another skater for Skate America.

That is extremely harsh and honestly makes me quite angry. Some people prefer to keep the state of any illnesses they have private, especially mental illness since there is still stigma around that in many cultures, and imo they should be allowed to without being accused of being a brat. Opinions like yours make it all the more difficult to deal with or admit to an illness.


Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2014
Guys none of Laurine’s or Marin’s FS videos are working for me. Everyone else’s is fine but on Laurine’s and Marin’s I get some kind of regional block notification or something. Is there a non-youtube version somewhere?

Edit: Found a dailymotion version of Marin’s, but can someone post a link to Laurine’s please? :)


Feb 17, 2010
I like that Kathlyn work and improve her posture for this program, the improvement from autumn classic is already could be seen.

Some of Maria's jumps look UR, but first Lutz??? :unsure: The second Lutz look worse. BTW, I think the problem with her program is music cut not performance.

Why all Marin's video are blocked?